ooc: CW! - mentions scar on missing eye/light body gore

former kittypet/rogue from twolegplace looking to join

since he was a rogue feel free to recognize him! he wasn't the nicest of cats either so a negative reputation can follow any memories of him​

In the heart of the slums, beneath the midday sun, a rugged tomcat roamed, his once pristine white and orange pelt now adorned with an array of stains. The edges of his fur carried tales of adventures, clinging to fragments of wood and blades of grass from a previous skirmish. Triumphant, he had bested a barn cat for a mouse morsel, relishing in the memories of his recent exploit.

Now, his mind set on a new path. Dog needed to get out of the clutches of twolegs and try out the local weirdos. The whispers around the neighborhood said a large group of cats called 'skyclan' lived beyond the fences in the woods. Whatever that was Dog wanted in. The charm of begging for scraps and rooting through trash had worn thin, and after being rejected twice, he refused to grovel again. The bitter memories of his wicked, wrinkled former owner fueled his determination to start anew, where the assurance of sustenance and shelter was not a total loss.

With mucky, off-white paws, he trotted through the two-leg's domain until the towering white fences of Skyclan's territory came into view. As he caught the intermingling scents wafting from beyond the border, he knew he had arrived. The fabled Skyclan awaited, and he yearned to make his mark among them. His one blue eye gleamed with curiosity, while the missing left eye bore the weight of his past, marked by a deep scar - a testament to his resilience.

A dingy green collar, bereft of any tags, adorned his neck, a reminder of his human past. Yet, he was no longer a pet. He was a cat who sought purpose and belonging, and Skyclan offered the chance for both. With an agile leap, he cleared the human fence, determined to get to the other side. Eventually his paws met the tall grass, and he proceeded to wait patiently, hoping to catch the attention of a Skyclan cat.
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Over the course of her life, Orangeblossom has spent several moons tracing trails along the twolegplace border. Exploring with her parents and siblings as a kit; meeting with Slate periodically; meeting Blazestar for the first time. Chattering with kittypet friends and loners alike. Carrying out border patrols, as a warrior and then as a deputy.

Today is somewhat different; with no border patrol assigned to her, the sunkissed molly meanders through SkyClan's sparse undergrowth with an escort. It's hard to keep her in camp for long nowadays, perhaps itching to return to duty even more than her kits are excited to leave the nursery. @SLATE , thankfully, seems willing to humour her on these walks.

Movement catches her eye, ginger-and-white dropping down from one of the fences that edge their territory, and she stiffens; as does Slate beside her. A ginger and white tom, from what she can see. Despite the difference in their pelts she's surprised by his resemblance to Thistleback; scarred and feral, all sharp teeth and sparkling eyes, but with a twoleg collar hanging loose around a strong neck.

Unafraid, the deputy strides from the bushes; an average-sized cat, warrior's physique softened by time with her kits and time spent away from training, but brimming with confidence that lifts her scarred muzzle high to meet this stranger's blue stare. "This is SkyClan land. If you've no business here I advise turning around."

  • orangeblossom.png
    orangeblossom. tags.
    — she/her, skyclan deputy.
    — mentor to eveningpaw.
    — attack in #e08550. uses trees as an integral part of her fighting style.
    — mean enough to note that her thoughts don't reflect my opinions as a writer haha.
    — penned by mercibun; @ me in any official tabbytales discord for plots. :]
    — art by merc!<3
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SORREL — she’s been living on the highest shelf.
She had been an apprentice for over a moon now, though it all felt like it was going by too fast. Her days were a blur of training, chores, and what little mischievous fun she could find.
It was a good blur though, the kind that made her only that much more excited for her future.
Despite all the good things that came with her step up the social ladder, she still desperately missed her nest in the nursery with Orangeblossom and all of her siblings, so when she unexpectedly spots her adoptive mother on the border, the cinnamon apprentice is practically beaming as the patrol she was assigned to begins heading in her direction.
She comes in hot, parking at her mothers side in an almost comical fashion, ready for the others attention.
Yet, it never really came- and that was because of the strange cat also parked in front of them.
Admittedly, Sorrelpaw could not be more lost on what was going on here, but her mother stood firm and professional, so the apprentice valiantly followed in her pawsteps.
"Yeah! What she said!" The apprentice echoes, confident in her self-offered aid.

// mentor tag @HOUNDHEART


The scarred orange and white tom, waited patiently at the border of Skyclan territory, his one good eye scanning the surroundings while his ears remained alert. As the wind tickled his cheek, he noticed two cats emerging from the bushes – a she-cat whose pelt resembled his own and a robust black tom. The expression on the molly's face indicated that she meant business, so Dog knew he had to tread carefully to make a good impression.

His concentration was side tracked briefly at the arrival of a smaller feline. Dogs brow went up as the cinnamon cat chimed in and a twinkle of amusement glowed in his gaze. Refocusing he took a deep breath, and responded.

"Hello there," Dog meowed, his voice steady yet respectful with an added 'mrrp' of intrigue. "My apologies I do have good intentions despite trespassing. My name is Dog, and I am seeking a new place to call home, if, of course, I meet your clan's standards."

He dipped his bedraggled head politely to the three cats and continued, "I heard tales of Skyclan from local cats near twolegplace, and I believe I could be of use. You see, I've lived as a rogue for a long time, and I've honed certain skills and experiences that might benefit Skyclan."

Despite his rough exterior, Dog focused on maintaining a calm demeanor, hoping that his words would convey his genuine intentions and alleviate any concerns the Skyclan cats might have about his presence in their territory. He knew he wasn't the kindest or gentlest tom around, but he prided himself on appearing as honest as possible.
Slate, truthfully, had been glad to accompany the deputy on a stroll. It was no secret that Orangeblossom needed fresh air and a break from rearing kittens and bringing along a giant like him could only ensure extra protection against the dangers that could potentially await them near the borders. Twolegs, dogs, rogues...

Speaking of rogues, an unknown cat stands ahead of him and Ora. Only, as he comes to find out, this cat isn't so unfamiliar after all. Amber eyes narrow into slits as the appearance of this tom jogs his memory; of the many unsavory cast of characters in the city, this was definitely one of them. Slate can't recall directly scrapping with this fellow, though they may have exchanged some unfriendly words in passing while patrolling their respective turfs.

"I know you." The hulking brute grunts, about as unmannerly as he always was. "Lookin' for a new home, or just lookin' for easy meals?" Obviously he's had no luck getting food from twolegs, judging by the dingy old collar that donned his neck. Was SkyClan just a last resort for him now that the streets were growing more competitive? Slate knows the trials endured while living on the streets; the feral instinct of hoarding resources, the hunger that wracks your belly when a meal was hard to come by. He wouldn't put it past this tom for simply wanting a comfy nest, a change of scenery, and fresh-kill to mooch off of.

A sneer forms upon a broad maw. "Things here are different than they are on the streets. Y'gotta either pull your weight or get lost." A condescending gaze is extended toward the one-eyed male before he adds, "... If you're up to that." And I'll hold you to it. Slate had been a rogue himself, for stars' sake! He knew first-hand that many city dwellers weren't exactly trustworthy characters. A hypocritical way of thinking, perhaps, but he at least had some sort of tie to the clan that would ensure his dedication — his brother. This cat, as far as they currently knew, had no real reason to want to join SkyClan.

He looks to Orangeblossom with a grimaced look that says "Do we really have to let him in?" There were so many cats that he had to deal with already; if any more new faces weaseled their way past the borders and into the ranks then his head might explode.

// ic opinions of course but welcome in!! >:3
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With a casual wave of his tail, Dog's eyes landed on the massive tom, and he maintained an air of politeness. He appraised the imposing figure before him, trying to recall any past encounters, but only finding elusive glimpses in his memory. There was a faint crack in Dog's tough exterior, but he was far from careless; he concealed it beneath a cloak of composure, though a hint of irritation pricked at his fur 'Looks like whispers of my reputation have arrived before me...'

"I remember you as well." He continued, taking a small sniff of the air and ignoring the skyclanners sneer. "It seems both of us have dealt with the life of a rogue, where struggle and battles defined us." He felt it was vital to present his case convincingly.

The first cat exuded an air of seriousness, but this one, he sensed, was a different breed altogether—a formidable force he couldn't underestimate. Unwilling to negotiate, Dog assumed a resolute expression, each word carefully weighed and delivered.

"Hunger and bruises have been my daily. I seek no easy path, only a place to belong, far from the dingy alleys tainted with Twoleg waste." As he spoke, Dog raised his nose high, then lowered it with measured confidence, punctuating his words with a flick of his tattered ear.

"I'm eager to learn, adapt, and embrace the challenges that lie ahead." His final sentiment carried a touch of challenge, not to offend but to affirm the depth of his resolve.

As the exasperated black tom's gaze shifted, Dog followed it to the one who had first approached him—the white and orange molly. It was clear she held the decision in her paws. Dog wouldn't grovel for acceptance, but he allowed a glimmer of hope to shimmer in his icy gaze, poised for her response.
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If one thing is certain, Sorrelpaw's extra moon flitting between the nursery and the healers' den has done her good in learning not to barrel directly into other cats. Affection fans briefly across Orangeblossom's muzzle as her adoptive daughter comes to a sudden halt, more with a spray of soil now than the rump-over-whiskers display of her kittenhood. Houndheart must have taught her that one.

"Orangeblossom." She introduces herself in turn with a twitch of her ears, and then gestures to the SkyClanners who have so far revealed themselves. "This is Sorrelpaw, Slate, Houndheart."

A grunt comes from a step behind her, and Orangeblossom's ear twitches; as per usual, slate is the more aggressive one in this encounter with a stranger. Seems like they know each other, but it doesn't look like they know each other as well as he and Silversmoke had; which is great, because Orangeblossom isn't in a particular mood to mediate his more violent tendencies. She watches the interaction idly- but guarded, in case she needs to step in and tell him to back off. Thank StarClan, she does not, but she catches the glance her old friend throws in her direction. I know, I know.

Dog's blue eyes turn back in her direction, solemn but with a tinge of hope, and Orangeblossom blinks at him. He says he's willing to learn, but what does he know about them? What rumours have the Twolegplace cats shared, and which ones are true? She can only hope that the tales of SkyClan's shelter bust had reached this tom's ears.

"To become a SkyClanner is to accept a very different kind of hardship to what you've known. You'll no longer be living for just yourself, but for every other cat in this Clan, and it is not something you can just abandon if you don't like it. There is a chance you will be injured or potentially killed when other Clans come clawing at our borders, and as a warrior you will be expected to defend them." Blazestar's unmoving body flashes before her eyes for a moment and she blinks rapidly to dispel it. A breath. "Does this change your decision?"

  • orangeblossom.png
    orangeblossom. tags.
    — she/her, skyclan deputy.
    — mentor to eveningpaw.
    — attack in #e08550. uses trees as an integral part of her fighting style.
    — mean enough to note that her thoughts don't reflect my opinions as a writer haha.
    — penned by mercibun; @ me in any official tabbytales discord for plots. :]
    — art by merc!<3
He turns and nods to each cat as Orangeblossom introduces themselves and the others. Silently Dog calculated his own opinion's on each individual. This would certainly be an interesting challenge for him. Suddenly, the air grew thicker and the moment called for silence as the she-cat spoke. Eager to hear an answer his whole body directed towards her.

Dog, in turn, proceed to listen attentively her words, taking in the weight of the message. He understands that this is not a decision to be taken lightly and that he must prove his commitment to Skyclan. He briefly contemplates the risks he might face. It would be a challenge to genuinely care for others but he could tolerate it. Easily he remains resolute in his desire for a fresh start and a sense of belonging.

After a moment longer of consideration, Dog nods solemnly and replies, "I appreciate your honesty and the gravity of your intentions, Orangeblossom. I am happy to accept your words as facts and it does not change my mind."

The scarred tom paused a moment before continuing. "While I may not fully comprehend the depths of the challenges that await, I am willing to embrace this new path. I've been on my own for a long time, and I'm ready to be a part of something greater than myself." Sucking in a breath the anticipation started to buzz in the back of his mind.

His one good eye gleaming with determination while awaiting her response, hoping that his sincerity and willingness to learn will be enough to earn him a spot. Even if it wasn't the whole truth Dog could convince himself enough to perform in his role adequately.
"Then as deputy, I welcome you to SkyClan." Orangeblossom dips her head politely. She then tips her head in the direction opposite to the twoleg fence, indicating she'd like Dog to follow, and takes a couple of steps that way. Slate is welcome to do as he'd like, though Orangeblossom knows he's likely to follow suit. At a guess, his logic would likely be something along the lines of: despite knowing she's capable as anything, leaving her alone with a stranger that has a rough reputation might invite trouble. Houndheart's patrol is welcome to return to their duty at their leisure.

As they pick their way through the sparse undergrowth, Orangeblossom careful not to snap twigs or brittle leaves and startle prey, she continues her explanation: "We'll go back to camp now, you can introduce yourself to our leader Blazestar, and we'll set you up with a nest. You'll shadow a warrior for a couple of moons to lean SkyClan's ways, then, provided you learn well, you may be given an apprentice of your own. Any questions so far?"

  • orangeblossom.png
    orangeblossom. tags.
    — she/her, skyclan deputy.
    — mentor to eveningpaw.
    — attack in #e08550. uses trees as an integral part of her fighting style.
    — mean enough to note that her thoughts don't reflect my opinions as a writer haha.
    — penned by mercibun; @ me in any official tabbytales discord for plots. :]
    — art by merc!<3
A sense of relief falls over him, like a small victory parading in his chest, as Orangeblossom accepts him. "Thank you." As Dog responds, a slight rasp can be heard in his voice as his snaggled fangs peek from beneath his upper lip.

He tries to contain the excitement building within him, standing up on command, all four legs pumping with intent as Dog eagerly follows the she-cat. His gaze cool fixated on her left side.

As Orangeblossom leads the way through the shrubbery, Dog can't help but feel a tad exasperated by her expectations. It's not that it seemed difficult, but that it was a lot of new information to take in at once. The bi-colored tom does his best to understand it all. Now meeting the leader later on was a touch more intimidating, but Dog wasn't one to back down from a challenge.

Crunching through a small pile of leaf litter, Dog continues a steady pace with the deputy, determined to make a lasting impression on the Clan and prove his worth as early on as possible.

However, he can't help but ponder the possible role of mentoring an apprentice. In Dog's personal opinion, it was a waste of energy. He wasn't quite sure what the hype was about. Having to watch some other cat's kit and making sure they don't break the rules felt more like an obligation that might hinder his own progress. The only possible perk he could internally reason would be having someone to delegate the tasks he dreads.

This thought sparked some humor, and a faint amused sound leaks into his breathy response. "No questions yet, but in a day or so, I'm sure I'll have an endless amount." He huffs softly, hoping to lighten the mood and establish a friendly rapport with the group.

After all, they would all be working closely together from now on, and a bit of camaraderie couldn't hurt.