camp Rumor has it she ain't got your love anymore ♥ Rumors


// A clanmate is acting strangely around Petalnose and she isn't sure why until she hears a rumor that she said something to them while sleepwalking that she doesn't recall.

Petalnose had started to allow her body more rest from the long weeks of suppressing it. Though, a new issue had arose since more sleep came to her schedule. Sleepwalking. First incident it had nearly made the she-cat sink to the very depths below. Now she was occasionally aimlessly wandering around camp and finding herself everywhere else besides her place in the warriors den. Though commonly waking up confused, she was starting to become used to it.

Memories came back to her in crashing violent waves, they have only come occasionally but when they did it normally caused her mental torment and pain. Her other dreams were either of absent of anything or nightmares. The absent dreams were the most peaceful. The most fulfilling. Though, she was lucky to get them.

Petalnose wondered if she'd get that type of peace. She curled up into her nest with a heavy sigh, tucking her long limbs into her body before drifting off to sleep.

The breeze hit her nose of the familiar sweet scent of fresh oak and marigold. Her paw pads followed in direction, feeling a purr vibrate in her throat. She ducked her head into a hidden den, seeing two small bodys clumsily scramble onto their weak legs to make their way to the Riverclan warrior. They mewled excitedly at her presence, letting herself bend down and give the pair each a quick lick on the forehead. She looked upon the kits as if she had bore them herself, "You've two grown. I hope you're exhausting your mother as normal kits do." She teases as she looked up towards the sleepy she-cat whom shook her head at her tease. "Causing as much trouble as you." She grumbled sarcastically, getting up with a groan and touching noses with Petal.

"How are you?" mewed the patched warrior softly, worry riddling her voice. She looked into her striking orange eyes that gloomed with grief and exhaustion,

"I'm okay."

"You don't
look okay."

"It's life, Petal. You've experienced worse. It's... Nothing. I have you, atleast. The kits look to you as they should've looked to him. Atleast they can't experience a life without that figure."

"Right, because
I'm a replacement." Disgust struck her once yearning and adorned look at once. She rose her chin and shifted her body as if she was going to leave, her fur starting to spike.

"No- I didn't mean that. I-"

Petalnose suddenly stormed out of the den, her tail lashing and muttering curses under her breath. Echo chased after her hurriedly, frustration striking her expression.


"Hah! Like you didn't mean it... Like you didn't mean it when you took him with ease but lead me on! Like you didn't mean rushing into motherhood with someone you didn't know! Like you didn't mean it tricking me and putting me into the kits life to take his place. I'm a replacement! I'm nothing to you!"

"I'm sorr-"

Petal suddenly sharply pivioted to face Echo, looming over her and nearly pressing her nose against hers as she angerily stared into her frightened eyes. "A simple sorry won't ease my pain! How could you make me a mother with you when you can't even love me! I loved you stupid! How could you not notice that!? How could you not notice how I stared into your eyes, how I looked upon your own kits as if they bore my blood, how I acted around you when we were so young? Isn't it obvious!?! What's wrong with me, Echo?"

Tears fell from Echos eyes, staring up at the other she-cat's rage. She could not speak, frozen with shock with her mouth gagged as if she was going to say something. Shocked from her sudden switch of emotion and sensitivity. Shocked from her confession.

Petalnose shot up from her dream, her heart racing with anger as if she was still within the moment. She forced herself to calm herself through long licks against her flank, keeping her fur flat. Though, she had heard murmuring around her and the recognition of her name through whispers made her glance up in curiousity. She realized that she was sitting standing near the nursery den and the some queens were giving her a cheesy and teasing grin. Others were murmering around camp. What was this all about?

The she-cat narrowed her eyes at the curious glances that settled upon her and some exaimed her belly from afar with confusion and disbelief. The patched brown tabby was quite sleek and thin from her height for being a female. That was with the addition of her lack of appetite lately due to unspoken grief. So, she could only assume it was gossip of her body. Though, she was quite ways off of assumptions.

Petalnose caught the words of her name in the same sentence of mother, her fur quickly spiking with anger and unease. She rushed the warrior whom she had heard, flattening her ears against her skull, "What useless gossip are you spreading now!? Where did you hear this!?" She growled.

//Petal murmured the phrase "How could you make me a mother with you when you can't even love me " during sleepwalking. The rumor is that she was a mother at some time. The details of the rumor/gossip/assumptions is up for your character to decide and can fluctuate on each character. :)
Petalnose sleep walking was quite odd, but since no one was really doing anything about it, he didn't find a reason to stop or guide her somewhere else. In fact, he had decided to chat with Tallwave. His friend was never one to miss the latest news and while he was not as talkative, he did enjoy listening to what she had to say and comment here and there. Despite being known as one of the most frazzled cats within the clan, he was quite nosey. Although, part of him knowing a little bit of everyone's business was simply because he stood back and watched others. No, he didn't purposely plop next to Sharptooth to listen to the man have... Dirtplace issues. Why did he have to sit down and announce it to his friend? I didn't need to know any of that at all. He can't help but grimace every time that memory was pushed to the forefront of his mind.

Tallwave eventually had to do her own tasks, which he didn't mind. His ears did hone in on the odd murmurs. For some reason some of his clanmates had decided the topic of conversation would be Petalnose. Now, he didn't have any hard feelings for his fellow warrior. The only weird thing that he was a little worried about was her sleepwalking. She wasn't clawing anyone's eyes out, which phew thank Starclan! However, she seemed to speak to someone sometimes and he swore he almost caught her walking into the side of one of the dens. I mean, can't be sure though. It's not like she made any sound or something to say I'm asleep. Shaking his head he sat closer to one of his clanmates and what he heard was beyond shocking.

No way, she doesn't even look like she had! His eyes went to the nursery where Petalnose apparently was. I don't think I've ever seen her with any kits, or a mate of any kind. I know she could've let another queen look after her kits, but I haven't heard of any of the queens looking after her kits. Not to mention I don't think I've seen her expecting?? It's then he hears about a mate gone wrong. He's fully invested in this now and moves closer to his gossiping clanmates.

He decides to scan over his clanmates to figure out who could be Petalnoses former mate. The problem is... He has no clue. Of course, Cicadastar is out of the question and he doesn't even want that to be true for many reasons. Some others are crossed off the list. However, he ends up putting them back in. If her mate left her, then why couldn't they be with someone new? One of them adds the idea that maybe she tried to insert herself in a relationship and win the heart of someone else's mate. At that he scowls, "Petalnose wouldn't force another cat to be with her by becoming a mother."

Unfortunately he is not all paying attention to be prepared for Petalnose herself growling at him or demanding answers. Instinctively he looks back, only to find the group he had been listening to had left him to deal with Petalnose all alone. "Some clanmates you are," he grumbles at the cats that left him for dead. With a gulp, he faces Petalnose again. He offers her a weak smile and a wave of his paw, "Hi..." Count your prayers and hope she doesn't claw you to death. At least go out with honesty.

"S-so you see... Everyone. Is kinda, er... Talking about it? That. You know... You had kits and maybe, uh, it didn't go too well?" He's probably dug his grave. Maybe Starclan is shaking his head at him for his poor decisions, but he didn't exactly say everything. Just the gist of it, so he technically wasn't withholding information from Petalnose. Although now he can't help but shuffle his paws from unease.
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Wasprattle did not like to pry.

It's a lie at worst, that he tells himself. At best, a technicality. Prying could come in more forms than one, he knows. He likes to think he excels in the most basic of which– directness; but questions carefully asked nonetheless. A tail curled around his paws and body leaned forward in interest – hardly feigned. His eyes would hold a gentle brightness, flickering of a budding flame; rather than that of the sun. He wasn't owed an answer. He never would be.

There is a time and place for everything, though. One that he cannot always be swift to discern. Questions come with nuance, and in a space like this, it was not uncommon for him to hold none. He bites his tongue in these cases. This one was not much different.

The way she slept was a peculiarity he's yet to see; it was like she hardly slept at all. There was movement baked into limbs despite the still state of her consciousness, but she was no statue from the neck up. Her lips may still move, her nose may still twitch. Wasprattle means nothing unkind to his staring. He hardly knows her well enough to mutter nothings beneath his breath, and that fact makes him want to gaze closer; even his golden form subdued in the evening light.

To see her snap awake is something that surprises him. And it shouldn't. Sleeping was all it was, upright or not. Coming out of it should be no more of a start than it'd be to come out of a midday nap. Pikesplash ends up at the forefront of Petalnose's questioning, meeting her with a warbling voice. Wasprattle could say nothing on the matter. Though for once, he felt that this was not his business.

He was no stranger to wondering. But the bulk of it, he finds, is best suitable for within the mind. Words struggle to come to him for a moment. He's surprised he does much of anything at all. A few strides of long limbs is all it takes to be on more than the edge of it all. He is genteelly kept beside Petalnose, tail kept tight to his own self. A stutter of nothing, maw held on empty syllables, for a moment. This is unlike him. " Please talk about it somewhere else, next time, " he says; not unkindly. There is softness there, for he can sympathize with curiosity sweltering to escape. He would glance to Petalnose then, hoping the gesture was not too intrusive. " ...Try not to worry. " Easier said than done, he knows.

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Petalnose rose her chin and menacingly looked down at Pikesplash at his response, the fur on her back spiked with unease and rage. She knew half was true, she was part of two kits' early lives as another mother figure. There was worry that struck her gaze. Her clanmates merely being half wrong caused the she-cat more anger, though them knowing some truth also caused her stomach to twist and turn. She knew she'd be asked about a mate soon enough, the whole story of her past lover was troublesome as it was. She knew it was best to shut it down as soon as she could, work around it without lying, "What! Do I look like I bore kits!?" She mocked a laugh, her ears pinned flat her head. "Hah hah! You all are funny for thinking that. Think of a better rumor than that, I can tell you the queens have not witnessed me doing so. Where have you heard this nonsense!?"

She puffed her chest, her angered gaze holding on Pikesplash until it sharply broke and turned to Wasprattle, ready to give the same attitude towards the other Tom. Though, it seemed he stood up for her. Which, calmed some of her anger to an extent. Finally, someone who had her tail. She nodded towards his words. "Hah! Worry? Why shouldn't I when I can't trust my clanmates staying out of my fur?" She spat.

"Whew, I can detect foxdung..! This is not true!" She hissed, turning her body in direction the other gossiping warriors fled. Her tail aggressively lashed, nose scrunched as she held her snarl. "I'll scrape your noses against the ground myself if I need to stop this from going around." She muttered mostly to herself in a low growl, drawing her tongue over her teeth in attempts to calm herself. She had not noticed she was shaking from unease, a sudden loss of control of no cat knowing of her messy life worried her.

Petalnose was not aware she had admitted something amongst her sleep. She had believed Pikesplash and the others were only spreading useless gossip about her to cause drama to fill in her unknown history with false accusations. She was not fond of the idea of her clanmates whispering behind her back, especially on the matter of motherhood. Where had they heard this? Who knew of her life? She was surprised to see Pikesplash to be amongst it all, the cat was soft in her eyes and she believed he'd never do such and know better than to mess with the explosive and unpredictable she-cat.

Her memories flashed to the small bundles of fur. One was as black as their mother, a small Tom. Then, the other was a white Molly with ginger patches, almost identical to hers. Pain struck her heart as she then remembered what had happened to them. She dug her unsheathed claws into the ground. Only if they were still alive, she would have brought them back with her and let that rumor live true. She would be a mother if they had survived. Her heart yearned for someone, anyone who was close to her. Though fiercely loyal, she felt so distant with her clan, everyone was a stranger to her.
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Murkblossom hears much, but very rarely speaks at the same length his clanmates do. Gossip isn't unnoticed by him, though it never spreads from his own mouth; he is a secret's grave long before its sower, and so struggles to understand the delight that motivates rumor-mongers and the like. He knows Pikesplash is not one of them, at least not to the same degree, but he does not think that matters so much to Petalnose, whose raw anger seems just on the precipice of desperation.

He does not believe her treatment of Pikesplash is especially warranted; Murkblossom had not heard him participate in the other cats' discussion except to defend Petalnose. Had she not heard the same? Perhaps not, since her behavior lessens slightly in intensity for Wasprattle, who speaks kindly.

Exhaling softly, he rises to slowly approach, standing closest to Pikesplash, though with a careful distance between them still. "Rumor startet from sleep-talking," he explains quietly, regarding her evenly. "Yours."
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Gossip was a flower in spring and he, the bee. Dogteeth had been chewing tiredly on a half-eaten perch when he heard the group talking about Petalnose. That is until the lady reveals herself, ears turned to the group in a way that certainly suggests she heard. Like rats, they scatter- all but Pikesplash, oh- bless him. Dogteeth has shiny scales glistening on his chin as he lifts it. Eyes blinking in shock as Petalnose snaps.

Wasprattle and Murkblossom interject peacefully. Sleep-talking had started this? Oh, dear. How troublesome, Dogteeth with a mouth still decorated with scales and blood he pads over with a friendly smile.

" I uh… dreamt I was a bird once…. won’t catch me diving off the gorge though!…" Dogteeth spoke with a sweet chuckle, offering the angry molly a beaming smile. " dreams can be super vivid so- maybe it’s uh… " he thought for a second. " maybe a part of you wants to be a mama some day, and it made you say weird stuff " he suggests with a shrug.

The pretty brown and white molly looks furious so he chews on the inside of his lip. Feeling increasingly nervous, short legged and not knowing what to do with his paws, he fidgets idly.

  • — Dogteeth PINTEREST
    — twenty-eight moons
    2023 VOICE & ACCENT
    — warrior of Riverclan
    — gay | crushing on n/a
    — small curly-furred blonde and tan tom with blue eyes.
    — very gentle voice and laugh
    — deals a nasty bite
    BIOGRAPHY——— ✧
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