rolling in the deep ;; resting

The smell of herbs wafts through the warm air as Fireflypaw lays outside of the medicine den, cobwebs covering his upper face. The skin there was sensitive to touch, but it was nothing compared to the swelling. His chin rests on his paws, basking in the warmth of the sun. Would he look ugly, when the wound was healed? Would Greenpaw and Sparrowpaw look at him with disgust, turning their heads away from him? Would his siblings blame their father for this? Would they blame him, for being so horrible at fighting? With his massive size, could he have done something different? Thrown his paws around like a desperate banshee?

A soft hum leaves the apprentice's lips as he pulls himself from the gnawing guilt, the blame. He would never see the stars again. Would he lose his connection to Her, then? His ears swivel around as he hears pawsteps, then a weight close to him. He's used to not being able to see well, but to lose his sight completely felt.. Odd. At least his eyes wouldn't hurt anymore, right? Right?

"How are you feeling?" He asks, softly.
"I don't think I've been this bored in my entire life." Orangeblossom huffs, easing herself down beside Fireflypaw with a careful crouch, folding her paws underneath her furry form. He'd had his cobweb-covered face pointed towards nothing in particular, leading the deputy to believe that he was staring - well, no, not that. Lost in thought. "I feel fine, though, but not hungry as I thought I would. I have no idea how you stay in camp for most of the day, Fi."

  • orangeblossom.png
    orangeblossom. tags.
    — she/her, skyclan deputy.
    — mentor to eveningpaw.
    — attack in #e08550. uses trees as an integral part of her fighting style.
    — mean enough to note that her thoughts don't reflect my opinions as a writer haha.
    — penned by mercibun; @ me in any official tabbytales discord for plots. :]
    — art by merc!<3

Sparrowpaw had been horrified when Fireflypaw had been ushered back to camp, face bloodied. The fluffy tom helped to take care of them when their side burned with a fresh wound. They helped others, took away their pain. It hadn't ever once crossed their mind that they could be the one hurt.

Restless claws plucked at the ground beneath them where they lay, the tabby occasionally flashing glances toward the sheltered den where Fi was certainly being treated. Despite the fear clenching in their belly, they did their best to assure themself that their friend would be okay.

At some point, in their attempts to not worry, they had become distracted. They weren't sure how much time had passed, but the sight of the pale tom laying outside the medicine den with Orangeblossom at their side had their heart skipping beats in their haste to get to their paws. With an odd, hopping gait somewhere between a swift walk and a trot they hurried over.

"Fi!" Their voice betrayed their desperation as they stopped short before him. The cobwebs... their heart twisted. Quickly they settled down on his other side, opting to press into the tom's flank. "Does it- are you okay? Does it hurt?"



Mallowlark had tried to stay out of the way- SkyClan's medicine cat apprentice with bramble-claws to the eyes, weeping blood, was not a sight he had expected to witness. He'd choked down any involuntary sond- the bubbling pity that had raked through his throat, threatening to burst out in some uproar, be it an appropriate noise or not. Fangs had fastened, then- locked, settled zig-zag in his grin. Turned away, he had removed himself then. Unneeded, unwanted. A raked-out eye was a sight he'd seen, carved by the Moor queen herself; there had been nothing to glean from nosiness or crowding.

Now, voices buzzed nearby- the worm-tail of a mouse hung unceremoniously from the thick-furred tom's maw, recently caught and ready to be dropped. Though- Fireflypaw, cobweb dressed... it would be good to give him first pickings, wouldn't it? And maybe he'd leave him the giblets... bones to be stacked or sun-bleached, perhaps.

"You hung'wy?" Asked cheery-toned but muffled through the iron-grip of his hold, slate-grey eyes stared statuesque and wide at the medicine cat apprentice. Patient, he was impossibly still, smile pushing the boundaries of his face. He'd hear the breadth of his smile in his voice, of course... accommodating friendliness tenfold, the key to being liked.
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SORREL — she’s been living on the highest shelf.
Where Orangeblossom went, it seemed the tawny bundle of fur traipsing behind her was not long to follow.
"You wouldn’t be bored if you played mossball with me!" Sorrelkit huffs, still not quite grasping the need for the flame deputies need to rest. Still, she sits contently at the older mollys resting forepaws, resting her own pair on top of one as she settles down herself.
It’s only after a lengthy yawn does she notice Fireflypaw’s web-patched face, her ears perk with a tilt of her head in curiosity, she’s itching to ask something about it of course, but the tone that both Orangeblossom and Sparrowpaw take on is enough to tell the juvenile sleuth to hush up about it.
When Mallowlark arrives Sorrelkit gives an excited wave towards her friend. "I am!" She voices, her room-reading only extending so far.


Orangeblossom's call of boredom is one he agrees with- Dawnglare had been tending to him well enough in the medicine den, making sure he was properly taking care of himself. Had he done something to be useful since beginning his journey as a medicine cat apprentice? No, he hadn't- Fireflypaw had done next to nothing to help out his mentor other than collect cobwebs and sticks when needed. He hadn't even learned the proper name to an herb yet! He scrunches his brows as Sorrelkit marches over, her voice startling him slightly- he was still getting used to the scent of kits, but he could separate the smell of Sorrel from the rest. She smelled faintly of Orangeblossom's scent from how much time she spent with her.
"Maybe another time, Sorrelkit- Orangeblossom seems a bit tired. How about you sit with us?" Meows the apprentice, unsure of how to deal with kits so young- he'd been around Mushroompaw when she was a kit, but she'd been apprenticed late; her age made her more mature than the kits in the nursery. His own siblings were his own age when they were kits, so his experience was.. Lacking, to say the least. Hopefully that would change with the coming of new litters this newleaf.

The sound of his name being called snatches his attention before he can finish what he was going to respond to Ora with, though he doesn't mind it due to the person who's voice it belonged to. Sparrowpaw settles in on his other side almost instantly after, and Fi leans into the touch gratefully. He's always been one to accept physical comfort; if anything, it comforted him more than anything else. They worry over him, and Fireflypaw's head swivels to face them with a gentle, yet tired smile. Wanting to dispel any worries they may have, Firefly bumps his cheek against Sparrow's own. "I'm okay. It hurts a little, but Dawnglare says I'll be fine." It's not like I can die anyways. This was just an accident. He thinks to himself, resolute. His paws knead the ground anxiously as he awaits a scolding from someone, but nobody comes forth to do so. Instead, Mallowlark arrives and offers him what smells like mouse. His mouth waters, though his hesitance to accept anything from his mentor's mate drives him insane. Would it be giving in, if he accepted the fresh-kill? He can hear breathing around the mouse, muffled yet clear. "How about we share it?" He offers awkwardly, gesturing with a paw to the space in front of him. He was probably grinning wide right now, teeth sharp and pointy- menacing look to his innocuous demeanor.

You stole my mentor from me, The thought passes through his brain, but he finds no comfort in shoving it down. If anything, hearing Mallowlark's voice makes the paranoia worse. A wind abruptly sweeps past his form, a reminder of Her; that she hadn't abandoned him. She was ever present, though far from his eyes- the grass a reminder beneath his paws. "I appreciate you guys coming to check on me," He smiles towards the group. "..But I'm okay. I could have fought harder, or fought at all. I panicked, is all. He wasn't that much smaller than me and yet I.. Froze up."