private roses are red || berryheart


oh look, a squirrel!
Jul 15, 2023
There was one thing Tigerkit missed almost as much as being able to have an expanse of land to play on, and her momma, and that was the sweet juicy taste of berries. She couldn't help herself! they were an indulgence that was so much easier to eat than stringy chewy preys.

But she smelled that sweet berry smell, and noticed very quickly that it was apart of camp she had yet to explore. A large boulder, with thick ferns barring the entrance. That berry scent underneath a sweet, and some bitter, smell is what pulled Tigerkits curiousity. Her small form would push through the ferns and into a large carved cave.

"Hi!" Her excited greeting as she noticed another cat there, black and red, with spots of cream, and... missing his foot. She did wonder how it happened, but momma taught her she couldn't always ask questions like that, and it can be considered rude. "So you guys do eat berries! Is it back up if there's no prey?" She asked, helping herself to sit beside the strange cat, curiously looking at what he was doing.


A white-toed paw shuffled blooms, observing their freshness. Over time- and it was an emblem he bore with pride, that he had taught himself the art- Berryheart had learned to preserve herbs well. He was proud of his work, regarding it with the faintest glint of approval in his lopsided eyes before a distraction came barreling in, formed like a kitten. It was a simple question, though one that was concerned with rather a large assumption; that berries were simply for enjoyment.

Berryheart looked down at the kitten, no unkindness in his demeanour- though there was hardly an adjustment to his tone, either. He spoke to kits and adults with identical candour. "No." For once he did not leave it there, though; his broken jaw lifted in the slightest smile, scarcely-there but genuine nonetheless. "These berries are for healing the ill." Of course, he still indulged from time-to-time... on the ones that tasted good, at least. Juniper especially was a foul-tasting sort.
Some berries healed? That didn't make sense, tigerkit and her mother ate tons of berries. But momma never felt better. This one, though, could've helped her mom, but she didn't stay. Maybe scared? She didn't know. Nor would the child ever know.

"So like, bellyaches and stuff? Can you help all sicknesses? And what about cuts and scratches, because I hear a loooot of cats can get hurt. But when they get hurt, they get better! So you help get all cats better?" she bombarded the questions, and seemed to think for just a moment, before asking the next one. "Does that make you the berry master?" She asked, giggling at the name she thought of. The master of all berries, knowing exactly what they do.

She would not get closer to the precious leaves and berries before then, rather staying beside the older cat. "You must have seen a lot of weird things, as a berry master."​