royalty | sootspot

Life doesn't discriminate
Adderpaw sits with a gargoyle-esque posture. Broad shoulder blades carve the sky above while his helm swings low. Amber eyes study the entrance of Sootstar's den, tail flicking as one of the council members exit her abode to trail elsewhere. It was hard to imagine a windclan where the ashen moorland queen did not rule the masses with an iron paw. She was the pillar of the clan, its very founder. Windclan would not exist without her. So it begged the question of what would happen if Sootstar and Weasleclaw were removed from the picture? Would other members of the council begin to undermine what his mother worked so hard to achieve? As much as he liked Sunstride he was not necessarily thrilled with the idea of anyone replacing the grey molly. It would mark the pinnacle moment of the family line being overturned and that failed to sit well with him.

Cottonpaw secured a place as the clan's future healer. But that was hardly a true stance of raw political power. Still, one additional member of the family standing within the ranks was better than none. His jaw tightens and rolls, portraying his tense line of thought until a shadow looms nearby. "Sootspot." Adderpaw drawls, allowing his burning gaze to find the evergreen of his kin. However it does not linger, for it flickers back to their mother's den. "Tell me, what is your opinion of mother's council." He was curious. Did his half brother's inner thoughts align with his own? Or did they sing an entirely different song? (@SOOTSPOT)
Between the sinners and the saints

It was the third time in recent moons he could recall sitting down to have a proper conversation with the little siblings that had siphoned his mother's love. When Adderpaw called his name, hazel eyes idled on his brother, then followed to where his attention had landed: Sootstar's den. The tip of his tail twitched curiously, then, before he had the chance to do anything else, the brown apprentice asked a question that caused his heart to jump into his throat. Danger lurks in the question like Adderpaw's namesake preparing to strike. His brows knitted together and a charlatan's smile grew stiffer. Wasn't his little brother mentored by one of the council? It would be an honour to most, Sootspot only saw the potential for corruption that he wasn't sure his reticent mother had realised. "The Stars have blessed our mother in many ways. She has stood where lesser leaders have fallen, but they have not given her immortality. I cannot count her lives, but the fewer they are, the hungrier the council grows to secure their place in a WindClan without her." He spoke apathetically, not because he didn't know what it meant to mourn, but because the thought of doing so was suffocating. How many would pounce on that grief? He looked out to the camp: it was exhilarating to navigate the den of vipers, but only because he knew that their fangs would never sink true.

"Even now, I see them work against WindClan's best interests. A medic has kittens amidst an outbreak of sickness, a lead warrior does not take the lead when we need decisiveness. There are so many more examples that has me worry: do you trust them despite this?" He asked, head cocked in wonder. Either the siblings had been talking about his vehement dislike of anyone outside of immediate family (in which case, he would have to remember to quieten down), or something was bothering the chocolate tabby. His ears shifted forwards attentively, nose pointing towards Adderpaw in preparation for his answer. It was difficult to ignore Weaselclaw and Bluepool amidst the council, but their inability to draw trust and companionship the same way his charismatic mother could left Sootspot uncertain if they would be able to rally enough support should a civil war occur. With such a short life, the chimera was uncertain if his little brother would be able to see as far ahead as he could (Sootspot conveniently disregarded his own short life).

Life doesn't discriminate
His gaze remains on the inner workings of Sootstar's den while his brother speaks, bringing up valid points in rapid succession. His jaw tightens, mind tumbling a series of thoughts as Sootspot echoes worries similar to his own. A world without Sootstar, their mother, he could hardly fathom it nor did he want to. Yet it would be foolish for him to deny that windclan by default was power hungry by nature. Once a spot lay vacant he was sure someone would be there to fight tooth and nail for it. The bridge of his nose wrinkles. "Trust is fickle." He voices bluntly, the end of his tail flicking decisively. He hardly trusted anyone outside of their immediate family each individual was assigned varying levels. From none to some. But never blind trust. "However, I reserve what little trust I do have for our family." The extent of his gaze flickers back to his older sibling. "Like you said, neither of us can count mother's lives. But with each one lost I find myself watching her council ever closer. The future lead of windclan should stay within the family, I believe." Windclan began with the blue molly's blood and that is exactly how he believed it should stay.
Between the sinners and the saints