pafp Round one... Fight! || o. Spar

Please wait for @APPLEPAW

[ ༻❄༺ ] From when the two had last done chores, Snowpaw had asked to spar with the much older apprentice which Applepaw had agreed on, and Snowpaw wasn't going to easily let it go until she got her spar. And so, the apprentice awaited for Applepaw's return from her training for the day and quickly stood in front of the other with a look of determination in her gaze. "Lets spar, here and now" she stated fluffing out her fur slightly. They might as well with the time they had to spare and, mostly Snowpaw just wanted to gain more experience by sparring with an older apprentice.

She would await for the other to agree, keeping their eyes locked on the other while her ears were perked forward. She knew it was probably not her brightest idea, to somewhat challenge an older apprentice but when they had both been cleaning out the elder's den a few days back, Snowpaw had asked then and wanting to make it some sort of 'learning' moment, so she would accept whatever feedback Applepaw gave, especially knowing ghat this spar wouldn't last long either way, but... perhaps Snowpaw was underminding herself.

  • "speak""Thoughts"
  • Snowpaw She/Her, apprentice of Shadowclan, 5 moons.
    Lithe long hair blue lynx sepia with high white, and yellow eyes. Stubby tail, permanent resting bitch face
    Hailfreckle x Mudsplash
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted (ask first) / / underline and tag when attacking
    see battle info here
    penned by Ryn@/Rynnaro on discord, feel free to dm for plots.


She had not expected to be immediately greeted by Snowpaw, upon her return to camp. Odd eyes behold her fellow apprentice with some curiosity. She's wearing an expression that Applepaw does not commonly see on her face. Lets spar, here and now., she insists. Applepaw narrows her eyes. There's a slight scrunch of her nose. " Here? " In the midst of camp? Well... she supposed it would have to be here, with the Clans' new laws...

And it wasn't as if ShadowClan's camp was already bustling... They were perhaps the smallest of the five, equipped with having the strangest of sleep schedules, she presumed. Luckily for Snowpaw, Applepaw's eyes can settle upon a more secluded corner of camp, ripe for the taking. Not that they would be able to trail a wide berth, but... it would do fine for a spar, she imagines. The older apprentice flicks her tail. " Alright. "

If she could, she would attempt to catch a warriors gaze, some semblance of a warning offered in regards to what they intended to do. Applepaw wonders over, as careless as she could appear with a still - tilted chin and strong steps. She offers Snowpaw some time to follow suit. Once she does, she begins to pace. A sliver of herself possesses an ego, and that sliver wants to tell Snowpaw to try and come for her.

But it reminds her too much of the tom she had learned from. For a moment she pauses, horrified, and then she's surging forward, suddenly insistant on doing anything but that.

Applepaw is not so much built for speed as the both of her mentors were, but she still tries to use it the best she can, striking about as suddenly as she could hope to. A sheathed forepaw sweeps forward, perhaps seeming to aim for the shoulder before dipping lower to the legs instead, intending to try and knock Snowpaw off - balance.

  • B4eJFa4.png

  • SHE / HER
    ELDEST SISTER TO SWANPAW, ASHENPAW, AND GARLICPAW ( halfpaw, thornpaw, laurelpaw )
    currently 10 moons old as of 2.12.24. ages every 17th.
    ic opinions! she's mean <3
⋆˖⁺‧₊☽◯☾₊‧⁺˖⋆ The instant that Minkpaw spotted Applepaw throw the first attack, she raced over, whatever she had been doing before completely forgotten. Her mentor had told her to practice or clean or something, but really who cared about that! She wasn't going to miss this!

Minkpaw loved spars. Being an apprentice had turned out less exciting than she had hoped. As it turned out, it was all about doing the same boring things over and over again until her brain turned to mush. As glad as she was to not be confined to the nursery anymore, she also wished she could actually DO something.

"YEAH YEAH!" Her cheers boomed through the camp, drawing eyes toward both herself and the ongoing spar. "GET 'ER!" Enraptured as she was, she made no attempt to clarify who it was she was rooting for. Really, she didn't care which of them won at all. She was cheering for the fight itself. Minkpaw bounced from paw to paw as she watched, an eager grin splitting her face. Even just watching was so much more fun than training, but hopefully she'd get the chance to spar too! Maybe she could challenge the winner!
  • MINKKIT she/her(?), apprentice of shadowclan, six moons. tiny, shorthaired silver tabby with high white and fiery orange eyes. FOXFANG X BADGERFUR peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking ↛ see battle info here penned by empyrean@empyrean_heaven on discord, feel free to dm for plots.
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it hits my head and I feel numb—————————————————————————————
The day had been boring, nothing happened, and worst of all there was no promise that something was going to happen. The blue tom wandered around camp, the elders were already taken care of amd his mentor said they needed a nap so he was to stay out of trouble. Easy enough, he didn’t revel in the concept of mischief in the traditional sense. Making noise, sneaking around and general rough housing weren’t his usual time killers and that would have been true for this afternoon if Snowpaw hadn’t rushed in like a crazed animal demanding a battle with Applepaw. As soon as he heard the commotion his interest was piqued.

How did Snowpaw plan to win a spar against his nearly warrior-sized sister? He looked over the two competitors as they began to play. Applepaw was certainly more filled out the Snowpaw, he and the white cat were the same in that, still growing into their bones. A little too long and skinny to be particularly skilled with their limbs, or at least he found that to be the case. Maybe he was putting his thoughts onto Snowpaw, maybe she didn’t find her body awkward to navigate, especially in battle. Quickly a swipe of Applepaw’s foot broke him from thought, he supposed this would be the true test of his theory, keeping on balance after a blow like that would be impressive.

DON’T LET HER THROW YOU OFF BALANCE!” He shouted, technically taking a side but as soon as Snowpaw hit back he’d be quick to offer advice to Applepaw, much to her chagrin he’d guess.

my body's looking wrong——————————————————————penned by WriteAboutRadish was Applepaw the not so importand cat!. Basilpaw wouldn't have put much of any attention to her if it wasn't for Snowpaw who had challenged them for a spar!. Now he had to be here to cheer them on as her very best friend!. So he took his seat and took in a deep breath before he started to shout. " BOOOOO, BOOO TO APPLEPAW!!." he said just when Applepaw started to do her first move against Snowpaw clearly letting her know he was not rooting for her!. Basilpaw voice then changed to a more cheerful encourage one as he focused on Snowpaw instead. " COME ON SNOWPAW YOU CAN DO IT !! YOU CAN DO IT!! NO WAY YOU'RE GONNA LOSE TO SOMEONE WHO CANNOT EVEN CONGRATULATE SOMEONE'S APPRENTICE CEREMONY!!, SHOW HER WHAT YOU GOT!! WOOOOHOOOO!!." yeah that was what Applepaw got!. He hoped Applepaw would go to bed crying for losing to someone as awesome like Snowpaw!.

"I do love having a show with my meal." Willowburn purred as he was attracted towards the spar happening by the cheering and baying of excitable apprentices. The warrior set his mouse down between his forepaws so he could nibble at his leisure without interrupting his opportunity to watch the showdown between Snowpaw and Applepaw. Just who would win, he was genuinely curious. Though he supposed as the present warrior it would be up to him to ensure that things didn't go too far.
- ⋆ -

she hates fighting. she's never been good at it. her blindness leaves her at a disadvantage, sure, but that's not why she's not necessarily good at it. she just hates violence. hates the smell of blood, and the way it feels on her claws. hates hurting others, even with her words, so with teeth and claws it is no different. so, when anyone wants to spar, she tries to stay away. she can defend herself enough to not die, and that's good enough for her. she would much rather provide for her clan in other ways, like hunting! she's good at that, yes? she's gotten better, somewhat, in recent moons with a new mentor. siltcloud liked to capitalize on her hearing and sense of smell but... in different ways. not hunting. or tracking prey. she much preferred that.

"that doesn't sound like fun."

caterpillarpaw mentions as she lays down with her head propped on her paws, gazing in the direction of all the commotion. fighting wasn't fun. she doesn't see how it is to anyone.

*+:。.。 Singepaw wasn't a particular fan of either apprentice in the running. Applepaw was a smug grouch and Snowpaw was...Snowpaw. But the boy was a lover of fights and couldn't bring himself to stay away. Bounding over, he craned his neck to watch the battle, his eyes shinning with molten turquoise as he watched Applepaw's moveset in particular, expecting big things from the older apprentice. "C'MON APPLEPAW! SHOW HER HER HOW MUCH MORE EXPERIENCED YOU ARE! BITE HER! PIN HER! DON'T BE A QUACK!" he thinks back on his recent 'play fight' with Snowpaw and bristles - both from (he still refuses to admit) shame and embarrassment of having his nose shoved into the ground not once, but twice. He hopes Applepaw smacks her down just as hard! "SWEEP HER LEGS OUT RAAAHH GO APPLEPAW WOOOOOOO!" he shouts louder to counter Basilpaw, shooting the grey apprentice a smug look, certain that Applepaw would absolutely deck Basilpaw's girlfriend - he sticks out his tongue at Basilpaw.

    Cismale — He/him — Questioning sexuality
    4 moons — Ages 1 moon every month on the 2nd
    NPC x Duckshimmer (brother to Swallowkit, Sneezekit)
    Shadowclan — Kit
    Apprenticed to Pipitclaw

    Physically easy | mentally easy
    Attack in bold #b8312f
    Can be power played just ask
    injuries: faint scars on flanks from an owl attack


[ ༻❄༺ ] The eagerness that Snowpaw felt when the older warrior agree to their spar, yellow eyes glowing with excitement and determination, quick to follow suit after the other while the unsuspecting crowd grew to surround them to witness the spar. Applepaw, who was basically a warrior challened by her younger denmates with only 3 moons of experience on her. The skills were unmatched truly as it all favored Applepaw, an easy win but Snowpaw wasn't one to go down easily.

Soon after they approach the secluded area, Applepaw made the first strike, knocking Snowpaw off balance which made her yellow eyes widen slightly before scrambling to catch her paws and restable herself. Turning to face Applepaw a small grin appeared on her maw before aiming to grab Applepaws scruf and usimg her weight to try and knock the other off her paws if successful Snowpaw would attempt to put some sort of distance between them.

They were silently surprised by the amount of the other apprentices began cheering, Minkpaw's whose wasn't directly at anyone's to Laurelpaw calling out instructions and even Basilpaw making his own cheers. Snowpaw would roll her eyes at the comments made by Singepaw before focusing back on Applepaw, keeping low to the ground and anticipating her next moves.

  • "speak""Thoughts"
  • Snowpaw She/Her, apprentice of Shadowclan, 6 moons.
    Lithe long hair blue lynx sepia with high white, and yellow eyes. Stubby tail, permanent resting bitch face
    Hailfreckle x Mudsplash
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted (ask first) / / underline and tag when attacking
    see battle info here
    penned by Ryn@/Rynnaro on discord, feel free to dm for plots.


Ever since kithood, sparring and wrestling was something that Halfpaw enjoyed immensely, much to the detriment of her littermates who she would try to goad into wrestling at any given moment, even when the game they were playing did not call for the activity. She would always find a way to fit it in. Why on earth Snowpaw would do something as tadpole brained as challenging such an older warrior to a duel is beyond her, but she does know one thing. She would never be caught dead cheering for someone that isn't her own flesh and blood, not unless they were someone REALLY special. "C'MON APPLEPAW KICK HER BUTT!" she screams from her place next to Laurelpaw, adding her voice to the throng.

Basilpaw's shouts are an annoyance, one that she usually is able to ignore but this time? This time his shouts were against her sister and Halfpaw could not have that. "BOO TO BASILPAW!" she yells as she gathers up snow in one socked paw and hurls it as hard as she can in his direction before quickly ducking behind her brother for cover.

  • 74005637_Mkbfa9PMK58YlSi.png
    A fluffy she cat who's fur is half cream tabby, half blue tabby split by white. Her eyes are two mismatched shades of blue, with one being a light icy blue and the other being darker in color.
    Easy in battle + still learning how to fight
  • Haha
Reactions: Floppie

He had no clue why everyone was cheering on Applepaw for when Snowpaw clearly was alot cooler then the 'not congratulation apprentices on their ceremony' Applepaw ever could be!. If they wanted to cheer on the losing team then fine with him!. Basilpaw had already decided after all that Snowpaw was the winner no matter the outcome of this spar!. His grin remained like always, glues and unmoving from his maw even when Singepaw decided to challenge him on who could cheer the loudest. He just shot them a look before he took in a deep breath. " SNOWPAW SHOW HER ALL THE COOL MOVES YOU USED WHEN YOU DEFEATED THAT FOX THE OTHER DAY!! AND REMEMBER TO BITE HER ANKLES!! THAT'S THE TRICK TO BRING HER DOWN I THINK!! OR MAYBE NOT!! IT MIGHT HURT SO MAYBE DONT DO THAT BUT GO FOR HER....UUUUUUUHM, FACE!! THROW DIRT IN HER FACE!! THAT'S PROBABLY OKAY TO DO!! I ACTUALLY SUCK AT THIS I'VE NO CLUE HOW TO FIGHT BUT I'M SURE YOU WILL DO GREAT!! I MEAN I KNOW YOU WILL!! I'M ROOTING FOR YOU AND-" He tried to yell at the top of his lungs to prove to Singepaw that he was better at yelling then he was and without breathing between his words too!!. An absolute champion he was at this. Nobody could defeat Basilshriek!!

Before he could actually finish rambling on until he either would pass out because of lack of oxyen or collapse because of his own lungs giving up on him a snowball came his way hitting him straight in the face!. That was super effective!!. It for sure shut him off!. Basilpaw blinked multiply times as the cold was like a slap to his face and as he turned his head around to see who it was that had ambushed him like this he saw Halfpaw. His jaw dropt like he was about to say something but for once he was speechless. Instead of saying anything at all his ears flattered themselves back and he quickly got up and run of just like that!.

Hopefully Snowpaw will understand!!. He was still rooting for her being with her in spirit!.

// out!

Having been preoccupied with chores, the blonde feline was surprised to hear a mingle of both her sister and friend's meows. Curiously, her tufted cheeks peeked over her striped shoulder, bi-colored eyes spotting the growing crowd migrating off to a clearer space in camp. Eager shouts and jeers grew with intensity, barely intelligible, and pulling Thornpaw in. Dropping her soiled nest at the mouth of the apprentices' den, the hefty molly waltzed to the back of the group, peering over the back of Halfpaw and Laurelpaw. Her jaw nearly hit the floor as the realization struck. They're sparring? It wasn't often she was taken by surprise, but this one definitely took a kick out of Thornpaw. Their sister was a fearsome creature and a seasoned apprentice in comparison. Tufted ears flattened as her siblings rightfully egged Applepaw on, but Thornpaw couldn't add to their enthusiasm.

Her older sister tended to give them all the cold shoulder, and Snowpaw was her closest friend. Even so, she couldn't find it in herself to go so far as to chant negativity her way. How could she root for one and not the other? Rather than add to the chaos, she simply decided to watch with intrigue, settling behind her smaller littermates. The barbary she-cat observed with a neatly tucked tail, following closely as they heartily began the session. Thornpaw's heart quickened a pinch at Snowpaw's obvious eye roll, and she couldn't help the smile that danced upon her maw. A small part of her hoped the pale feline would at the very least get some impressive blows in.