camp ROSE UP FROM THE DEAD // bringing yellowcough back

// Forestshade got sick via ThunderClan! She is not showing symptoms yet but is able to transmit it to others!
She is interacting with @SCREECHKIT @Briarkit. and @Sweetkit but this is open for posting before them!

The patched molly strolls into camp, a toad clasped within her jaws. She angles her ears towards @orchidpaw and makes a gesture towards where she knows the fresh-kill pile to be, instructing her silently to go deposit it. Her own kill, however, will be going to her kits.

Forestshade trots towards the thorny nursery with her head held high in pride. Once outside, she tosses the fat toad to the ground and calls into the den, “Supper time!” While she waits to hear the pitter-patter of their paws, she leans back onto her haunches and begins to groom the mud from between her toes. Another day well spent, outside of camp.

They waddle away from Halfshade who had been watching them and the queen rolls her eyes but says nothing, letting the kits return to their mother without complaint. She had been bitterfly whining about Forestshade's absence once again, but Sweetkit was just happy to see their mother back and didn't care that it had taken so long, that she'd been gone so often, that she left so much, they lived in the brief and happy moments when she was there.
The call for supper tends them tripping over their own paws to greet, not as interested in the food as they are in bumping a tiny black head against the wandering queen's leg in an affectionate greeting.
"You're back! Are you gonna stay and play with us?" Sweetkit mewled, they did not like playing with Starlingheart's kits who were too rough at times or Frostbite's who were too little.

━━ι═══════ Clearheart is not far behind Forestshade with a freshkill offering of his own, intending to determine whether any other nursery residents must eat. He does not know if Halfshade requires it— he does not wish to assume that Smogmaw provides her meals personally, given how many responsibilities call to a deputy. Clearheart reasons that it cannot hurt to offer, and lowers his own catch —a lizard— to the ground. "I am certain Forestshade can spare some time for you," he tells Sweetkit warmly. "What sort of games do you play?" Such things are a mystery for Clearheart. He does not dwell on his own kithood; he merely understands it has shaped a different experience than that of ShadowClan's kits, and he is grateful to work alongside fellow warriors to ensure they worry only about the next game.

  • CLEARHEART / / 40 moons old / / amab and uses masculine pronouns but will also accept the use of neutral terms.
    — a warrior of shadowclan / / currently mentoring dragonflypaw / / excels greatly in combat above most all other skills.
    — former loner who wandered great distances & rarely remained in one place for long / / arrived after the great battle.
    — devoted to starclan above all else (aside from his idea of the common good) / / not prone to enter battle mindlessly.

    — of a height slightly above average / / trim and athletic with a sense of immovability about his posture/stance & size.
    — chocolate sepia w/ low white / / fur is quite short for the most part / / tail is naturally bobbed // full-body reference.
    — fairly warm demeanor much of the time; there is a "softness" about his features so that neutrality doesn't seem surly.

    — lawful good, in the sense that he likes to maintain order and work toward bettering lives around him without cruelty.
    — often misunderstands figures of speech and may interpret them literally. as such, can seem to lack a sense of humor.
    — deeply genuine; dislikes lying immensely, and so (most of the time) he is wholly earnest, especially with compliments.

Orchid silently trails behind her mentor, blue eyes downcasted as they enter camp. A scrawny little mouse is held between her lips- is it too little? Not enough? It makes her want to be sick with anxiety as eyes turn upon the entering patrol, it makes her want to shut her eyes forever and never open them again. Forestshade flicks her tail towards the freshkill pile and her heart drops almost instantly. Now her pathetic catch would be on display for everyone to see.

Begrudgingly does she move away, trying to shy from any prying gazes- she plops it down as she hears Forest call to her kits. The thought of them makes her heavy burden a little lighter, she liked her mentors kits, even if they... potentially didn't like her back. Screechkit, loud and defiant. Briarkit, quiet, calculating. And Sweetkit, uhm, well... Sweet. Naive. And speaking of Sweetkit, she hears their little voice and she comes padding over, ears slightly pinned back. "H-H-Hello, Sweetkit." her voice wobbles despite the familiarity she feels around Forest and her kits. Perhaps it is the presence of Clearheart that makes her so nervous, or perhaps it is nothing at all. Sweetkit asks if Forest could stay and play and her eyes flit upward, studying her mentors face for any changes.

Surely she would stay, right...? Orchidpaw was sure she had done enough today. Please, let us play with them.

Dark ears twitch at the sound of his mother’s voice, a two-toned gaze brightening as it lifts to look at the tortoiseshell. Forestshade’s presence is one rarely in his sight compared to Halfshade’s or Frostbite’s, or even Starlingheart’s, but a welcomed one all the same when she does arrive to greet Screechkit and his siblings with a meal.

She’s a busy warrior, of course - Screechkit assumes a hunter as great as her would have to continue doing such, even while having kittens in the nursery. Though, he wishes she would take a break, that she’d stay longer than she usually does.

A flame-splotched pawstep behind Sweetkit, the kit leaves the nursery. He bounds over to greet his mother with a cheerful squeak, mirroring his sibling’s greeting by bumping into Forestshade’s leg before his eyes catch on to the toad set at the entrance of the nursery.

A… A toad!” he squeaks, “A big one, too!” Too big for him to even think of catching on his own, Screechkit briefly wonders if he’ll one day be able to manage such a big catch. He must - after all, he is Forestshade’s son. His mind doesn’t wander too far into thinking about hunting, however, as Sweetkit asks if their mother is going to stay and play with them. His gaze snaps up to look at Forestshade.

Yeah! Stay here and play with us!” he echoes, hoping a second pleading voice will be enough of a reason for her to stay. “Please?

Another warrior appears to chime in, and Screechkit blinks at him. If the warrior thinks that Forestshade would have time, then… maybe she’ll stay? He’s getting bored of being under Halfshade’s watch, getting bored of having to play baby games with Frostbite’s kits. Forestshade must have a good game for them; a hunting game, perhaps.

A stuttering voice greets Sweetkit, and Screechkit’s nose scrunches up at its familiarity. Right - wherever Forestshade goes, Orchidpaw must follow. He doesn’t know why - didn’t she have something better to do after training? He doubts she can, but maybe Orchidpaw can convince Forestshade to stay. A sun-freckled ear twitches as he turns to look at her.

Orchidpaw,” he mumbles in greeting, a crooked frown pulling at his face.
Forestshade is a nice enough cat, Comfreypaw thinks to herself idly, but there are things about her that remind her of Betonyfrost. It’s not the temperament, truly. Forestshade has a briskness about her, a desire to be away from camp and the nursery, but she rarely turns a harsh tongue on her kits. She’s never seen Forestshade rebuff their affection… but the disinterested way she lingers in the nursery now makes her belly tingle. Orchidpaw, Clearheart, and the kits all but beg the nursing queen to stay in the den where she belongs… but Comfreypaw has a feeling Forestshade would prefer to be out patrolling with the warriors, leaving her kits to the other queens as usual.

The charcoal tabby approaches, her smile bright. “I’m sure I can help with whatever you were out doing before, Forestshade. You should stay here with Sweetkit, Briarkit, and Screechkit.” Her heart aches when she sees the longing in their eyes, hears the excitement in their voices.

  • comfreykit . comfreypaw
    — she/her, apprentice of shadowclan
    — bisexual ; single
    — short-haired charcoal tabby with amber eyes
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — penned by Marquette
    — art by Meadowllark
Of course it’s Sweetkit that bounds up to greet her first. She feels their head bump against her leg and she grins, leaning down to touch her nose against their head for a heartbeat. They ask if she’ll stay and play for a bit and she straightens, leaning into her haunches in a casual stretch. “Ah, I don’t know, kid,” She drawls uncertainly, her paws itching to get out of camp again and train some more with Orchidpaw. Clearheart’s voice pipes up, assuring that he’s sure she has time and her snout scrunches in slight distaste. Who is he to tell her what to do? Somewhere deep down she knows it’s well-intentioned but she can’t help her ears pinning in slight annoyance.

She is about to bite back with something characteristically snarky when her son’s eager voice reaches her ears. Forestshade hesitates, unseeing eyes narrowed in thought, before Comfreypaw offers to help with whatever she was going to do. Well, she can’t go train her apprentice. But still…

“Alright, alright, you win,” The patched tabby surrenders to the lot of them, voice dripping with exasperation. A casual smile rests on her muzzle as she sits down. “Wanna play blind badger?” A game she’d played with them when they were smaller, and continued to this day. Little do they know it’s training. They must creep around her to the other side of camp as silently as they can, because if Forestshade (in this case, the “blind badger”) hears them, she’ll lumber after them and eventually catch them. And the queen doesn’t go easy on them, so they’ve yet to win against her keen ears. Someday, she hopes the three of them will beat her into the mud, though! It’s all a matter of getting their stealth down! “Orchidpaw, Comfreypaw, you can play, too. It’s a great game for building skills.” She casts her chin in the apprentices’ direction awaiting their response.
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BRIARKIT — hello, my old heart.
By the time she hears her mothers call, ebony ears flatten instead of perk up as they usually do.
Briarkit was frustrated, her grumpiness sparked by another kits innocent question.
Why isn’t your mama in the nursery like mine?
’Cause my mamas better than yours. Had been her curt reply, nothing if not loyal to Forestshade.
Still, the question had strangely hurt- or at least sparked doubts in the back of the mollys mind.
She does not race to meet her mother, instead her paws subtly stomp the entire way, there is already talk of Blind Badger by the time she stops beside Sweetkit.
Yet, seeing her mother after such a long day was a lot different than being upset with her while she wasn’t there, right in front of Briarkit with a mouth-watering meal between her jaws.
The black kit pouts for a second, trying to figure out her feelings- it is fleeting though, she missed her mama, and that’s all that mattered.
"Can you eat with us first?" She asks earnestly first, before standing on her toes to give her mother her own affection bump.

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