camp rub a dub dub 𓆏 puddle splashing

jaggedpath !

i wont feel ashamed, mother
Feb 26, 2024
―|―――――――――――――――――|’‹ (( ☽ )) β€Ίβ€š|―――――――――――――――――|―
The rainfall was torrential the night before. The pattering of fat drops against the hollowed out dens and thick brambles had lured Jaggedpath into an easy slumber. Peaceful dreams awaited him he was sure, and they greeted him with the same warmth as the greenleaf sun. The family he left behind flashed for what felt like moments before he stirred once again. The dawn could have been mistaken for the twilight he left behind, the rain still roared and as camp began to rise as they did, there was a pause. Water sank into dirt and sullied what was once sturdy earth into mud.

Jaggedpath amused himself with his denmates as they remained ducked beneath the brambles for shelter, but there was a collective sigh of relief as the clouds relentes. Pulling away its thick shroud to reveal the stranger that was the sun. As though a leash was untethered warriors and apprentices flooded the hollow once again. Patrols continued, pairings dipped away into training and personal hunts. Elders crept from their den to embrace the sunlight and Jaggedpath found himself there among the thinning crowd. No patrol assigned, no apprentice to entertain.

It only took a few pawsteps to ruin the once pristine white fur on his paws. A bouncy Clanmate splashed a bit more along his tail, and the tom glanced around with a bit more mischief in his gaze. He stomped his paw forward into the still pool of rainwater, ears flat as it retaliated in a splash to his face. Tiny droplets slid down frayed whiskers, and Jaggedpath chuckled. Another stomp, another splash, and up to knees were nearly unrecognizable that he may have been a cat dressed in white just minutes before! That was when he spotted a pair of eyes watching him from the nursery and he quietly, wordlessly, motioned for the kit to join him.

Better to ask for forgiveness from his mother than permission?
―|――――――――――――――|’‹ (( ☽ )).....
  • // OOC @Duckshimmer @Ripple~ @Gigglekit but no need to wait!
  • image here optional
  • ― (( jaggedpath )) fluffy white tom with black speckles on his muzzle and bright blue eyes
    ↳ shadowclan, warrior, cismale he/him
    ― easy to make friends with | bad at romance | good at teaching | bad with kits

Gigglekit had taken to the seemingly endless rain rather well - she was lulled to sleep by it at night, and was able to play about in the lighter showers during the day. Overall, she really saw nothing wrong with all the rain, especially since the warriors seemed to agree too, what with all the prey that they had been bringing in. Frogs were good, Gigglekit had decided, especially after overhearing some warriors talk about their deputy's favor for the creature's eggs. She'd have to try them as soon as she could!

Now, looking out of the nursery, Gigglekit watched the oddity that was Jaggedpath as he slowly but surely took to muddying himself in the puddles that had been left behind by the retreating rain. She had half the mind to join him, and this idea was only bolstered when he caught her looking and motioned for her to join in on the fun. Grinning, Gigglekit trotted as fast as little legs could go, and plunged into the puddle next to Jaggedpath.
  • !
  • 80344329_6S8RlcnnRCmX1ej.png
  • GIGGLEKIT ✩ kit of shadowclan, two moons
    blinks incessantly & uncontrollably.
    β†’ peaceful and healing powerplay permitted.
    β†’ penned by Archivist β†’ .archivist on discord.

π– °π– ° Where Gigglekit goes, the pale paws of Branchkit are nearly guaranteed to follow. Though the little tom is notably more timid than his sister, less ready to play with anyone and everyone, he still observes the happenings around ShadowClan’s camp. There’s been a lot of rain lately, leaving big, tempting puddles lying around. He really wants to slap his paws down into one and see how high the water can really splash! But then he would have to get a bath, and his mothers probably wouldn’t like that very much.

Still, when the invitation comes from a warrior and Gigglekit goes running off to play, the lilac tabby isn’t far behind. As quickly as he can, Branchkit dashes for the puddle and leaps in behind his littermate, his maw already parted in bright laughter. "Ha!" He squeaks, tail lashing back and forth, and a paw sinks into the puddle, aiming to spray Jaggedpath with water. If anyone else gets caught up in the splashing, then Branchkit doesn’t really care. This is fun!