𓆝 π“†Ÿ π“†ž The moment Crabkit discovered the whole wide camp outside of the nursery’s walls, his entire world expanded by over double. The sun shines bright up in the sky, casting glittering rays across the gently waving surface of the riverβ€”the river! He isn’t bold enough to try swimming yet, but the nursery is quiet, and clinging to his mother’s side has grown boring. Maybe he should try, he thinks… but he wants Iciclefang to teach him first. So for now, Crabkit rests on his side at the water’s edge, mossy gaze fixated not too far down the river’s winding path around camp.

Out of the corner of his eye something moves, and the little tom-kit’s attention is captured instantly. The river fades from focus as he turns to look at it, wholly overtaken by his new discovery. There, at the edge of his vision, is the flickering of an orange and white tail. The tip of it moves back and forth, then back and forth againβ€”and in one quick, sudden movement, Crabkit scrambles to catch it. One paw slams down upon it, capturing it beneath needle-sharp claws…

Ow… The pinch in his own tail stings just a bit, but Crabkit is having too much fun to stop now! He lets go of his tail, shifting it a bit farther away from himself before pouncing in an attempt to catch it once again. This time, though, it slips right out from under his paws. He’ll just have to sneak up on it, then! Uncoordinated and untrained, the kit’s haunches wiggle as he attempts his stealthy turn, and then leaps at the tail with a ferocious little growl. It shifts again out of his paws’ reach, but if he turns just so, maybe he could capture it with his teeth…?

As he makes a sharp turn to catch his tail in his mouth, his gingery paws slip on a patch of damp earth. He loses his footing and his limbs go flailing as he With a yelp of surprise and then a softer squeak, the kit topples over onto his belly in the dirt. His chin bumps against the ground hard enough to bring a few tears welling up in his eyes, but he only sniffles harshly as he lets his sunkissed forehead drop to rest on the ground in defeat.

Trout had been wandering down the river when the orange form dashed with white popped up in the corner of her eye. Her cobalt-blue gaze takes a second to register that it was one of Riverclan's kits stray by the river which prompts her to move forth in case anything disastrous befalls the kit. He seems to enjoy himself without the restraints of adult duties, targeting his tail as a source of entertainment and 'hunting'. Crabkit catches his orange and white tail not once but twice, however the third time proves futile when he changes up to teeth instead paws.

The chocolate tabby chuckles softly after the young kit faceplants the dirt which is followed by a defeated squeak and form. She strides toward the young tom as she attempts to gentle pat his head in praise. "You did good. A little messy but good for how young you are, you'll be a brilliant hunter." Trout chirps a small praise as she plops onto her haunches as her long plumed tail rests off to the side, raising a paw to her lips to groom it momentarily. Crabkit and the new litters of kits were all energetic and ready to explore what secrets of life already had in store for them.
"speech", thoughts, attacking

Tigersplash held an affection for kits, she truly did want some of her own someday but she's content just occasionally dropping in to visit whenever she brings prey to the queens or a interesting looking rock, twig or bone for the kits themselves to toy with. With newleaf brought new litters into the clan breathing life and a new future for all of them, she's happy for Iciclefang she had three happy healthy kits and she can't wait to see what kind of apprentices they'd be when the time came. She watches Crabkit as the young kitten tumbled around chasing after his own tail. It's a sight to behold and she can't help but laugh. She can still remember when she first padded out of the nursery, can remember just how amazing everything was but she doesn't recall if she mistook her own tail for prey. She can't rule it out however. He however upon just about catching himself fell quite hard onto the ground and that sight is enough to motivate her to get up from where she lay.

Her large paws carry her over to him, Troutsnout approaches first and she nods her head "You picked a formidable opponent as well" she jests as she leans down so she doesn't tower. Her tone softens "You okay little warrior? " she looks him over and she doesn't see any blood or anything of the sort. It was just a tumble but it still had to hurt. She lowers herself completely the ground laying down on her stomach "Listen I have an idea, another opponent you can take down without worrying about falling over" she tries to flash her fluffy tail his way, a smile rests on her face "What do you say?"

  • tigersplash_wiki_sprite.png
    Tigerplash ✩ She/He, Warrior of Riverclan, 17 moons
    β­ƒ A chocolate/cinnamon chimera she-cat with high white and amber eyes
    β­ƒ peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    β­ƒ penned by Kedamono ↛ @legmeatt on discord, feel free to dm for plots. ​

It was hard nowadays to believe that Cragkit, Pinekit and Crabkit were already this big... adventurous, playful, bold. He adored them despite it, more than he ever thought he would- within him lay a shining pride for his kin that he was sure he had inherited from his father. Often, when he looked at them a small little thought flitted through his head like a dragonfly... the thought that one day, he might have his own kits. That Iciclefang's litter might play with them, and he and his sister could watch on with pride glimmering in their eyes, and they'd wonder when they got so old.

Of course, that wasn't an ambition he was in any rush to achieve- it was hardly an ambition at all. And it disappeared as soon as Crabkit took his little tumble, toppling into the dust and jamming his face into the ground in defeat.

He was glad, at least, that the cats who ran to his nephew's aid weren't ones who'd bark at him for being clumsy. Troutsnout and Tigersplash was the encouraging sort... and if Crabkit had any of the emotionality Ferngill did- that Mudpelt had- he hoped that their encouragement would heal any wounded pride.

At Tigersplash's challenge, Ferngill's face brightened into a grin- he crouched beside his nephew, showing him a sunny smile. "Stars, that's a big one- are you up to the challenge, Crabkit?"
✦ penned by pin ✦
༝ ˚ q⋆ 𓇼 ⋆q ˚ ༝   It felt. . . weird to realize that he was old now. Not old enough to leave the den, but he was getting close! And there were others here that were very, very far away. Just like he had once been. Crabkit was so little. He'd been there the night he came into the world, and he'll be an apprentice first, and a warrior first too. Would he be old enough to mentor him? The way that Smokestar teaches Beepaw and Cicadapaw? He probably knows so much more already! Could he teach something already? But the warriors probably know more, and they're already here. They're so nice about it, and that confuses him a little bit. The kitten is clearly just pouncing on his own tail! What's so cool about that?

. . . Were they nice to him when he was being that silly, too? All he remembers is feeling so proud of himself when they said he would do good. Silly warriors.

"If you get really good at this, maybe we can do bugs next!" he suggests with bouncing excitement. "And then real prey, like birds!" He still doesn't know what he feels about Pinekit's bird, but prey was prey. They might as well get good at it now.

  • ooc: β€”
  • "speech"
  • π“†Ÿ. Β° .β€’ .𓆝 .β€’ Β° . π“†Ÿ β€‚π‘πˆπ•π„π‘πŠπˆπ“. HE β•± THEY. KITTEN OF RIVERCLAN. KINDLING x οΉ– NEPHEW TO SMOKESTAR. PENNED BY REVELATIONS.  ———
    β€”β€”  a messy blue tabby with low white. though small and slimmed down by the chill, riverkit's thick coat will bounce back with time and love. the fragility beneath his fur will dissipate with time. though currently stocky as most kittens are, he will gain some semblance of delicate stature with age. with a steady diet, riverkit may begin to fit into the clan he's so proudly named for.
𓆝 π“†Ÿ π“†ž Crabkit doesn’t move until he feels a pat on the top of his head, and the voice of an older clanmate tells him that he did good despite falling right on his face. His shoulders tense, not quite believing Troutsnout’s compliments, but the encouragement is enough to get him to lift his head up from the ground and begin straightening himself out. Tigersplash joins the other warrior to check on him and give her own encouragement, and the deep frown on his face shifts back into a small smile. "Yeah, I’m okay," he assures her, ears perking up when the warrior lowers herself to the ground before him. She offers her tail for him to pounce upon instead of his own, and his own little tail flickers excitedly.

A familiar figure of rippled blue and white approaches next, and Crabkit grins up at the older kit. Riverkit is nice, and fun. He suggests that they can hunt bugs at first, but then he changes it to birds, and Crabkit shakes his head quickly. "Not birds," he mumbles, hesitant moss-green eyes shifting to the older kit. He doesn’t want to think about the bird Pinekit had found… ever again. Bugs though… they aren’t animals, so they might be fun to perceive his hunting on! "I wanna hunt bugs next!" And then, maybe he can hunt ThunderClanners, too! But right now, he has bigger things to chase, like Tigersplash’s tail. With wide eyes, he turns his attention on his new target, lowering himself into a clumsy approximation of a hunter’s crouch.

Before he leaps for the warrior’s tail, his uncle joins him in a crouch as well, and he’s greeted with a shining smile from the older tom. Ferngill asks if he’s up for the challenge, and he nods, all his eagerness returned to him just as soon as it had left. His uncle is super cool, and Crabkit wants nothing more than to impress him. "Yeah! I’m gonna get you!" He cries out as he pounces at Tigersplash’s tail, aiming to capture it underneath both his bright orange paws.