private ROTTEN RIGHT TO THE CORE ⛧ maggotfur

˚₊‧ ⛧ The evening-bound hunting patrol found Ashenfall in a generally more pleasant mood than any of the other scheduled patrols. Hunting patrols were preferred because he didn’t have to deal with the nauseating stench and ear-splitting roar of the Thunderpath, nor did he have to pretend to entertain the company of their lovely neighbors. Another thing, the sun wasn’t half so unbearable when it was tucking itself beneath the cover of the horizon, and his apprentice-less self could get away with hiding out somewhere to fit in his noon-time nap.

All of this was to say that Ashenfall was having a half-decent time today, content with the snipe he’d caught and now just idling about, waiting for the rest of the patrol to come meandering back toward the direction of camp. He pokes around, searching half-heartedly for a fern to sit upon when he hears it. A snap- no. A crunch, and only cat-scent to be found with a cursory sniff to the air. Ashenfall stalks forward through the undergrowth in his curiosity when he sees it, in plain view.

”Oh, hello Maggotkit. I had no idea you’d been demoted all the way back down to little-baby-infant…” he greets patronizingly as he enters the secretive little hollow the she-cat had been hiding out in, a crackling sort of anger in his eyes at what he was witnessing. She was eating a frog, chowing down, fully having an entire meal out in the middle of the territory.

Venom burned in his stomach, how long had Maggotfur been doing this? She was breaking the code, and one of the easiest ones to remember too, so she was obviously doing it on purpose, not just because her brain was made of toad-meat.

”The fuck’s wrong with you?” is all he can ask. Was she teaching this to her apprentices? How much prey had she stolen from literally everyone? He bristled, growing angrier by the second.

  • OOC: @Maggotfur.
  • 29y3n1.png
  • ashenkit . ashenpaw . ashenfall
    — he/him. 16mo warrior of shadowclan. formerly mentored by smogmaw
    — smogmaw x halfshade. littermate to applejaw, swansong & garlicheart. older brother of thornpaw, halfpaw, and laurelpaw
    — a stout, longhaired blue torbie w/ pale blue and amber eyes
    — sarcastic, sharp-eyed, sulky, nostalgic, faithful, impulsive, candid, provocative, remorseful
    — "speech", thoughts
    — penned by eezy
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maggotfur 21 moons female she/her shadowclan warrior
Sometimes, it is a though Maggotfur's body has a mind of it's own. It's not a conscious thing, giving into her hunger - an ever present, all consuming thing that it is. She feels it there in the back of her ribcage and the bottom of her belly, that ever-gnawing ever sinking feeling of not being full. It's not real of course - she could be bloated with far too many frogs, belly as round as a queen with kits, and it'd still be there. It's a phantom thing - a memory, lingering like a ghost as it shadows her every step.

Still, paws move as though mind of their own - jaws snap tight around a tail or throat. Once, this was an acceptable behavior - just a quirk, one her clanmates good naturedly ribbed her about, for all that she disliked the attention. But now it's a code - and still, she can't quite stop herself. doesn't really want to either, if she were to ever be honest with herself.

So instead, on days like today she finds herself hiding away - solo hunts always providing the best chance to ease the ache. And now, more then ever, she has reason too - or at least, thats how she justifies it to herself as she digs into not a lizard or a pawful of bugs today but an entire frog. Tail flicks slowly, and for a moment she's contented despite her ravenous scarfing - at least until a grating voice hits her ears.

'Oh, hello Maggotkit,' it is that awful, hateful name that irritates her more then anything - more then being caught even. Pelt prickles, a slow thing that trickles down her flanks until her body has spiked up, eyes violent as she glares at Ashenclaw. She does not like them - this ungrateful little monster, who could not even spare kindness for his own kin. It had irked her in a personal way, the way he'd treated Halfpaw - memories of her on unhappy child dragged to the surface with each interaction.

And of course, it'd just had to be him who'd found her.

Tail lashes irritably, voice cold as she speaks. " What's wrong with me? me? Oh, a lot actually - would you like a list, " she snaps out sarcasticly, and there's a bit of a hysterical edge to it despite her best efforts.

actions & " speech, " & 'thoughts/quotes'
M O N S T E R , - H O W - S H O U L D - I - F E E L - ?