RULEBOOK // skyclan border patrol


Promise me it's gonna be alright
Sep 20, 2022

Sharpeye's jaws stretched in a long yawn as he trudged towards the border that SkyClan shared with ThunderClan. Despite his seemingly lax appearance he was feeling the tension weighing on his shoulders as he led the group forward, a part of him constantly worrying about whether things would remain civil during the inevitable interactions. The Gathering had been... less than savoury between the leaders, and a part of him feared the trickle down effect such things could cause. If his patrol made it through without trouble then frankly it was a job well done.

The tom began to lay down the first of the scent markers as the formerly stale ones were renewed by the patrol. "Remember, we get the job done, ensure there's no trouble, then we head home." It was a warning of sorts towards any that longed to instigate trouble or run their tongues when it wasn't needed. Now all he could do was hope that the ThunderClanners were just as keen to keep things neutral and merry. Only time would tell.

//Patrol group: @SILVERSMOKE @butterflytuft @Bananapaw @CHRYSALISPAW
No need to wait for them to post.

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Talk of the Gathering buzzed through the clan like wild fire. Bananapaw hadn't been there in person, she was home with her twolegs, but didn't mean she didn't hear about it the next day. Gossip flooded camp like no tomorrow and she was on edge as they neared the Thunderclan border. Was it true? What they all claimed? She looked up at Sharpeye as he inclinded to the patrol to behave and she gave a small nod in understanding. She hung back slightly in the patrol to walk beside Chrysalispaw and she spoke softly to the chimera tomcat, "Do you think what happened is true? Where you there?" Those deep green eyes searched the toms' mismatched gaze for something- but she wasn't entirely sure what it was.

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Shallowpaw had been tracking down a mouse which he unfortunately had lost but instead he found himself closer to skyclan border then he had been planning. Now he was forced to face them yet again. Knowing it would look bad if he just turned to walk the other way the apprentice approached closer until he was in sight, one of his ears flinking. "Hi." Was all he said, not being much of a small-talker or talking in general. After recent events he preferred not talking at all going back to his former sheltered self. In the end his voice had never mattered. It had been all but lies. Hopefully his mentor Sunfreckle would show up soon so he not needed to stand there staring at them with his half-narrowed unblinking eyes.

// mentor tag @Sunfreckle

( ) Lichenpaw follows after Shallowpaw, less interested in catching prey than he is in bothering his fellow apprentice, who he has grown quickly attached to. To his surprise, though, Shallowpaw leads them to a group of other cats! A border patrol, yes, he's familiar with them by now. And this border is... SkyClan, right? Probably. As soon as the other tom is finished with his laconic greeting, Lichenpaw is quick to jump in.

"Hiya! You're, uh, -- you cats are SkyClan, right? The, the kittypet Clan?" he tries not to wrinkle his nose in distaste at the thought. Different approach, maybe. "I've never met a SkyClanner before! I, uh, I missed the gathering, the last one, and I haven't been here very long -- just a moon, only here for the one gathering." He's heard of the tensions at the gathering, of course he is, he's not oblivious, but he'd rather keep things friendly. No need to get involved in all that cross-clan drama. "I guess you wouldn't um, know that. Because you're not in ThunderClan," he concludes lamely.

Wait, he should clarify. "I wasn't, um, a kittypet though. Before I joined. No offense." It's unclear why they would take offense to the tom's statement of fact. Shallowpaw remains silent, but that's nothing new; Lichenpaw can do the talking, he's great at talking. His grin widens, just a fraction, as he stares at the SkyClanners. He hopes it looks friendly enough.

// mentor tag @Sunnyday !

Close behind the heels of the two ThunderClan apprentices, Flycatcher appears, his own apprentices not far from behind. Green eyes quickly make out some of the SkyClan cats on the opposite side of the border. After the recent revelations at the gathering, Flycatcher was admittedly wary of some fallback from the gathering. At least for now things seemed peaceful. So long as Flycatcher was here, he would make sure it stayed that way. "Greetings SkyClan," He calls out cordially, giving the clan a nod of acknowledgement.

obligatory apprentice tag @. Roepaw . @BURNPAW !

Sky Clan is a bit of a touchy subject for the midnight pelted apprentice, though he dares no voice any complaints aloud when his mentor tells him that they are going to the border they share with the clan. He simply casts his eyes aside and says "oh great" with as much enthusiasm as a dead mouse. He is glad his fellow apprentice is with him, at least.

As they draw closer to the border his ears lay flat against his head, trying to pretend he doesn’t hear the murmuring of voices. Perhaps if he just kept moving - rats! His mentor was stopping to chat. Of course he was.

He flinches at Lichenpaw dubbing the SkyClanners the kittypet clan. It was a curse on most clan cats lips but Lichenpaw is new, he reminds himself, ignorant still to their ways.

All he does is dip his head in greeting before turning away. If the other cats here wanted to chat the other clan up that was their business. He would not be, however.

Trotting in her designated place at Burnpaws side, Roepaw is enjoying her cloud of ignorant bliss to the others change in demeanor, instead her gaze is almost searching as she comes to a stop near Flycatcher, hopeful to catch a glimpse of a familiar ashen pelt.
It only takes a heartbeat for her to realize that Snowpaw is not amongst this particular patrol, but her dismay doesn’t show. Instead, she turns to Burnpaw when he flinched from beside her, the scowl on the toms face prompting a subtle frown on her own.
When he turns, she only flicks her tail in a civil greeting before coming up to gently nudge his shoulder.
"They take forever sometimes, let’s go up the border this way a bit and check the scent lines, all the rain makes them fade quicker." She prompts, her tone casual, she had no interest in talking out Burnpaws turmoil, a distraction was usually the better alternative anyways.


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There was movement on the otherside of the border as Thunderclan cat approached them, and she brightened slightly. Bananapaw never got chances to speak to the other clans often so it was always exciting when she did! Though following behind a blue tom was another cat who spoke about Kittypetclan and asked if they where Skyclan. She didn't find the term offensive, she was proud of her kittypet linage and her stance in the clan. That and it seemed like this cat was genuine trying to make an effort to interact with them, so what harm could it do? Bananapaw bounded away from Chrysalispaw and stood on the border as she addressed Lichenpaw, "I miss the gathering too! But yup we're Skyclan!"

The tawny and white cat puffed out her chest with a smile of joy, "I'm Bananapaw! I'm a daylight warrior, so no offense taken! I wish I could go to a gathering, meet all the clans and stuff!" She had only been to one Gathering and it was rather lack luster. That and it took a lot of fighting Alice about whether or not she could go or not due to having to return to her twoleg home, "Whats your name? Do Thunderclan cats all have weird names too? Like we have Grapejuice and Bearheart! They're amazing warriors, but their names are so unqiue!"

She gave a giggle at her own words and twitched her whiskers in amusement, looking past Lichenpaw to Shallowpaw then Burnpaw and Roepaw. She never met any of them before so their names where a mystery, but still she didn't let her friendliness waver, "Oh this is my mentor, Sharpeye! And the little grumpus over there is Chrysalispaw!" Those green eyes then looked up at Flycatcher, rounded with awe, "Oh oh I know you! You're-Bugcatcher? No-," Her optimism faltered slightly in her attempt to remember Flycatchers name.

"You're Thunderclans deputy! Orangeblossom is my big sister! She tells me all about the high positions in the clans!," Bananapaw grinned brightly with a slight bounce on her toes.

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He had been to this border on friendlier terms last time, delivering a wayward ThunderClanner back to his rightful home. The fatigue of a cat absolutely done with their neighbours still lingered in the tabby's eyes but his gaze was sharper, his frown more contemplative, his ears more alert for any signs of a shifting mood across the scent line. He barely paid attention to his own marking duty as he watched ThunderClan, their expressions displaying none of the guilt he'd have expected from the righteous group. They were not their former leader, gallivanting with enemies whilst condemning others for doing the same, but they'd been accessories to those whims whether they knew it or not. Any thin semblance of trust had been severed, and eyeing them now, Silversmoke could only see snakes in the grass. He only hoped Bananapaw would not reveal too much and give them ample reason to strike. "How is Silverlightning doing?" The maine coon called to the other side, a reminder of forsaken kindness masqueraded under a veil of seeming concern. "I trust he hasn't fallen into anymore rivers?" 'Be careful. If he winds up in RiverClan next time you might just get another code-breaking love on your paws.'
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He comes to a stop alongside Shallowpaw, fluffy tail carefully curled downward in such a way it did not touch the apprentice but formed a barrier between him and SkyClan. He hadn't been very chatty lately and it concerned the red tabby but they had spoken previously that the other could talk to him whenever he was ready so Sunfreckle didn't press the issue. Sometimes a cat needed time to sort their own thoughts before seeking council. Lichenpaw breaks the calm silence with some rambling and he glances around to see if Sunnyday was nearby along with his chatterbox of an apprentice, not spotting the golden tom he dipped his head to the other with a gentle nudge of the head, "Remember to breath between your sentences." It was spoken in amusement, but all the same-it was a wonder how many words the apprentice could launch out before needing air.
As if to rival Lichenpaw's own burst of sound, one of the SkyClan apprentices launches into a rambling jumble of everything and anything she could possibly think of in return and he withold the chuckle in his throat at the display; barely able to keep up. All he caught was 'Orangeblossom's sister' and that in itself was very funny given the SkyClan deputy was so stoic. A sideglance of green eyes watches Roepaw and Burnpaw, both seeming disinterested in the patrol but so long as they behaved he didn't care if they wandered a bit.

A pale tom asks of Silverlightning and he recognizes the other as one of the ones who had returned their wayward warrior to them. He had not been the kindest in words, but the gesture had spoken leagues more than anything else ever could so he offers Silversmoke a smile all the same, "He's recovered well, thank you. I don't think he's too inclined to go near the river again though! I feel similarly, can't swim at all myself." He floated, awkwardly. It was embarrassing so he'd prefer not to end up having to do it at all. Drowning would be more merciful.


Sharpeye found himself instinctively slowing his pace when the first of the ThunderClanners appeared and he offered a curt nod of greeting towards them. "Hello, I hope prey is running well for you in these warmer times." No doubt all the clans were desperate for the return of the prey to their territories so that the harsh hunger left by leafbare could finally be made into a faint horrible memory. Idly he licked at his lips in order to wet them as he listened to the conversations taking place around him.

Kittypet Clan. The tom had to stifle a soft chuckle as he found amusement in the description. "Not all of us are kittypets, let this ex-rogue from the hills assure you." He gave a gentle shake of his head, though he had to admit he couldn't think of an alternative name for SkyClan. Ragtag Clan, or The Unified Lost. Nah, they didn't have a fun ring to them.

Bugcatcher. Okay, now he had to fight to subdue a laugh. The older tom leaned over towards his apprentice, Bananapaw, at that point with the intentions of correcting her. "Flycatcher." She hadn't been far off in all honesty.


Shallowpaw was a bit suprised that Lichenpaw had been following him all the way out here. Despite them being in the same patrol he had thought he had lost them when chasing after that mouse. Turned out he had been wrong. Lately they have been doing this alot, following him around everywhere. Shallowpaw couldn't figure out why finding their behavior to be rather...strange. No one ever wanted to be in his company before used to be a loner. Friendships were just out of his reach. Shallowpaw had decided to play along with it though or more like barely paying attention to them. He was sure sooner or later they would grow tired and leave him alone. Until then he would let them do as they pleased.

If anything, Lichenpaw was alot better at talking then he was. Maybe a little bit to good...He wonderd how it was possible for him to talk so much and so fast without running out of oxygen. That was more impressive to him then actually paying attention to the conversation. Shallowpaw blinked when he noticed Sunfreckle finally had caught up to them. It was a shame they had found them empty pawed...again.

He nodded in acknowledgement to his mentor present before staring back at their visitors, listening as one of them asked about Silverlightning. He did not give an answer and Sunfreckle was quick to have it covered. More things was being said but...Shallowpaw had started to stop paying attention. Flinking a ear again he just stood there waiting for this encounter to be over with so he could return back to hunting again. He didn't feel comfortable standing here and...he had nothing to really say. Hopefully soon this would be over.


"Dunno. Probably." Chrysalispaw's phlegmatic murmurs sounded as the Skyclanners headed for the border, trailing just behind the rest of the Skyclanners, as if his movements dragged in water rather than bloomed upon the lavish lands of spring. Even as the springtime commanded reverence, his heels still hung closer to winter's sort of stride than anything - a biting, dithering strut. He was glad for new-leaf, truly, but he would rather die than express some of that unadultered enthusiasm anywhere on his body. He walked just besides the contrasting-coated Bananapaw, like they were birthed of two opposites - one of alabaster and one of sable. It was morning and night, though even they converged twice a day to create the dawn and dusk. A heterochromatic gaze only trained itself on the leafage in his footfalls, as if the song of crackling twigs and scurrying insects would be enough to sate his dwindling interest. It was certainly more interesting than the small talk that the cats would offer themselves, of which he refused to sully his tongue by participating in. It was trite.

He noticed that Bananapaw had darted away from him, and the feathery-furred tom did not follow, as though he were a statue rooted in its rightful yet restless place. He didn't care to move, and simply stood still at an almost-unnatural stance. A sneer melted onto his maw as she called him a little 'grumpus,' like a river running its familiar course, a drift of wind flowing through its measured, wayside path. If his face were not so gaunt, then such poignant disdain would not have carved itself so easily upon his countenance. It came as easily as the water and the wind to him. The tom simply waited with bated breath for them to depart from the land of oaken trees, flicking his tail back and forth almost like a ticking timer, a visible measure of the smoldering annoyance that surmounted most of everything else.