n o s t a l g i a ༄
Jun 14, 2024
Ever since Coltkit started keeping his eyes on the queens and his mind on the lectures when their various Clan - culture lessons are imparted, the world around him has grown gradually less mystifying. The high sandy walls of camp, bordered in lush grass and nodding ferns, has started to feel more like home than pale smooth surfaces and artificial scents. The kit himself smells like his Clanmates now, like rich leaf - litter and the sunlight that streams through the canopy, the sweet pastoral scent of deep green grass replacing that of kibble and asphalt.

That's how he knows Howlingstar is important—a special kind of important. He thinks some of his denmates, the nice ones, like Twilightkit, are important—but apparently Howlingstar is a whole different kind of important, because she's in charge of everyone, like how the queens are in charge of him and the other kits. She also kicked out some of the mean cats, like Redflower 'n Ravenstrike, so Coltkit already likes her . . . even if sometimes he worries Ravenstrike might come back, somehow, and call him nasty things that make his chest hurt—like disgusting kittypet.

He approaches the stately tabby with a little hesitance in his heavy pawsteps, alternately - toned blue eyes wide and saucer - round; she kicked out the mean cats, but that doesn't entirely rule out that she might call him mean things. She looks nice, though, with soft crinkles around her warm green eyes and a fluffy striped coat that reminds him of Nightbird's kits; Coltkit likes the serene set of her greying muzzle and the sun - brightness in her gaze. She looks like a real ThunderClanner, just like how he wants to look.

" Howlingstar! " he mrrows, one outsize paw bapping at the leader's elbow—not that Coltkit has far to reach. He's already taller than most of his denmates, even some of the older ones, and it feels like every day he has to mound more moss onto his little nest. Floppy ears twitch back, as if fearful of rejection, but he gazes up at Howlingstar with hopeful blue eyes and mrrows, " Can I show you, um, this super cool battle move I learned? "

His fluffy tails wags puppyish behind him, off - tone eyes lighting up when he receives an affirmative. " Okay! " Coltkit chirps, trying to focus up. He has to impress Howlingstar with his cool move, so he can show her that he's a real ThunderClanner, like Roeflame said, and not a weak kittypet! His small pink tongue pokes between his overlong fangs as he gazes at the big wad of moss he'd dragged along to be his opponent.

White haunches bunch and he springs, sending the lump of moss flying with one heavy - pawed swing and then tucking his awkward kitten - body neatly into a bundle. He rolls for a couple paces and then springs up in a flurry of overlong limbs, turning around to face the leader once more. The motion is childish but well - molded, with the promise of future skill infused into the way Coltkit thoughtlessly maneuvers himself. He blinks hopefully up at Howlingstar. " Did you see? Did I do it good? "

OOC : Please wait for Howlingstar to post!

If there is one way to brighten the senior leader’s day, it’s to bring around an excitable kit like Coltkit. She looks down at him as he bats at her leg, green eyes twinkling warmly at him. “Well, of course, Coltkit.” She nods encouragingly, her expression making it quite clear she’s eager to see what he’s got in store for her.

As he maneuvers through his ‘super cool battle move,’ Howlingstar watches with a blend of amusement and approval, her green eyes softening. With such earnest enthusiasm and determination, she can tell he could make a great apprentice someday. "Well done!" The tabby purrs encouragingly, a bit of pride shining in her gaze. “I can see you're already developing a strong sense of technique. Keep practicing like this, and you'll be a skilled warrior in no time,” The praise comes easily as she leans down, her fluffy tail brushing against the kit's coat. Her gaze is gentle, reassuring, but there is a flicker of playfulness in them. "Now, tell me - what other moves are you working on?"
⊱⊰ Bleary-eyed and deprived of his sleep by the overeager cries of a certain fluffy, wet-eyed kit, Hopekit trudges over to stand beside his not-grandmother with a frown plastered across his pale muzzle. Can we throw him out of the nursery already, he thinks, copper gaze flat and tired as he stares at Coltkit. The younger tom bounces around like he’s never once needed sleep in his life, overexcited and disrupting the leader’s personal time. He’s large already, with broad paws and standing at a height that nearly rivals Hopekit’s—nearly. However, the lilac-furred kit isn’t… impressed by him. He takes up already-scarce space in the nursery, and he speaks too loudly when he gets excited. But he’s two months younger than Hopekit, somehow, so Coltkit is… allowed to be childish, he supposes.

He watches on in stiff-lipped silence as Coltkit demonstrates his prowess under Howlingstar’s warm gaze, and it isn’t surprising when the leader praises him as she would her own kit. It isn’t that impressive, and Hopekit could definitely do even better, but he doesn’t say that. When he finally speaks, his words are laced with a yawn. "Wow, that was… really something. You’re a natural…" A natural dork. Hopekit keeps his thoughts to himself—he only thinks it because it makes him have to repress a snort of laughter. He doesn’t mean it. It’s just funny to imagine saying it to the other kit. He doesn’t mean it… "How many… battle moves do you know?" He chirps suddenly, brushing away the urge to one-up the younger kit.

  • ooc:
  • 81309324_2wmLWzBSS6UkcAG.png
    HOPEKIT ❯❯ he/him, thunderclan kit
    skinny, thick-furred lilac tom with deep copper eyes. soft-spoken and sleepy, but can be a bit of a grouch.
    son of batwing and leopardtongue ; brother to bravepaw, hazepaw, cardinalpaw, coalkit
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted
    penned by foxlore