rotten the lamb ⸸ highstones

Magpiepaw steps from the mouth of the highstones with a bob of head and somewhat lighter steps than when he had entered it moments before. It had not taken very long at all, he often worried he might oversleep his visitation and delay the journey but he had woken up quickly enough after bidding farewell to the star-coated tortiseshell. The black and white apprentice glances around the cats present in various stages of waiting, some relaxed and unbothered and a few impatiently fidgeting and looking quite cross with him but he felt it had been important or he would not have asked.
"Thank you for waiting." He chirps, tone polite and his whiskers twitch as a light smile draws across his maw, "I wanted to say goodbye." He was no fool, though it had not been said directly he had noted enough of a specific way of speaking and implication in Flickerfire's words to draw his own conclusions. The clans fell under StarClan's domain, protected and guarded by their ancestors here but when you left the territory of the five giants then what lay above the endless skies then but an amount of nothingness with no guarantee StarClan could reach it or them in turn. This might end up being his last time seeing the ethereal sea and it is sombering in a way but invigorating in others; they had given him message enough.
"...they have faith in us." The medicine cat apprentice comments, to no one in particular and though the words had been for him in a casual manner he latches onto what the fire flecked she-cat had told him as a lesson worth sharing, "...we've much to learn from eachother. I look forward to it." And he did, he enjoyed knowing, learning, the knowledge of new and exciting things. Surely each clan had the vision because they needed eachother, needed the unique skills of each. Though he lacked in ShadowClan's stealth and cunning he was also playing a part important enough to steady his pawsteps.
Takes place prior to the river event, just after leaving Fourtrees!



♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
While sheltered outside of mother mouth, Figfeather cannot resist poking her head into the dark cave. She wonders how far the dark tunnels spiraled before you reached the chamber the moonstone sat in, she wonders what it looks like, what it's like to touch your nose to the stone and drift asleep. Excitement pricks in her fur at the mere thought, but it was something a mere warrior was not worthy of experiencing.

She has to stumble out of the way for Magpiepaw to emerge, truth be told she had hardly heard his paw-steps nearing.

His words sooth her, "Knowing they have faith in us is all I need." She had already found herself to tire, but this news replenishes her energy and confidence. Still, it was hard to imagine they'd all be able to get along to get this accomplished... maybe the love they have for their clans will allow them to do what was once impossible.
  • » Figfeather
    » SkyClan Warrior
    » She/her . AMAB
    » A red tabby she-cat with a mangled leg.
    » ”Speech”thoughtsattack
  • » A foe in battle whose ability to strategize can shift tides.
    » Excels in strategizing and pre-planning her battles.
    » Fights defensively and aid her clan to victory.
    » May powerplay minor harm. Can powerplay healing
anger makes you stupid . stupid gets you killed .
He had little faith in StarClan, but that didn’t mean he wouldn’t deny their existence. They were real, but the ex-rogue had a hard time comin’ to terms with it. He half-heartedly wondered if Yukio was amongst the starry felines, drawing a bittersweet smile to dark lips, expression conflicted.

It didn’t feel long, losin’ his brothers and kid on the same moon, just weeks apart. His heart twinged in pain, remembering the star-awful sounds that rattled inside his brain like they owned the place. In a morbid way, they did, but he learned to block ‘em out. The nightmares were another problem and he had little hope of sleepin’ well on the journey, not that he had been gettin’ enough sleep since their deaths, even more now.

He shook his helm, drawing his gaze to the medicine cat apprentice, tail flickering at Figfeather’s comment. He couldn’t help but wonder if this sickness was their doing, watching them suffer as if they didn’t give a damn about the livin’ but what did he know. Duskpool was skeptical. “As long as ya did what ya needed to do, kid.” He rumbled.

He ignored the apprentice’s last comment, letting out a grunt in acknowledgment, but said nothin’ else. “Better get goin’ if we wanna put more distance before we make camp.”
thought speech