pafp roundtable rival | fight

Snowpaw didn't like the idea of borders, but he respected them at least. If you asked him he'd prefer the world be open for his exploration, where he could roam to his heart's content without worry or fear of things like territory and boundary disputes. The only good thing that came from these invisible walls was keeping WindClan as far from him as possible. He'd not been born when they took Haze from them but he'd often enough of how their leader violently murdered a SkyClanner who was just in the wrong place at the wrong time instead of letting Blazestar handle their trespass. From there it only seemed to get worse, their medicine cat had been exiled for being a lunatic (a former SkyClanner he heard?) and their leader was cozying up to ShadowClan to form some weird alliance or whatever. No, Snowpaw didn't think too highly of the moorland clan and its inhabitants and that mistrust extended even to those who had fled it. Sure, it took a sensible cat to realize what an awful place WindClan was but they sure stayed there long enough to be stained by its influence most likely. As such he never really went out of his way to befriend Coyotepaw, didn't despise the other apprentice or anything petty like that but he wasn't about to turn his back on someone born from that wretched place of rabbits and bloodshed.
Golden eyes narrowed as the wind picked up and he spotted Coyotepaw across the camp coming in from a border patrol, the scent of the rolling hills catching his attention and he couldn't help but scoff; had they gone near WindClan? Was the scent from a different patrol? It was hard to tell but just having it hit him in the face was enough to make his fur prickle upward into fine spikes as he stalked forward, smirk curling black lips back as he shook his head. "No hunting patrol today? Did they give up on you already?" He doubted the other apprentice had even chased a squirrel up a tree proper yet, "Maybe you'd have better luck chasing rabbits?" Snowpaw's eyes flashed liquid sunshine but lacked the warmth, he stalked forward on light steps and gave Coyotepaw one of his cackle of a laughs, powdered tail lashing, "Maybe you'd have better luck hunting cats, like you WindClanners are so accustomed to doing."

I won't apologize for being who I am
Coyotepaw trailed behind the group coming in from their latest patrol, an exasperated sigh flowing from his nares. Border patrol was the last thing he wanted to do this early in the day. He'd rather be out hunting, seeking to secure his first catch to give Leopardcloud before her time was up. His ultimate goal? To blow though as many "firsts" as possible for his sister to witness before she departed from this world and passed into the paws of starclan. His tail lashed, clearly agitated as he pondered the events of the patrol. He failed to locate a single flower to bring back and surprise her with, fearing that the frost might have killed them off, and with leaf bare looming ever closer his anxiety rose to new heights.

Leaf bare, Leopard confessed that she would not survive the frigid winter season and the fresh memory stops the boy in his tracks. Anguish bubbles underneath the surface of his cream tabby coat, threatening to boil over the longer he dreaded the inevitable. Snowpaw's voice reaches his ears, the comment snapping him from his current musings. "No hunting patrol today?" Looking up pastel eyes fall upon Daisyflight's child, genuinely surprised the tom was asking. "No, I-" But another question is fired off before he has time to answer the first. "What?" Coyote's brows pinch, jaws clenching as each question becomes more condescending than the last.

Cream ears flatten against his striped head. Pelt prickling and hackles rising as the older apprentice stalks forward, cackling, ridiculing him. "Leave me alone Snowpaw. I don't have time for your jokes." Coyote warns, his voice dangerously low as he draws back a step. Yet the dappled tom continues his approach, spewing venom until the younger apprentice finally snaps. A hiss explodes from fawn tinted lips, long lithe limbs contracting and propelling him forward as he violently tackles Snowpaw with unsheathed claws. Flesh collides with flesh, limbs and body twisting and rolling against the camps grounds. Delicate skin complains against the nicks and cuts he obtains, and throbs in places there would surely be bruising. However, he could care less. Coyote's breath is rough and ragged through their tussling, lips peeled back in a sneer.

"Take it back!" He demands through another hiss, tail lashing as he eventually pins the apprentice underneath him. "It's not so funny anymore huh?" Coyote's limbs tremble, using every ounce of willpower he had left in him not to completely tear into the formally snickering tom.
Tryna throw shade on me say a lot 'bout you
( )
"SNOWPAW! COYOTEPAW!" The voice that was usually so soft and gentle exploded into the air of Skyclan camp as the lead warrior rushed over to the wrestling pair, jaws aimed at her mates' apprentice in an attempt to pull the two toms apart. Her heart was breaking, the words she had heard leave her own beloved apprentices' mouth, the unsheathed claws that Coyotepaw had raised against his own clanmate.

Should her actions be successful and the two were now in front of her, the normally calm molly was clearly very upset, tears threatening her aqua gaze as it burned into the apprentices, "What in the name of the stars has gotten into you both?!" Deersong would demand with a lash of her tail. She would look between them, teeth gritted in an attempt to keep from full-on bawling at the display she had just witnessed.

"Snowpaw, how could you say such horrible things to your own clanmate? Have I failed you that much?" Turning to Coyotepaw she would appear just as distraught, "And Coyotepaw, no matter how angry a clanmate makes you, you never ever attack them! You tell me, or Thistleback, or even Blazestar!"

Deersong would continue to stare at them both before turning and meowing to an NPC nearby. "Please call Blazestar, Daisyflight, and Thistleback here. Now." As the NPC nods and hurries off the find the cat's named, Deersong would turn back to the pair, the heartbreak, and disappointment in her eyes equal for the two of them as she meows softly, "You two will explain yourselves as soon as the others get here. Punishments are in order for these actions."

@BLAZESTAR @Daisyflight @ThistleBack

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Thistleback padded alongside his apprentice with a frown, he sensed the younger’s disappointment but if the barbed feline was anything it was not someone who garnished emotion with encouraging words. It was always best to stew in the negatives and crawl out the pit. It made you stronger- and with the impending loss of Leopardcloud, this kid needed tough skin. Coddle a child with a scraped knee and it will wail helpless, teach it correctly? pain initiates anger rather than sadness.

Coyotepaw is beloved as a son in the beast’s heart. Something the kid will one day know, but for now- one must hammer steel to make it hard.

With a flick of his tail, he dismisses himself from the patrol. Prowling toward the shadows to rest his head, paws knuckled with hard bones crackle with every step before he eases himself to the ground. Shoulders rolling when he heard Snowpaw call to Coyotepaw. Attention idled at first until the words of venom sink in like adder teeth.

A brow cocks on the piebald’s eye, a coldness washing from the vitals in his neck to his chest. He doesn’t move though, silver daggers flick to Coyotepaw, awaiting a scathing response but it’s avoidant and distant. Fair enough- but then, there are words that can never be forgiven. Still, Thistleback doesn’t move, even as his apprentice slams into the blue and white older apprentice. While his eyes widen marginally, he draws his tongue over the jagged edges of his incisors.

Deersong shouts the names of the apprentices, breaks them apart with disbelief in her wounded words. As she asks an NPC to fetch him, he rises from the shadows like a basilisk and pads toward the scene. " it’s not you who failed , Deersong, if you taught him anything- it wasn’t prejudice. " he growls out, wishing deeply that she wouldn't blame herself.

Thistleback’s brows shift together in a deep scowl, " when it comes to your clanmates- only fight words with words " he focuses on Coyotepaw. A small glimmer of ambitious pride in him, nurtured with the fact. This kid wasn’t taking shit off noone.

  • — Thistleback | thirty moons | cis-male
    — daylight warrior of Skyclan
    — bisexual | fallen for Deersong 9.29.22
    — very muscular piebald black and white tom with spiky fur and cold silver-grey eyes. Wears a purple collar with brass clasp.
  • bVBPWus.png


The sound of fighting awakens the sickly molly from her rest, weak emerald eyes fluttering against the light of day- someone's prodding her awake, telling her that Coyotepaw was fighting with Snowpaw; and it wasn't playfighting, like she first assumed. They'd mentioned Coyotepaw being a WindClanner again, and there's a fury in her eyes as an Elder (can be an NPC or a current one!) helps her stand to her paws, supporting her full weight so she could weakly walk over to the gathering group. The few NPCs make a sound of 'oooh' as Leopardcloud makes her way through, wobbling against the body used to support her. She was deathly scrawny, her ribs showing beneath the dull, matted fur- but it shined with grease, giving it a golden glow in the sun. Despite her weak appearance, and shaky body as she forces her head to stay up, she glances towards the mates that were supposed to look after her son. Her eyes are judging, hurt- harsh, in a way. Did they think the same as Snowpaw? That Coyotepaw didn't belong?

"I want Snowpaw punished for saying such horrible things to my brother." Leopardcloud speaks calmly, levelly, but theres an icy bite to her eyes as she looks down at Coyotepaw. Disappointment. Pity. Shame. She says nothing to him, doesn't try to cheer him up- he was no longer a kit, and he couldn't depend on her for everything anymore. He should have known better. Her silence was punishment enough, her disappointment; she refused to meet her 'brothers' eyes after that. "Was leaving behind our WindClan ancestry not enough for you, kit?" Leopardcloud whispers softly, hurt- had he no shame? "Was leaving behind the only home we knew, learning your Clans' ways- not ENOUGH?" Her voice picks up pitch at the last word, tears welling up in her eyes. Her paws are shaking, she noticed- she felt weak, like she would vomit. It hurt to stand.

"You can give whatever punishment you feel suits Coyotepaw. Make him clean the Elders den so he'll have to see me every day. Let him soak in the shame. It'll teach him a few things, I'd say." She meows softly, pity in her stomach- she didn't like to discipline her son like this, but he couldn't act out like this. He wasn't from this Clan, he was from WindClan at birth- not everyone would accept that. "You are a spiteful child, Snowpaw."
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Burr wakes earlier than Leopardcloud, the flying of words and claws enough to startle him from his slumber before the npc comes in speaking of the apprentice's quarrel. Worry fills his features and he turns to Leopardcloud with concern. 'To speak such things in a clan where all walks have been welcome....' He thinks, upon hearing that the two had gotten into a spat over Snowpaw's harsh words about the two's heritage. He heaves himself to his paws, soreness in his flank be damned, and helps the molly to the forefront of the gathered cats. Disappointment shows on his face, but deeper than that, does worry and pity crease itself into the laugh lines around his eyes.

"You two have been shamed enough, but if there is anything I have learned in my seasons, clan or not, those who you ally yourself with are those you're supposed to watch the backs of, and trust that they will do the same in return. To turn claw and word alike on those same allies is a dishonor to not only your alliance but to yourself. Cats cannot survive alone, no matter how hard we tell ourselves we can, one day you will need someone to watch your back and to keep this up is to risk not having them. Let today and whatever punishment Blazestar and his council administer be a reminder of that, and a means to conduct yourselves in a way that honors your mentors, your family and most importantly, yourselves." He speaks with an even voice, weathered with wisdom of perhaps...a time when he himself, had made that mistake. Burr's tail curls around Leopardcloud as she shakes with weariness, and perhaps unblossomed rage at the events that have unfolded. The weather grows colder with each passing sun, and her shorter pelt would not do as much to aid her in standing here as his own assists him.

header by lleafeons on DA, fancy via chérie​

He had not been prepared at all for Coyotepaw to do anything but spit venom back at him, so when claws went out and he found himself smothered in cream fur as they went rolling across the camp he was briefly too stunned to even respond or engage. By the time he recovered from his shock and set to snarling, spitting and hissing back he heard Deersong's voice go off like an alarm and his opponent was promptly ripped away from him before he could do much more than thrash his claws at the other apprentice. The pale young tom was still burning, fiery as he was seperated from the other and scolded and the admonishing was more sharp than his mentor's usual scolding was before; the disappointment hung like a thick fog so heavily he felt his hackles lower and his flames be doused. His lashing tail slowly ceased its erratic twitching and he kept his head low though his wrinkled nose still displayed his more muted anger. That he'd been right was not addressed, of course it wasn't. Coyotepaw had attacked him and that was evidence enough for Snowpaw he had every right to not trust the ex-WindClan cats and their horrid upbringing. He wondered if the other would have gone for his throat had Deersong not pried him off of him. Barbaric, the lot of them.
He smoldered there, sitting in his self-righteous fury as Thistleback arrived and gramps gave his longwinded lecture but it was Leopardcloud dragging herself from the elder's den to approach that caught his steely gold gaze but it is not him she looks to dripping with such shame but her brother. Snowpaw glances briefly to the side, catches the other apprentice in his peripheal and wonders why she was not directing her unhappy stare at the one who had caused this with vicious words. But she does speak and his ears pin back to his head as he listens to a voice broken and weary and suddenly tearful and there is a desperation in her despair that sticks sharper than Coyotepaw's claws had. Snowpaw feels a gnawing guilt twist in his stomach, but he angrily swallows it back down before it can crawl up and make him a bleedingheart; he's still burning inside, still anger and still feeling the edge of justification in his words but he remains silent despite it where before he might be argueing back.
You're a spiteful child, Snowpaw.
Impulsively he wants to insist he's not a child but finds he can deny neither, for right now he suddenly feels much smaller than he ever has before so he simply glowers at the ground; combating the myriad of emotions demanding dominance inside him.

I won't apologize for being who I am
His pelt continues to prickle, barbed as he glares down at the apprentice underneath him. The world is a blur around him, nothing but amorphous shapes that ebb and flow along his peripheral vision. The only thing he could see, the only thing that mattered was Snowpaw grimacing beneath him. Deersong's voice falls upon deaf ears, the shout failing to snap him from the trance he'd fallen into. Her teeth however, did. Eyes of mint widen as Coyotepaw feels pressure around his scruff, a force peeling him away from his target. The boy's limbs flail momentarily from the suddenness of it all, still huffing from expending energy on the fight and animosity toward the dappled apprentice. He wasn't done, Snowpaw still hadn't apologized but with Deersong hovering over them both he had no choice but to sit there. Bitterness rolled off of him in waves as he shot the older apprentice a fleeting glaze, his tail twitching erratically during the mocha molly's scolding. The lead warrior discusses an ultimatum, suggesting that he tell someone instead of standing up for himself.

The proposal nearly makes him recoil. Why? What good would that do? He fully believed that Snowpaw would continue to antagonize him if he decided to tattle every time instead. But after something like this, Coyote could only hope the older boy would think twice before trying to back him into another corner with piercing words. Thistleback approaches next, reassuring Deersong through her distraught over the matter. The piebald's attention falls to him and he manages a stiff nod, ears still flat against his head. Lashing out with words was a concept he could readily accept a little quicker than telling the nearest warrior. His pride just wouldn't allow it. His anger is simmering now, no longer a roaring flame stoked by Snowpaw's relentless badgering. But that simmer soon dies, frozen over with a lake of ice as he witnesses his sister approach the group. There is a distinct concoction of emotions gracing her stare, shame and disappointment sticking him like thorns, sharper than the words that left Snowpaw's mouth.

His previous vexation melts away, leaving the boy to glance down at fawn colored paws in humilliation. Her olive eyes carved into him like daggers and he couldn't even find the will to raise his voice to defend himself. Not after she'd proclaimed how proud she was of him a few days ago, and how his actions shattered that moment of joy she held. Moisture threatens to gather within the corners of his eyes. He didn't want her final memories of him to be something like this, not when he was running himself ragged to make sure Leopardcloud was nothing but happy in her final days. "I'm sorry Leopardcloud..." Coyotepaw whispers, voice barely audible. Burr is up next, speaking wealth of wisdom that Coyote finds hard to swallow especially since he didn't start the fight, at least not verbally. Irritation lines itself over him like fine linen as he eventually glances up at Burr, finding his voice. "I wouldn't have done it if he'd left me alone. But I'm sick and tired of being judged over something I can't control..." His face scrunches and he steals another glance at Snowpaw, brows pinching together before looking away. He'd shouldered teasing and taunting from several clanmates, it was only a matter of time before he couldn't anymore.
Tryna throw shade on me say a lot 'bout you