backwritten ROMANCE THE DEAD ♱ cedarbark


eternally ♱ 6.10.2024
May 20, 2023

♱—— Uncommonly, Cygnetstare is in camp for once. Their crescent-moon form is sprawled, relaxed for once, in one of the camp's pools of shadow with which they are as familiar as a pool shark is with the banks. The cause of it is evident on their form—a sunburn, blessedly light, graces their cheeks and nose like the blush of a bride, making her appear perpetually flushed. It is mildly painful, but it's not an unfamiliar pain, and this one is thankfully so light it's barely there; she expects it to be gone by the next morning. Still, they do not want to risk any further wrath from the blazing greenleaf sun, and as such have retired to camp for the day.

Also uncommonly, they are both at peace and at rest. It is before the battle is even a dream in their mind; her neck is pure and unblemished, without the gaping wound that will grace it in coming days. The air is pleasantly warm on their shorter black pelt, but a nice greenleaf breeze ruffles the fur that grows shaggier on her moon-pale portion. The slightest hints of sun twinkle in pale berry-juice eyes, and for once, perhaps she almost looks normal; beautiful, even. A beauty often concealed by greasepaint smiles and protruding ribs. And she is at peace, unbothered by the presence, of another. For now.

  • ooc: retro to skyclan battle announcement & the battle itself! @cedarbark :)
  • 6Uj5HPz.png
  • ♱ cygnetstare — for their downy kitten-fur and perceptiveness (or uncanny gaze)
    she/they ; afab gender apathetic — windclan — tunneler — 16 ☾s
    —— cygnetstare is a corpselike chimera, split between long albino fur and a short black smoke pelt; their eyes are an unsettling pink. her creepy demeanour distracts from a strange fascination with death and an obsessive loyalty to windclan.
    —— smells like grave-dirt and blood ; sounds like vc tbd ; speech in #BF959C, thoughts in #000000
    —— peaceful / healing powerplay permitted ; attacks/contact in underline ; will start fights ; won't flee unless ordered ; won't show mercy ; will kill or maim
    —— pansexual panromantic monogamist, single, not looking ; open to friendships, enemies, casual interactions, long-term romance, plotting ; not open to unplanned battles, flings
    penned by dejavudesklamp9 on discord for plots

    YES: injuries, scarring
    ASK: maiming, permanent injuries
    NO: killing
    — Small and skinny, hiding sinewy muscle in forelegs and chest from digging. Skilled offensive fighter but limited by size, defense is basically nonexistent; snakelike agility fighter, faster than she looks and slippery. Will try to climb on and move around larger opponents to inflict damage. Extremely brutal despite her size and will always aim to inflict maximum damage; lacks honor and will fight dirty. Battle moves often damage herself as much as her opponent.

    — Will fight to kill and maim. Will start fights. Will not run unless ordered to. Will aim to kill and maim cats regardless of age or rank, including young cats.

    — Her battles will be written very aggressively and she will always aim to kill or seriously injure opponents; this does not mean her hits have to land! I don't mind your character dodging hits; feel free to contact me on-site or on Discord to work out specifics if needed. Will have a harder time against larger cats but keep in mind she is written as a good offensive fighter who aims to kill and/or seriously hurt. I'm not open to her being killed but am willing to discuss maimings (please ask me first though).

    — Their defensive fighting skills are borderline nonexistent. All hits will land except attempts at killing or maiming that haven't been prediscussed. I don't roll for attacks or defense but try to write battles realistically.
    current health info:
    physical health:
    ↳ current injuries: very mild facial sunburn

I DON'T WANNA HURT EM' ✧°.☀ ————————————
Cedarbark had a penchant of.. getting into situations he shouldn't. For example, he's got this tricky thing called attraction. It stays stuck in his head- he settles his eyes on someone, and it's that puppy crush that turns his life upside down, time and time again. Will he ever learn? Probably not. For all of the intelligence he harbors, it clearly didn't follow him into this area of his life.

Settled in camp, Cedarbark was grooming his chest fur when he picks his head up. Observing those around him, his vision finally settled on Cygnetstare. You know, strange things happen sometimes. Some cat's he's never considered before suddenly stand out. White fur alight in the sunlight, the other's form highlighted and relaxed. Starclan curse him, but he pushes to his paws against his better will, padding towards the other. He mewed a greeting, casual and warm. Easy for him, considering the practice he's had for this before. "Cygnetstare. Enjoying being able to relax?"

Despite his statement, he knew something else would be on the horizon soon. Whether it was battle or slaughter, he didn't know yet, but it would come time soon enough. For now, he could have a friendly conversation. Friendly? More like romantic. He'd have to see yet.


[penned by dallas - ]
———————————— ☀.°✧ BUT I DID, I'M IN A FIT OF RAGE

♱—— the white-dipped tunneler has never really carried the same penchant for flings and crushes some of her peers have; the faux blush that kisses their face now is the closest they'll ever be to such a momentary attraction. she finds it difficult to envision moonlight trysts lasting a single night, flirtations; to cygnetstare, love is something you carry to the grave. she doesn't think she's known it yet, that bone-deep thing that grasped cats' hearts and made them do thing they shouldn't, stupid things. that mystical force, apparently worth sacrificing a life for.

perpertually friendly, despite their strangeness, milkweed eyes settle on the new shape occupying the shadows around them. she is at rest and not disturbed by this new presence, still settled in a thin sprawl of half-moon colors. one of the moor-runners, inherently less known to her, offering a relaxed greeting. cygnetstare curls powerful limbs closer, half-lidded eyes settling on cedarbark. their mew is careless, unknowing of the trail of romances cedarbark has left behind, "cedarbark. ayuh, i 'spose i am. ain't much chance us tunnelers get to see the sun, 'specially those like me. how's it for ya moor-runners?"

  • ooc: sorry this is so late omg
  • ♱ cygnetstare — for their downy kitten-fur and perceptiveness (or uncanny gaze)
    she/they ; afab gender apathetic — windclan — tunneler — 16 ☾s
    —— cygnetstare is a corpselike chimera, split between long albino fur and a short black smoke pelt; their eyes are an unsettling pink. her creepy demeanour distracts from a strange fascination with death and an obsessive loyalty to windclan.
    —— smells like grave-dirt and blood ; sounds like vc tbd ; speech in #BF959C, thoughts in #000000
    —— peaceful / healing powerplay permitted ; attacks/contact in underline ; will start fights ; won't flee unless ordered ; won't show mercy ; will kill or maim
    —— pansexual panromantic monogamist, single, not looking ; open to friendships, enemies, casual interactions, long-term romance, plotting ; not open to unplanned battles, flings
    penned by dejavudesklamp9 on discord for plots
  • battle stuff goes here for fights

I DON'T WANNA HURT EM' ✧°.☀ ————————————
// me *handshake* you; posting late

Cygnetstare wasn't his usual type, Cedarbark admonished. The thought caused the tabby to flick his ears. The white fur fading into the back on her hind was pretty enough, he thought to himself, but she was speaking again, causing his gaze to shift back to her eyes proper. He noticed the muscle, of course, but in this clan, if you didn't have any? You were falling short and behind. Weak cats died here. The thought was wiped from his mind as he wore another smile. "The sun is always upon our backs when we're on the moors." He offered casually in return.

Cedarbark moved to take up a spot next to Cygnetstare and sitting down. It was friendly, right? Have a conversation, sitting nearby. "But it's always nice to slow down and relax in it, too." He lifted a paw, as if he could pool the light from the sun in his pawpads, grasping it. His head tilted at the sight of it.


[penned by dallas - ]
———————————— ☀.°✧ BUT I DID, I'M IN A FIT OF RAGE

♱—— it's an odd feeling, to feel watched. to feel seen. cygnetstare spends little time in camp, little time out of the tunnels or her own nest; compared to her clanmates, at least, she does, and she might sleep in the tunnels were it safe to do so. when she is seen she's a ghost to many; she's aware of it, certainly, but it does not bother her. a young warrior, a tunneler, inexperienced; one her clanmates see as strange, she receives little recognition. it's a reality she is perfectly content with—they do not do what they do for personal recognition, for something as easily defined as glory; no, they pursue the good of the clan above all.

still, it's strange, to feel another's eyes appraising her.

"indeed, i'm certain it is. a touch i rarely feel, i'm 'fraid," she offers in a simple reply as he seats himself, voice raspy, words stilted—unused to casual conversation. they are too used to the language of the tunnels, of conversations about skunk dens and cave-ins and new paths, too used to their own silence. still they will be friendly, can be friendly. cygnetstare mirrors the other warrior's motion with one dirt-smeared paw, white with fur swinging from it like a broken wing, feeling warmth pooling in her paw, invisible. they nod, "i suppose it is. ask anyone and they'd tell ya, us tunnelers work ourselves too damn much. too much dirt, not enough sun, i 'spose."

  • ooc: ——
  • ♱ cygnetstare — for their downy kitten-fur and perceptiveness (or uncanny gaze)
    she/they ; afab gender apathetic — windclan — tunneler — 17 ☾s
    —— cygnetstare is a corpselike chimera, split between long albino fur and a short black smoke pelt; their eyes are an unsettling pink. her creepy demeanour distracts from a strange fascination with death and an obsessive loyalty to windclan.
    —— smells like grave-dirt and blood ; sounds like vc tbd ; speech in #BF959C, thoughts in #000000
    —— peaceful / healing powerplay permitted ; attacks/contact in underline ; will start fights ; won't flee unless ordered ; won't show mercy ; will kill or maim
    —— pansexual panromantic monogamist, single, not looking ; open to friendships, enemies, casual interactions, long-term romance, plotting ; not open to unplanned battles, flings
    penned by dejavudesklamp9 on discord for plots
  • battle stuff goes here for fights