camp rose milk tea // intro-ish


New member
May 13, 2023
( tags ) - The sun had pushed it's way over the horizon, casting the camp in its warm glow. Its rays caused the rocks and shells scattered around the dens to glimmer. Shards of light danced across the area. For a moment, just as the world began to wake, it was breath-taking. And sunrise was an acceptable time to explore, wasn't it? He'd struggled sleeping all night in anticipation of today - the day he was gonna go outside. He'd been discouraged from leaving the nursery thus far. Too young, too small, it's too late in the day, what about your rest? But that hadn't quelled his curiosity. He was gonna see what was out there, one way or another.

If one wasn't paying attention, they'd have missed it. The flash of blue peering out of the nursery reeds. Heartbeats later, a flame point kitten wiggled out. A scrap of feather, likely from his nest, clung to his short fur. He'd only just started growing into the red patches on his face and limbs, they'd grow darker still with age. Honestly, he hadn't thought he'd get this far, and was unsure of what to do next. So like all curious kittens, he looked from left to right in search of his next activity. His ice blues lit up at the sight of another cat. He couldn't say he knew them, and if they'd visited him in the nursery, he couldn't remember.

Scurrying up to them, the kitten excitedly introduced himself. "Good morning! I'm Pinkkit! What's your name? Do you know any good games?" He finished his words with cheerful smile. It hadn't occurred to him that due to the time, this cat might not be feeling particularly chatty.
He does not mind kits as some cats seem to; their youthful enthusiasm doesn't grate on his nerves, although it's fair to say that few things do. Even so, he doesn't often visit the nursery, keenly aware of his size and worried of any potential accidents that may cause. Kits are also still learning how to be gentle when they play, and Murkblossom does not have the advantage of pain to know whether their little teeth and claws have strayed into roughness. His is not the ideal tail to play with.

It is early when he ventures through camp from bringing his mother her morning meal. In truth, her appetite is limited to nibbles, and so the rest of the mouse went to another elder. She will need to eat again later, but for now, she sleeps. He had thought the nursery would still be quiet as well, and yet turns toward a young voice to find a kitten. Pinkkit, he says is his name.

Someone else would have been better to approach, given how quiet he is, but for Pinkkit's sake, he will aim to be otherwise. "Murkblossom," he says, returning the smile with one of his own. "Hite an' seek? Was my favorite as kitten." Try as he might, he cannot work his damaged tongue into a clearer pronunciation.

A flame-faced kit, glancing up at Murkblossom with eyes brimming with excitement. Smile upon his tiny face, unbothered- he'd clearly picked a good warrior to bother, even at this early hour. Fernpaw was met with the sight as he left the apprentice's den, a yawn splitting his maw for a moment before he strode over, eyes still a little low-lidded from drowsiness. His mouth still felt tacky from sleep, but the labour of his training would not cease even as he hurtled toward the age of twelve moons old- he had to be awake early to inch closer to his warrior name.

Hide and seek is the answer Murkblossom gave, and Fernpaw's ears flicked at the statement, bright eyes finding the pair and crescenting, lagoon-bright, with his smile. Voice still a little croaked, he chimed, "Oh- I bet you'd be good at hide and seek," A remark made with a motion of his paw toward the kitten, his pupils flickered over to Murkblossom for only a few moments before settling back in place. He told no lie... when he had been that small, finding hiding places was a little easier.
penned by pin
Being around the youngest of the clan has become complicated for Clayfur. He adores them, really, loves spending time entertaining the little scraps of fur who tumble around and say things a bit too loudly. But it does sting, just a bit, to recall the future he’d once dreamed of. Raising kits alongside his mate, their own little family within the safety of RiverClan.

He sighs and plasters a smile onto his face as he hears the small voice of Pinkkit asking the usually quiet tom a slew of questions. It’s endearing, really, but Clay worries for Murkblossom being grilled like this by an overeager child. Though, his nephew is here as well, so he trots over at a more leisurely pace as he recognizes that no one is left facing the seemingly endless curiosity of the cream-colored kit by themself. "Good morning, Pinkkit," the warrior calls, beaming down at him. "Hide and seek could be fun! I was really good at it when I was little." Of course, he doesn’t mention how worried he’d made his mother when she couldn’t find him amidst the straw or the grain or the big sharp-toothed farm equipment.

" would you look at the little angel " Dogteeth coos with adoration, squinting so hard in his smile the world faded around him. This world of loss and darkness, this place of tragic promise. He’d remain cheery, if not for himself- for them. The sight of Clayfur once a playful sprig of spring, now almost ghostly.

Murkblossom indulges, Hide and seek offered off of a voice hardly heard around camp. The large long-legged warrior a stark difference to the tiny thing smiling up at them. It’s a sweet moment, something Dogteeth feels himself charmed by. Clayfur joins in, staking his claim to a youth of victorious games of hide and seek. Fernpaw suggesting the kit would be good at the game too- it brings back a memory from childhood where his siblings would do their best to avoid him during certain games. " Oh, I was terrible at that game " he admits with a chuckle.

" I was small but my fur wasn’t " he jests, but his tail flicks excitedly like his namesake.

  • — Dogteeth PINTEREST
    — twenty-eight moons
    2023 VOICE & ACCENT
    — warrior of Riverclan
    — gay | crushing on n/a
    — small curly-furred blonde and tan tom with blue eyes.
    — very gentle voice and laugh
    — deals a nasty bite
    BIOGRAPHY——— ✧
  • 0yQlsKL.png

Picking over the last couple bites of her meal, the blue point couldn't help but flick an ear at the demanding request for games from one of the smallest members of the clan. Kittens had a lot of entitlement... loud opinions... very demanding little creatures. She didn't mind them really but having only the experience of having a twin, she couldn't say she had much experience with actually entertaining them. Lichentail largely lifted her paws out of stomping range and kept her tail out of range of surprise attacks and called it good... But....

This little scrap sure was cute.... And there were others around to help already, gathering around to talk about hide-and-seek. A generic game but easy and one a child might understand (if the name wasn't straight forward enough). Swallowing the last couple bites of the small fish she'd chosen as her breakfast, the warrior hurried over to the gathering mass of cats to insert herself in the conversation.

"Not to brag but Ripplesnap and I played that game a LOT when we were small. I'd say I'm something of an expert... but.... I'm big enough to climb trees now. Tiny ones have to keep all four paws on the ground."

Looking around at the others, she smiled in a silent greeting.​
sneezefur | 28 months | male | he/him | physically medium | mentally medium | attack in bold #50c878
When not out on patrol, sneezefur is never far from the kits - hovering protectively on the sidelines, seafoam gaze warm and proud. What had started out as a burden of guilt had become first begrudging fondness and then genuine affection. Not of his blood but his kin nonetheless - a comforting presence in a place where he rarely feels at ease. He has softened since becoming a father, and somehow being forced to interact with others doesn't feel quite so heavy. Frail frame is skeletal and misshapen as the the warrior stands, bones creaking and groaning with the movements, a soft smile on his crooked maw. With a gentle tap of his tail to pinkkits flank he joins the group, giving an nervous twitch of his ears as he gives a sharp nod in greeting. A silent offer of his own participation in the game, when his words fail him once more.