pafp rumor has it [asking personal questions]

Dawn patrol had come and gone, leaving Robinheart feeling a tad bit more weary than usual. She finds herself without any task to complete for a paw full of hours. There’s the option to go take a nap in her nest, though she still feels the lonely sting of sleeping alone. She’ll forgo that option. There’s the option of popping in the nursery to see if she can be of use, though she’ll end up in there herself soon enough. Another option being crossed off the metaphorical list. She attempts to think of anything else with which to pass the time when her stomach lurches. Hunger pang? It is an unsettling feeling and points Robinheart towards an option she cannot brush aside.

The tortoiseshell looks at the fresh kill pile and grimaces. Nothing looks appealing but she knows if she doesn’t eat she will make herself sick. That would be more mortifying than having clanmates overhear her tell Willowroot that Brookstorm had taken her as a mate. Robinheart frowns at the memory, missing when she had still been happy despite her embarrassment. She blinks back tears as she finally chooses a mouse from the pile and moves to a patch of sunshine to eat it. Though she doesn’t quite dig in like any other hungry clanmate, instead nosing and gingerly picking at the prey. Her appetite has lessened in the moments she is reminded of Brookstorm and what has transpired between them.

A shadow blocks her ray of warmth and Robinheart doesn’t think too much of it until a voice begins speaking to her. Drawn out of her wallowing thoughts, the tortie glances up and recognizes Quickjaw, though she misses most of what he is saying. ”I’m sorry, I wasn’t paying attention. Can you repeat that?” she asks of the young warrior.

[ penned by kerms ]

The apprentice den had once been a playground for Quickjaw, so full of gossip and rumours that it'd been easy to embarrass or poke fun at somebody. He hadn't expected the warrior's den to be similar, but, it seemed that even adults liked to talk behind their friend's backs every now and again. Without even talking to his peer, he felt as if he'd heard all there is to know about her: kittypet, enemy of so-and-so, friend to another. Some had been mean-spirited, others were simply recreational conversations. He'd never considered his part in the gossip as anything more than just wanting to know more about the cats around him, but, when someone had mentioned how down Robinheart had been, he'd felt compelled to investigate further. Through good and bad she'd been a denmate, they'd graduated together and, whilst that didn't make him entitled to her secrets, he still wanted to know them. It didn't take long to find the tortoiseshell that morning and, with subtlety left at home that day, the flame point waltzed up to her and mewed "What's got you looking so glum?"

No answer. He blinked rapidly, shifting his head from the left to the right, trying to assess the other for signs of life. Then, yellow eyes met blue ones, and Quickjaw quickly loafed. "I said, what's got you looking so glum? It's obvious something's wrong y'know." Robinheart was usually quiet, but he'd always pinned it on serenity. This seemed more troubled as if his denmate believed she was trapped in a nightmare only she could wake herself from. Even if empathy wasn't his strong suit, he'd be lying if he didn't feel a little nugget of it in his heart as he stared the other down. "Is this about Brookstorm? I swear you two were gonna be an item you two were so close, now I'm hearing whispers that you're avoiding each other like you're eight moons old again." He unfurled his flame-licked paws and lay his head upon them, nose mere millimeters away from the scarcely touched mouse. All this poking hadn't worked his appetite up quite yet. "Did you break up?" He whispered.


'I said, what's got you looking so glum? It's obvious something's wrong y'know.'

Robinheart blinks at the... forwardness of her denmate's question. If it had come from anyone else she could be a bit more understanding and open, but considering this was Quickjaw, serial gossiper, distrust boils nauseatingly in her gut. "It's not something I really want to talk abo-"

'Is this about Brookstorm?'

Her jaw snaps shut and citrine eyes widen at her former mate's name. The flame point continues on, citing whispered gossip as proof of their breakup. He's not wrong. Robinheart hates that he's not wrong. But even more so she hates that he's laying bare her business in the middle of camp, where ears are apt to hear and tongues may repeat her plight to others. Her silence speaks volumes yet he prods just one more time. A final nail in the coffin and enough to completely turn her stomach from the meager lunch she had grabbed for herself. 'Did you break up?'

"That's none of your business," Robinheart hisses under her breath, ears pinned back against her head and eyes misted with bitter tears. She rips her gaze away and glues them to her paws. Chin trembles and heart hammers faster and faster in her chest from the shame of being confronted. "Please just... leave me be." Stop asking me about Brookstorm.
( penned by kerms )
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Prying is rude... and inconsiderate... and stirred up a whole bunch of information he definitely didn't need or want to know about. It's also really not ideal then, that his ears actually work... because Quickjaw is not careful about his volume and against his will, Valepaw is made privy to personal information. It gives him room to question how observant he actually is if he never really noticed Robinheart's emotional proximity to Brookstorm... he assumed they were not, in fact, friends, based on how flippant and detached the gray molly was in general. Was Brookstorm even capable of having friends? Much less an entire mate?

"Where's your girlfriend Quickjaw," he asks, nosing his way into the conversation to defend his tortoiseshell friend with a scrunch to his nose that suggests he is now the one leading this interrogation. He isn't even sure if the other warrior likes she-cats... (Valepaw isn't so sure himself, really but... he chalks this up to being young and romance being gross) but now was as good a time as any to draw as much attention as possible to that realm of possibility. "Actually, you're only a couple months older than Otterpaw... he'll get his warrior name soon and then maybe you can ask him out. Give it a try... He seems nice," and he isn't sure he believes Otterpaw is capable of nice the same way he doesn't think Brookstorm is capable of kindness.​
"Stars above, are the three'f you movin' back to the nursery sometime soon?" His ears flatten for a second, though he's suddenly startled with himself. Had he meant to do that? How long'd it been since he really and truly snapped at his clanmates? Much as he loved them, sometimes they deserved it. So Houndstride presses on. "Sure seems like you're fit for it, pestering another like this. Don't you have anything better to do?" The idea of Otterpaw and Quickjaw makes his stomach start to turn. Then again, he'd felt it ready to tumble with the mention of Robinheart and Brookstorm. Romance never turned out well. Used to be he'd fall head over heels for anyone close to him.

Luckily enough, that part of him died some seasons ago, with a fox at his throat. "If you're gonna ask, play sweet or shut up 'fore I find a reason to toss you into the river." Not that he'd ever really do as much. Maybe the shallower parts, if he can gather up the strength for a good enough shove. Stars knows this conversation's got him in the mood for swimming. Harder to talk that way, without water filling your lungs.

  • OOC.
  • 𝐇𝐎𝐔𝐍𝐃𝐒𝐓𝐑𝐈𝐃𝐄. HE - HIM - HIS. PRODIGAL WARRIOR OF RIVERCLAN. ————— mauled by a fox moons ago and has the scars to prove it. though his wounds are healed, nothing can rid him of that pain.   PENNED BY REVELATIONS

    a lean chocolate tabby with lime green eyes. the scars that had once been limited to the bridge of his nose now shatter and expand across that entire side of his face, up to a ripped ear and down to his shoulder and front right leg. it is somewhat difficult for him to put his weight on that paw at odd angles, and he gets grumpy after a long while of walking, but it does not inhibit him terribly.