private ROUND TABLE // council + meddies

// @Flycatcher @BERRYHEART @LICHENPAW @Flamewhisker @RACCOONSTRIPE @nightbird @WOLFWIND

The plan was set and Howlingstar feels apprehension in every claw, every whisker, every strand of fur. She settles in her den with her sons, her granddaughter, her friends. The only one missing is Sunfreckle while he tends to his kits in the nursery; she’ll be sure to update him as soon as they’re done here. Her attention is swiftly pulled to the two she-cats who volunteered to make this journey and her brow creases with poorly hidden worry. “You are both very brave to take on this mission,” The old tabby mews, feeling guilty she cannot do what they are about to do. “The two of you will be the guides of the ThunderClanners on the mission. I leave all decisions up to you; on this journey, you are acting co-leaders and will be responsible for everyone’s safety.”

She sounds firm, but she hopes they know how proud she is of them. She trusts both Nightbird and Flamewhisker fully and has no doubt they will make every choice for the sake of their clanmates. She scans the group, brows tented. “Does anyone have anything to add or say? Now is the time.” The Gathering is that night, and it is when the journeying cats would depart. If there is anything to clear up, they must do it now.

"Very brave indeed," Flycatcher echoes. This journey is for a good and noble cause, and the potential risks are great, Flycatcher feels great admiration and respect for the cats who volunteered to go. Both from ThunderClan and ultimately the other clans. A small part of Flycatcher wished he could go with them but he had made his choice, and he knew his path was to stay here with ThunderClan.

"I have nothing else to add," Flycatcher responded, when Howlingstar asked if any of the others had anything to say. "Just...come back to us," He adds, with a softer tone. "Get the lungwort we need and come back safe. ThunderClan still needs you."
With heavy paws, she joins Howlingstar into her den. She sits beside Flycatcher, casting the occasional glance at the rest of the council members. This was potentially the last time she would sit in here with them. She took in a deep breath, doing her best to clear her head. There were still a lot of goodbyes she needed to would it be possible to bid farewell to everybody?

Howlingstar begins, calling her and Nightbird brave. The corner of her muzzle pulls back ever so slightly into a faint smile, but it quickly goes away. She was proud to help lead their group on this journey, but there were too many dangers and possibilities to be excited about leaving. Besides, how could she be excited about leaving? This was her home. The most stable place she had ever had in her life...she was somebody here, instead of just another loner trying to survive. But that was the exact reason why she must go. I have to protect my home, my family.

"I will miss you all." she began, her voice faltering slightly. She pauses, taking in a breath and clearing her throat to force any jitters away. "We will do everything we can to ensure everyone comes home safely." Green eyes turn to Nightbird, offering the other molly a nod, before turning her gaze to Howlingstar. She couldn't speak for Nightbird, but she had full intentions of protecting her clanmates, no matter the cost.
  • flamegal.png
    LH red tabby with low white (masks black tabby, carries dilute, solid)
    — Lead Warrior of Thunderclan ; currently mentoring Acornpaw
    — she/her ; mated with Flycatcher
    — mother to Stormpaw & Falconpaw
    — 24 moons ; ages on the 20th
    — Smells like dirt, old leaves, tree sap, faint hint of flowers
    — will start a fight, will finish fights, will kill (case depending)
    "speech" ; thoughts ; attacks
    — penned by Icey ! ; link to tags
    — link to toyhouse
    — funny guy art by waluigipinball​

Howlingstar had called a council meeting shortly after the cats volunteering had said their piece. Raccoonstripe’s steps toward his leader’s den are trepidatious—he doesn’t know how to process the knowledge that a good chunk of ThunderClan’s warriors would be leaving. Flamewhisker had been a lead warrior of the Clan almost as long as it had existed, and Nightbird…

When he thinks of her leaving and not returning, there’s a metallic taste on his tongue like blood. He does not like it. He does not want to experience it more than he is already. He turns first to Flamewhisker, a friend, and then to Nightbird, a… a friend, too. “Do not take unnecessary risks,” he says, his voice brisk despite the small fires in each dark brown eye. “Especially for cats who aren’t in ThunderClan. We will need you both here, safe.

  • raccoon . raccoonstripe
    — he/him ; lead warrior of thunderclan
    — heteroflexible ; single
    — long-haired black tabby with white and dark brown eyes
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — penned by Marquette
    — chibi by Rai
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drawn into howlingstar's den, she offers a flick of her ear to the leader in greeting before taking a seat near raccoonstripe. her tail laid neatly to cover her paws, rising and falling to tap against the ground just as it had during the meeting. taking on the role of sacrificial lamb built up a certain amount of anxiety, even in the most stone-hearted.

brave, the leader calls them with a worry laced brow, flycatcher echoing her statement. flamewhisker attempts a smile, but nightbird's ears just twitch. the line between bravery and stupidity was thin and fragile, the molly feared she had broken the barrier beyond repair. yet, she remains quiet. calling it what it was changed nothing, would help no one.

her head dipped into a nod following flamewhisker's words. their warriors would return safe, with the lungwort to save the remaining cats that would fall ill. she could not make promise to raccoonstripe's comment the same way, her front paws pulling closer to her body at the flame in his glance. "just make sure that there is a thunderclan to come back to. we are relying on you all just as much." if they were to successfully get the lungwort and everyone back in one piece only to find a whole clan infected, culled in their time away, it would all be for nothing.

  • NIGHTBIRD she/her, lead warrior of thunderclan, twenty-five moons
    nightbird is a small black smoke molly with pale silver eyes. a loner turned thunderclanner, her loyalty and drive to provide for her clan is unwavering. however, she is not known for harboring a bleeding heart, instead equipped with sarcastically fueled wit, brutal honesty, and a sharply edged tongue.
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking ↛ see battle info here
    penned by vayle@vayl3 on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

————— ❁ —————
Worry clouds Lichenpaw's eyes as the council is called. Its not his place to speak against the journey, and he hasn't, not at the half-moon meeting and not now. Still, though, he can't keep the signs of his feelings from showing on his face, in the fidgety movement of his paws. His eyes keep flicking to the ground and back to the two mollies who have volunteered. Nightbird and Flamewhisker, leading ThunderClan's healthiest away to who knows where. Maybe they wouldn't return; maybe they'd return to find their whole clan taken by illness, no one left to welcome them back.

Or maybe they'd find the lungwort, and the magical dreams are true. Lichenpaw wants to hope for that. Shared dreams do seem quite special, if only they were not just nonsense, strange stress dreams connected by loose thread. But he does not say anything, because it is not his place.

It'll be good, at least, to take the healthy away from here. Lichenpaw does not worry for them as he does for those remaining behind. "Just make sure that there is a thunderclan to come back to," says Nightbird. Lichenpaw's smile is twisted unhappily as he speaks. "We - we will, we'll — we'll do all that we can," Not that they can do much without lungwort, watching their clanmates fade away, giving desperate doses of feverfew and honey just to ease the suffering as much as they can.

It's a little softer, when he speaks next. "Just um, stay safe. Please." Even if he and Berryheart can't do much for the cats remaining behind, he hopes that someone at least, will make it out of this okay.

...And maybe come back with the lungwort. He's never been the hopeful sort, but if there were ever a reason to become one, this would be it.
————— ❁ —————

  • //
  • LICHENPAW named for the lichen on the trees of his home.
    — he/him or they/them. 14 moons.
    — thunderclan medicine cat apprentice, mentored by berryheart.
    — bears a near-permanent nervous grin.

    primary character, high activity. penned by saturnid.​
  • "SPEECH"
  • 66645992_9XglqEnKXn6q8TJ.png

He shared his apprentice's sentiment- that there was little they could do in truth to ensure Inky's request. A few would stand, doubtless- but he'd no idea if this illness could strike someone twice. Surely, though, StarClan would not have waited to send a message, knowing if they delayed then the mission would be null and void. If they focused upon their task, looked past rivalries as the medicine cats did and forged ahead to the cold place, they would certainly succeed.

His dipped his head after Freckles spoke, a seconding to every well-wish sent Sunset and Inky's way. He squinted at Stripes for a moment, a barely-there twitch of movement; he spoke quickly, but the thread held taut between him and Inky was not one that Berryheart was very well-versed in analysing.

"StarClan stands behind you," he confirmed, voice measured monotone. Though he would never deny nervousness if its existence was asked directly of him, Berryheart was as confident as ever in keeping it out of his voice. Fretfulness would appear disconcerting upon him more than it might even Big Mama. And he still believed it was no coincidence that he had been given a warning specifically about keeping the Clans alive. ThunderClan would always protect, even without thanks for it.
Wolfwind kinda thought this thing would be fitting for her. A grand mission that would take her across territories. Unseen land waitin’ to be discovered. A cure that they would need to drag back across how many days. Wolfwind could be disciplined when she wanted to be. With Berryheart’s Marigold — she knew that herbs were not invincible, and part of her wanted to be there herself, so that she could unsure the cute gets back to them.

She wasn’t the only one who could be trusted with that though. She dips her head to Flamewhisker, and with a sniff, to Nightbird as well. ThunderClan needed able - bodied warriors in the same way that the journeying cats did. She wanted to stay with her family, to make sure nothing bad would happen to them. To make sure nothing bad would happen to ThunderClan while some of their finest were out makin’ a change. The exchange of words is perfectly typical, and it didn’t need to be anything but. Come home safe. Don’t take risks.

just make sure that there is a thunderclan to come back to. Wolfwind says, " Don't sweat it, " in the same breath as Lichenpaw’s stuttered response. She flashes him an apologetic look; lets him finish. Wolfwind smiles with Berryheart’s word. " Make sure to keep the rest of those idiots in place. StarClan knows they’ll need it. " She can only imagine WindClan, ShadowClan, and RiverClan will send a bunch of morons befitting of them. Flamewhisker and Nightbird were fine choices for some level - headedness in the group.
