private Roots bloody Roots | Patrol

She'd prefer to be speeding towards the danger itself not sent in another direction to what to her feels like a dead end, she can handle some flames she is certain she would've outrun them to! Instead a namby-pamby barn cat is sent out to do the job she'd do many times better, she's sure he'd come back to camp with his tail between his legs and smelling of ash and fear! Whatever, at least she's given the opportunity to do something, she couldn't stomach ever just sitting around while other put their necks on the line, she wasn't a rabbit heart and contrary to the fear and distrustful brains of her clanmates she cared for her clan always had since she was just a kit. The moors were her home and she was the only fire allowed to blaze through them! She could've been given a worse assignment, she much preferred traveling with Slateheart then spending more then a second of time in the company of Periwinklebreeze. Scorchstreak sure made a questionable decision pairing Snakehiss with him but better him the her. She doesn't have much of a opinion on Slateheart only noting they'd grown from their more mouse-hearted feeble ways in the past and was a fine enough warrior, still they were way to quiet however for her taste.

"Keep up!" she calls over her shoulder at them, it's not aggressive but it is very demanding she's in a rush her paws are swift and each movement she makes has meaning. She wants to get there quick, but almost seconds after she snaps at them, her tail erects itself high her hackles rising. There's a strong scent in the air, it's not enough to choke her lungs but it makes her cough she hadn't noticed until now how the air had changed. It was always different at fourtrees where the forest was prevalent and the moors were behind them, but not like this her throat didn't burn drinking in the scents of sap, leaf litter and grass. There was smoke in the area, they were breathing in smoke. She takes a breath in before speaking over her shoulders again "I think the winds blowing smoke towards us." she sounds unsure almost worried, they were a long ways from the horseplace. Her eyes dart around, she wants to run back to camp to check and see if the blaze had reached them. It had to have been spreading far, she can't just yet she has to be sure. There's something wrong here, she needs to see what it is..

"We should keep going" her words have the inflection of a question "We may as well mark the border while we're here and if we run into a patrol we should warn them" she's sure they'd smell it in the air - it's a kindness she wouldn't offer to any of the other clans. She leads them towards trouble unknowingly too bullheaded to turn back quiet yet even as the smoke grows thicker.

There's a crackling faintly heard that she mistakes as leaves overhead. They'd discover soon enough that sound wasn't so innocuous that it spelled danger for not just them but for both clans.

  • @slateheart
  • WDNoGIz.png
    Firefang She/Her, Warrior of Windclan, 22 moons
    Black tabby she-cat with amber eyes. former-loyalist of Sootstar, Moorunner.
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by Kedamono@legmeatt on discord, feel free to dm for plots. ​
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Slateheart understands, in part, why he was paired with Firefang to carry out this patrol. Despite his distaste for the fiery molly, and her possible distaste in him, the two have never openly expressed it towards each other; they both knew how to put their duty above their misgivings. It is not the first patrol he embarks in with her, and it certainly wont be the last. Truthfully, each one gets a little easier. So long as she holds her sharp tongue, she will find no quarrel in him.

But, there is the sense of longing to be elsewhere. Snowglare, the cat he had been just recently assigned to guide, had been sent off with Dimmingsun to check Horseplace - straight towards the fire. The white-furred tom is no apprentice, in fact he's much older than Slateheart, but that never stopped the feeling of responsibility and the worries that came with it. Snowglare never seemed to need an eye kept on him; he was experienced in survival and intelligent. Still, he hoped that Dimmingsun would keep him safe - that his friends would both come home safe.

It troubles Slateheart to take Firefang's command or follow her lead, but given the circumstances of this patrol, he does not object in more than an irritated twitch of his ear. The two are the same age, and of the same experience, so he has no right to feel that either cat has more authority than the other. Yet, despite all his best intents, he still feels a sense of superiority from knowing that he was on the right side of history. Though she's proven herself valuable in recent times, Slateheart finds it hard to forgive the stance she once proudly (and loudly) took as one of Sootstar's own, especially considering her sharp comments and behaviors had not waned. Perhaps she is lucky that he's willing to put his duties first and feelings last. Perhaps that is precisely why Scorchstreak paired the two.

Just as quickly as Firefang barks her command, she halts, and Slateheart slows to a stop behind her. Despite their distance from Horseplace, the scent of smoke is remarkably strong here, filling his senses with burn and rot. His black-and-brown companion suggests that the wind is blowing the smoke this way, but.. "All this way?" Slateheart echoes, uncertain. She suggests carrying on in their quest to ensure the passage to Fourtrees is safe, and marking the border while they're at it, and he follows with little hesitation, though he remains ready and alert for trouble. His misjudgment of her authority is short-lived as he recognizes their hidden synergy. To contrast all of Slateheart's uncertainty and wariness, Firefang marches forward with confidence to see the duty through. And to balance her oversight of danger led by that confidence, he would keep his eyes ever peeled and watching. A soldier and her scout.

The sense that something is wrong is overwhelming. The smoke is growing thicker with each step towards the border. After several more paces in their direction, Slateheart's hesitation becomes remarkably clear. "Firefang, do you hear that?" His alert ears swivel to-and-fro, picking up on a foreboding sound of crackling. Perhaps he's mistaking the wavering leaves overhead for something else, but he could never forsake his own doubts. "Let's be quick about this. Something isn't right here."
  • speech is #bbbb88
  • 78016217_relDzXG2vj7CiMr.png

  • slate-page-doll-low-res.png
    slate slatepaw slatetooth SLATEHEART
    ━━ 22 MOONS,, ages every 6th
    ━━ MATE to none | PARENT to none