ROSAS [prompt] discovering snow

Snow was an entirely new experience for Softkit. She'd heard talk of it before, especially as leaf-bare closed in, but she wasn't sure than any amount of overhearing of the phenomena would have prepared her for how snow truly was. It was as if the powdery whiteness had appeared overnight, a winter present for her when she awoke one day, and although dazzled by it, Softkit found that snow did have its downsides.
For one, it was as though everywhere she looked, she was looking up at the sun. The camp had become a sea of white, sparkling light, to the point where it hurt Softkit's pale pink eyes to gaze across the clearing. It was also so cold, a fact that Softkit had learned upon placing her paw upon the blanket and shrinking back when it was cold to the touch on her pads. She wondered how it was that other kits and some of the apprentices could find the snow something to play in or with; but she supposed her aversion to the temperature and sight of snow was similar to that of her aversion of playing with crunchy leaf-fall leaves due to their noise that had her pinning her ears back against her small skull.
She weighed the two, trying to figure the lesser evil. At least with the crunchy leaves, she could see, and they didn't hurt her paws, just her ears because of their sound. The snow, on the other hand... Softkit grimaced as she peered out of the nursery at the offending natural occurrence. She wasn't particularly fond of it, but then again, it was new. Perhaps all she needed was some time to get used to it, and it wouldn't be as bad.
Another thing that she was quick to discover with snow was how assuredly she disappeared into it with her white pelt. If it weren't so cold, it would make a nice bedding, Softkit had mused to herself upon the realization, one that had come after she'd sunk slightly into the snow and ended up surprising her father when she'd stuck her head up when he'd called for her. Puffing out her fur, Softkit leaned down to nose at the snow, wrenching her head back when the cold nipped her - she'd expected it, but it was still a surprise when the contact happened.
Having been born in the cold months, Falconheart has never gotten to truly experience snow before. He’d been far too young to appreciate it—if he remembers seeing it at all. This snowfall is a pleasant surprise to the young tom, making the world around him look like some sort of wonderland. It makes the camp look like he’s stepped outside of ThunderClan and into an entirely new world to explore. And with the new freedom granted to him along with his new name, Falconheart can go see all the sights across the territory cloaked in snow.

He spots a pale form settled in the snow only because he is looking out for her—the kit blends in perfectly, so he’d had the passing concern that he might accidentally bump into her in particular. Surely with her coat she’d have realized that she can go all but unnoticed against the white background of the snow. He manages to spot Softkit from a few fox-lengths away, squinting to make sure it’s the kit before beginning his walk over. She’s just yanked her nose back after pressing it to the snow, and Falconheart lets out a puff of laughter. "It’s cold, isn’t it?" He isn’t a fan of the cold that comes along with the snow—but it sure is pretty, so he can overlook it. But to a kit, he’s sure this is quite the strange experience.
[ find me way out there ]

"I'm guessing someone is discovering snow for the first time, hrm?" Shiningsun mused as he strolled his way over until he was stood near to Falconheart. A gentle smile adorned his features as he watched Softkit with amusement. "Make sure to warm up soon, okay?" Kits were among those most at risk of falling unwell, much like the elders at this time of year. Leaf-bare would be a tough time for the youth, especially when first coming to terms with the dwindling food supplies and colder weather. Still, there was no point lingering on the horrors when fun could be had.

"Hey Softkit, have you made any 'snow warriors' yet? If you haven't then let me show you how..." There was a glint of mischief in his eyes as he stalked over to a decent looking patch of snow, and with a quick swipe of his large paw he aimed to send a flurry of flakes over Falconheart. A bout of laughter escaped him as he enacted his little ploy and he did hope that Softkit would enjoy the show.

Softkit straightened up as she was approached by the two warriors, and she nodded to each in turn at their question and remark. She was sure that despite the cold that had settled everywhere, Spiderlily and Vixenkit would provide all the warmth she'd need after her snowy experience. If there was one thing that Softkit rather liked about the cold, it was that it meant her family had more of a reason than ever to cuddle up together.
"Snow warriors?" She questioned curiously, watching with a small, content smile at Shiningsun's playful act of throwing snow towards Falconheart. "How do I make a... snow warrior?" She managed to tromp over some of the snow a bit closer to Shiningsun. If there was something that could make the snow more bearable on the eyes and paws, then Softkit was more than willing to give it a try.
. ° ✦ Much like his denmate, the existence of snow had only been imaginary from tales told as if the last sight were eons ago. A 'blanket' of snow looked more like ivory leaf litter in his head, and ice he imagined as some sort of opaque stone. But the time for snow had felt so long in the future when the adults spoke about it! Now as he followed Softkit in looking out of the nursery it clicked what they had meant by a blanket. It covered everything, everything from the dead branches of the dens to the stone that made Highrock.

"Cold?" Bravekit looked at the wintery surface as though it were made of thorns after seeing Softkit's reaction to touching it. He shuffled uncomfortably at his own hesitance- he was supposed to be brave, he couldn't be scared because it was new. So he pushed himself when he wasn't quite ready and romped paws first into the snow. A shocked hiss erupted from his maw as the cold burst from his paws all the way up to his chest in a quick recoil.

Bravekit jumped back to the safety of the nurserys entrance, clumps of powdery white still sticking to the tangles of his fur. "Th-That b-b-burns!" Bravekit stammered as he shook his entire body as though trying to escape from the sensation.
 ° .  . ° 
  • ooc:
    A Longhaired chocolate tabby/blue tabby chimera with deep blue eyes. Very thick coat that tangles easily. Paws that seem too big for his little body. Wide fuzzy satellite ears.

Having slept in a good deal longer than she intended, Cougarkit was quick to scramble out of the cozy comforts of the nest, shaking her pelt out and wobbling with the force of her own movements. It seemed there was a bit of commotion near the entrance of the den, and from where she stood she could see the first hints of something that she had never seen before. Something white, something sparkly, and something that made her sibling stammer out like he was scared! Not one to be lost out on the action, the loud-mouthed, bumbling kit came stampeding over to join Bravekit, Softkit, Falconheart and Shiningsun with an excited yowl.

"Hey! I'm here now too, I want to see what's going on!" Practically bumping into Bravekit's side, her bright green eyes looked between the warriors for a moment before finally sweeping out over the camp that was. Not the same! A small gasp escaped Cougarkit as she saw the pure white landscape that had taken over their camp, frosty, glittering, blinding and yet she couldn't look away. "Woah... What is that stuff?"

One of her paws went to prod at the snow before being pulled back, her eyes wide at the sensation. Something so cold that it hurt. "There's no way the warriors can go out hunting like this, their paws will fall off!" Fwapping Bravekit in the face with her fluffy tail, she tried to stumble both of them backwards away from the substance.

  • ooc : "Speaking" | Thinking | Attack

  • A long-furred chocolate rosetted tabby with green eyes.
    Thunderclan Kit
    03 months | Cis Female | She/Her
    Batwing x Leopardtongue G2

Marigoldpaw was only born so long ago, in the middle of Newleaf. He might scarcely remember that time, but it was comfortable enough. He had just scarcely avoided Leaf-bare, so he has yet to learn the harshness of the cooler weather quite yet. It was obvious that what he has seen start to fall on the forest floor is snow, but he’s been in just as much awe as the kits are.

He finds his way over to the commotion, settling himself between the two kits complaining about how much snow hurts their paws. Even he’s not exactly sure how to tolerate the bitter touch, but he can make a good assumption, at the very least. “It’s called snow. I think you just…have to get used to it. It’s not something we can avoid, after all.”

He decides to test it out himself for the first time, and hisses when the contact makes his pads sting. “Oww! I hate the cold…” Marigold mumbles grumpily. Even he can’t imagine hunting with the ground covered even more than this, but hopefully Oakfang will help him learn to tolerate it. The chilling weather is something he’s gonna complain about enough, especially if it gets any worse than this…​

"You find a warrior and shower then in snow. The more snow you cover the warrior in the better the 'snow warrior' you create. Best snowy warrior wins!" Shiningsun explained with a purr, all the while not really realising that he was making himself a target given his rank within the clan. The notion of the game aside he soon brought his focus towards the other kits and Marigoldpaw as they talked about the cold. "As you get older you'll get stronger, strong enough to resist the cold too. Also if you're lucky you'll grow fur between your toes to help keep your paws warm, see." The warrior sat himself down and he raised up a paw to show how fluffy his paw was. He was built well for leafbare, though not so much for the warmer moons.
to be reborn , you have to die first .
He made no move to integrate himself into the conversation, pinkish hues narrowing. The ghostly warrior blended well, showing bits of smokey fur against the powdery substance, his long fur keeping most of the bitter chill away. It did little to prevent the numbness from seeping through calloused paw pads. “Only time will you learn to ignore the cold’s bitterness, you are no more than kits.” He spoke, referring to Softkit and Cougarkit. He dared not mention apprentice hood, for that subsequently aged sourly in his mouth, pinkish hues narrowing.

He grinned hauntingly, helm tilted at the concept of snow warriors, foreign to his ears, but something fun the kits could do to ease their minds. “Perhaps Shinningsun is volunteering himself.” He commented. “Wouldn’t he make a great snow warrior?” He asked, questioning the three kits with a raised brow, not before adding. “Don’t stay out too long, you hear? It’ll do you three some good to warm up in the nursery before you catch a cold.” He added with a twitch of his ear, pinkish hues softening.
thought speech