pafp ROTTEN TONGUE &. asking questions


army of rotlings.
Jun 14, 2024

all cats look different. all of them do. even cats that look kind of similar look different. and buzzardkit wants to know why. why do cats look different? more specifically, why does a specific cat look the way they look? his nose twitches as he watches the cats through camp and one cat catches his eye. a warrior... what was his name again? he's swear he's heard it before but maybe too much in passing to have paid attention. with a squint of his gaze he just watches before the name comes to him. he stands up quickly on his wobbly paws, headed over and standing in front of the tom cat who was sitting there.


she is very blunt in the way she talks. it's no surprise that the question she asks is the question she asks... at least for cats that have interacted with her. she cares not for so called authority, nor does she care about feelings, aside from her littermates. she cares about answers.

"why do you look like that? what's wrong with you?"

they don't mean in the sense of emotion. they mean features. physical appearance. why does any cat look different instead of all the same?

"you do not look like me."

it tries to clarify as much as it can with such limited words in its brain.

// please wait for @Wormwatcher
✧*:.。. Oftentimes, with such an inquiry such as Buzzardkit's, Wormwatcher would likely verbally attack the questioner. But now, as Buzzardkit is an innocent, Wormwatcher will not react in any other fashion then his usual slanted frown. He sets down a charcoal hued paw that he has been lapping at diligently to remove a mat between his paw pad. He is actually pleased that Buzzardkit has approached him, as Wormwatcher has been keeping tabs on them and their siblings, feeling some wretched guilt and responsibility towards the litter due to their shared history of abandonment by their parents. It is his first time, however, speaking with one of the siblings.

"Nothing's the matter with me, as far as I know." Wormwatcher murmurs, inclining his head downwards may speak with the kit at it's level. He regards Buzzardkit with a contrived expression of puzzlement, his icy eyes blinking rapidly. He opens his lips slightly and widens his eyes in shock and mockingly gasps, "Well! I suppose I don't look like you... What is wrong with me?" Wormwatcher grimaces, wondering if that may be too harsh on the kit but concedes.

"I am not sure... as to why or how I look different from yourself, but that's just a fact of life. We are all different from eachother on the outside like we are inside. I dunno why, nor do I care why." Wormwatcher flicks his tail and looks the oddly lanky kit up and down quickly, realizing he would have been the same way as a kit. "You probably share some features--" He hesitates as he had been about to say parents, but he knows better. "You share some features with your siblings, even if you do not look exactly alike, or the same color and what not, y'know. Some things you oughta not know the answers to, I guess. Maybe a long time ago there were just a handful of shapes, sizes and looks and by random chance, here we are."

Answers are what Buzzardkit seeks, and Wormwatcher provides even against his confusion — though whether it will be satisfactory for her or not is anyone's guess. Mirepurr pays attention to the show. It is, after all, free and inviting to any who are near enough to overhear. The stab of pity they feel for Wormwatcher quickly blossoms into something more akin to amusement; he might be her victim today, but for what it's worth, he takes it like a champ.

They let it be known through a light mrrow of laughter, standing beside Wormwatcher in solidarity. Perhaps Buzzardkit would bombard them next with unanswerable questions... but they do not mind in the slightest.

"Do you want everyone to look like you?" Mirepurr provides a question of their own when Wormwatcher finishes a lesson on philosophy — that is certainly what it feels like with each additional word he says. Kitten naivety and innocence are a fleeting thing, lost to time and life; there is joy to be found there, if one cares enough to look deeper. "That'd get boring after a while, I think."

[ ༻❄༺ ] Buzzardkit's question was strange but not one that surprises Snowpaw, it was a normal thing for kits to question silly things such as why everyone looks different, and of course it was Wormwatcher who was presented with this question, which the warrior made best to present a good response to Buzzardkits question, and even Mirepurr was next to come into the conversation, asking the little she-kit if she wanted everyone to look like her, and even explained it would be boring after a while.

Slowly Snowpaw approached on quiet pawsteps before nodding towards his mentor briefly and then looking down at Buzzardkit, their known history of abandonment was known in the clan but, it was best not to divulge in that around the kit. "If we all looked the same..Then, it would be much more difficult to figure out who is who. Looking different makes you all the more unique" he expressed gently. Glad, that he didn't look anything alike anyone within his clan aside from his parents who were all but long in Starclan. He smiled slightly before slipping to sit next to Mirepurr. "Despite looking nothing alike, we all are still Shadowclan" he placed in as well before looking towards his mentor with a slight tilt of his head, it was always a bit more awkward to chat with kits, but still they all ask these questions, and one has to be ready to answer them.

  • "speak""Thoughts"
  • Snowpaw He/Him, apprentice of Shadowclan, 11 moons.
    Lithe long hair blue lynx sepia with high white, and yellow eyes. Stubby tail, permanent resting bitch face
    Hailfreckle x Mudsplash
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted (ask first) / / underline and tag when attacking
    see battle info here
    penned by Ryn@/Rynnaro on discord, feel free to dm for plots.


there is a look of pure unamusement when both snowpaw and mirepurr speak. buzzardkit doesn't recall asking them anything and for them to answer makes them upset. though, honestly, their face doesn't really change much from the neutral stance is normally takes, aside from a slight frown, but it's mostly just annoyance amongst their expression. so, they decide to ignore the two for now. they'd get back to them later, if they so choose.

"ok...ay. that kind of ma...kes sense."

she blinks for a moment before she turns and walks away into the nursery, wobbling with each step before she comes back a few minutes later and drops a feather at wormwatcher's paws. she thinks she likes this cat. she does not like mirepurr nor snowpaw however. such is the way of a finicky kitten.

"you are s....mart. th...ank you. i like you."

buzzardkit says with finality. he likes him. he will be a good friend of buzzardkit. he almost says something else but he sneezes so hard that it knocks him onto his hind quarters, nose twitching with a slight wince. how annoying. he wants to ask more questions and he can't do that if he keeps sneezing.
✧*:.。. With Mirepurr's arrival, Wormwatcher turned his head upwards in acknowledgement of them while he spoke of his ideas. His solemn face quirks up at Mirepurr's input and he snorts, "Stars... if I were surrounded by copies of me..." He pauses and then quirks a brow. "...actually I think it would be quite nice."

The tom casts his icy stare towards Snowpaw and nods his agreement towards what he had to say on the subject, very dramatically to emphasize to Buzzardkit that this was the truth. He's surprised to see a stare of blankness from Buzzardkit when he turns his stare back upon it, causing a chuckle to bubble from his maw-- this was not the expression that had adorned it's face moments before the others' arrival. He's about to turn his angular face upon Mirepurr to tease them about Buzzardkit's apparent dislike of them when the brown kit tumbles away, a sight reminiscent of a tumble weed blown away in the breeze. Wormwatcher blinks rapidly in confusion and sits silently until Buzzardkit's surprising return. He wonders if his answer was not what the kit had wanted to hear, despite it praising him. Well, not my problem...

"Oh... thank you!" Wormwatcher mews swiftly when a dark feather is dropped at his paws. He puts a light paw on it to ensure it does not float off. He will add this in his personal collection he stores beneath his nest, this one signifying the day he made a little friend. His hard face softens when Buzzardkit proclaims that he likes himself, a statement followed up by the largest sneeze to come out of something so small. "Ohu!" Wormwatcher flashes forward his available paw and places it behind Buzzardkit's back in case a sneeze attacks him once more, a measure done in fear that this one will rocket the small kit across camp. "There, don't go flyin' away on us. Now. Any other questions?"

  • ooc–
  • wormwatcher —— ✧*:.。.shadowclan warrior, he/him, homosexual, 28 ☾, tags