pafp ROSES ARE RED // false rumors

Nov 14, 2023

Basilpaw sat by himself in camp to stare at the busy life around him. It was never a good sign to see the kit all by himself because that meant he was most likely plotting something. Now and then his attention would shift to the exit of camp like he was waiting for something or someone. For quite some while he had just been seating there which was odd coming from him. Basilpaw could never sit still for long!. But today was different, a odd sight to see. Finally, after waiting and waiting so patiently he would be rewarded!. Basilpaw's eyes shine up when he saw Lividpaw and Needledrift return back to camp after their training session. Basilpaw jumped up on his paws and rushed straight over to Needledrift. Yes, that was right. Surprisingly it had not been Lividpaw he had been waiting for but actually his mentor.

" Hey brothers mentor!." he would chirp his greeting to them, smiling so brightly at them. Lividpaw hadn't even stopt for a second to wonder what his brother was up to and had disappeared into the apprentice den to rest. Perfect!. " I've some very importand thing to tell you!. It cannot wait!." he contunied and stared right up at them with his almost same colored eyes. To think they looked so much alike!. Needledrift could actually have been his mother or maybe father. No one would even have blinked a eye about it!. " Okay listen now closely!, like really come closer." he waited impatiently for Needledrift to lean her head down to his level. " Okay, okay so i heard Ferndance today speaking with another queen!!." he paused, hoping for that dramatic effect by dragging this out. Twitching his nose Basilpaw took a step closer to whispering into her ear (hopefully). " She said she really like really likes you!. She cannot stop thinking about you in fact she dreams about you! and her! under the moonlight every single night!." how romantic!!. Basilpaw took a step back and smiled widely.

" She is just a little bit too shy to tell you i think!.Still i think you deserve to know in case you like her too! " He blinked his eyes innocently as if he had not just had made that up. Basilpaw had not overheard Ferndance speaking with any clanmates of theirs especially not about Needledrift. It was all a lie this kit had thought out, and for what?. Basilpaw was still smiling as he excitedly and proudly waited to see how this all would play out.

// wait for @Needledrift to post first >:)

🕊️ A giggle passed over Needledrift's lips as the child before her spun their tale. It was the type of thing that she thought Dogfur would've liked, a lie based on truths gleaned from passing glances and covert smiles. Unfortunately enough for Basilpaw, though, Needledrift was not surprised by his very important bit of information - try as she might to screw her face into something resembling shock.

"Ferndance, you say? You must've have been really sneaky to overhear that big secret of hers. Do you think I should confront her?" She twitched her whiskers in mock-focus, as if she were trying to think really, really hard on how she would approach her "secret" admirer. "Or maybe you could help me? Since she's so shy, I wouldn't want to startle her!" speech is in #B9D0F5

He practically chokes on his own spit to hear the topic of conversation circle around romance and crushes. It's evident in the way his face contorts into a look of one who'd seen an eldritch horror- maw hanging dramatically agape, eyes blown wide with pin-sized pupils. "You're gonna confront her," he asks in an undignified, half-squeal of alarm. It is a childish thing to openly mock but he seems genuinely mortified by this interaction..

Why is Basilpaw even insisting upon it!?

Needledrift hardly seems bothered, even takes a moment to laugh... her eyes practically glow with her delight at the news. Ferndance was that really round one in that other den right? Separated from the rest because she was fat or something? (He wasn't really sure what that had to do with anything, it wasn't like being over-fed was contagious.)

"Euyck!!! Careful, small fry, you might catch that lovey-dovey virus if you stand too close," he warns, hurriedly approaching as if he could physically combat the spread of an emotional deluge such as love.​

it hits my head and I feel numb————————————————————
Basilpaw wasn't very subtle, his excitement at Needledrift's entrance was enough to draw eyes and ears to the two of them. That's exactly what it did actually. Laurelpaw's blazing eyes switched from nest making to the other apprentice. Whispering rather loudly to the warrior with unwavering glee. Laurelpaw couldn't help but to cock an eyebrow at the exchange, and then to see Needledrift play along with whatever Basilpaw was babbling on about was just as surprising. Nestmaking could wait for just a little bit.

The tiny Smogmaw came up to the small group that now formed as Pipit also seemed to find the interaction attention worthy. He stood next to the little group, ears flicking as Pipit rather loudly gagged at the thought of romance. The other cats though didn't seem all too bothered with the concept, even going as far as confronting Ferndance on the possible feelings. The young tom hadn't seen much in terms of love between two cats, so the idea of confronting someone about their admiration seemed a little over the top, he agreed that Needledrift wouldn't want to startle her "Wait, do you like her too? Because if you don't then you'd probably just make her sad, right?" he would hate to overstep Basilpaw's matchmaking but why would you want to accidently make Ferndance sad.

my body's looking wrong———————————————penned by WriteAboutRadish

Hmh, his plan hadn't worked in the way he had wanted it to...Basilpaw had been hoping for a different reaction. A 'thank you Basilpaw how sweet of you to tell me!' and then praise him with a pat on his head....just like how Chilledstar had done to Singekit. He wonderd why this hadn't worked in the same way for...finding a mate and have kits wasn't that the biggest accomplish a warrior could have?. He guess he would have to feel satisfied with being praised for being stealthy though because that for sure he was!. " If you want to i guess you should!. She is expecting kits too..." He tried to sell in. Not only was he being nice enough of trying to match Needledrift with a mate but also one who was expecting kits!. How great couldn't he possible be?. He knew how it usual worked. First two cats become mates and then kits!. But thanks to his brilliant plan he was now offering her two in the same package!. She could have both at the same time which would save time!. It couldn't be more perfect then that though, right?.

Help her?. Okay, that took him more then a little of guard!. Never had he imagine that a warrior would ever ask him for advice!. This was huge! he had to tell Lividpaw about this later how his mentor had come to them about advice. " Uhm, yeah sure thing!. You've actually come to the right guy here because i'm constantly helping this clan out with mate-finding!. So you can count on me!." He contunie to lie while it was getting more difficult for him because in truth he had zero idea how this whole mate thing even worked!. But it was one thing though he knew, something a elder had told him once when it come to how to treat mollies. " What you need to do Needledrift is too...let Ferndance pick the prey to eat and let her take the first bite!. That is gonna impress her!, show that you have manners and know how to treat a molly well!. And..and after that...uhm..uhm...well.." Crap!, his ideas were running short!. Basilpaw had no idea how to contunie this!.

Aha, Big Fry came to the rescue!. Basilpaw was actually relieved for them showing up just in time to save their skin!. That relief though quickly turned into horror. Lovey-dovey virus?. What was that?. Suddenly he wanted no part in this anymore. Whaaaat????, i don't wanna get SICK!!" Basilpaw bursted out and casting a panic stare at Needledrift now he quickly fled to run straight towards Pipit so he could hide himself behind them now watching Needledrift with wary eyes behind one of Pipits front legs. His lies had really come back to bite back at him this time, huh?.

Laurelpaw made a valid point that Basilpaw not could help but agree on. Behind his now new gained fear for love there had been another hidden motive behind him picking Needledrift as his victim of lies this time around. Lividpaw only deserved the best and that included mentors too. A cat who made other cats sad for no reason did not deserve to stand in his brothers presence...He had to make sure that Needledrift not was like them.