How many patrols had she watched leave and come back over the past couple months? At one point she had started counting just so she felt more involved in the clan. Her clanmates brought her kits back feathers, flowers...she thanked them each time, but deep down it felt almost felt like they were bragging. They can come and go as they please...I haven't left the camp in months...I'm going to go stir crazy. She had been confined to camp before she had joined, when Flycatcher had found her along the border injured from an infected dog bite wound. She had thought that recovery had been a long time...but that was nothing.

She was feeling particularly anxious today. The weather was warming up, and she couldn't get the forest out of her mind. She had asked Little Wolf and Wrenflutter if they could keep an eye on her kits for the day because of how she was feeling. They were probably being told stories right now or something. She wasn't sure...she couldn't think about anything right now, except how bad she wanted to go hunting.

Maybe she could slip out...surely nobody would notice, right? The closer she got to the camp's exit, the more excited she felt. Was this how kits felt if they snuck out? I can't blame them now. She could completely understand why they wanted to sneak out. Right as she started to leave, a voice came from behind her, and she would slowly turn around to face them.


Flamewhisker's restlessness being stuck in the camp manifests in a negative display; is it an annoyed outburst or something more subdued? How does she handle it being seen by others? It's not often she's not seen well put together and composed.