Juncopaw was a fine example when she wanted to be of how an apprentice was supposed to be under the guidance of Sootstar. Both of them were loyalists and he was pleased that she could see the light unlike his own flesh and blood Quailbreeze. His sister would rave about how Sootstar lost it and that it was the stars that guided them not the cat they deemed leader. If that was the case, then why would they appoint her as such? That aside, he took Juncopaw to the usual Rabbit's Run for training today. She was going to practice hunting one way or another. Unfortunately a few moons with his apprentice already and she was still had that fiery spirit. Now that was fine and all, but she best be ready for him to snap back when she snapped her own jaws at him.

The young she-cat should know what to do at this point. More or less, but he figured for training sake he should make a goal for her. "I want you to bring me a rabbit and nothing else before sundown." With that, he would wave his paw as if to say shoo, do your job. They could go over battle moves again, but he wasn't feeling too inclined with battle. The days where he would teach her battle were days when he was in foul moods. Usually after his sister tried talking to him and how wrong he was or how wrong Sootstar was. She was a traitor through and through.
  • ooc : a silly little training thread between them @juncopaw
  • — mocking-grin / windclan moor runner / masculine pronouns / 24 moons
    — heterosexual / single / looking / open to flirting and crushes
    — high white long haired chocolate smoke with heterochromia
    — may powerplay minor harm / can powerplay healing
    biography / @ on discord for plots
    — penned by velou
Juncopaw had been training with Mocking-grin for multiple moons by this point - it should be expected of her to follow a normal routine wit him, and do as she was told. But of course, knowing her, she rarely ever did. Most mornings she slept in; on occasion she would not show up to their meeting spot for training at all. When she did show up, she displayed a tendency to talk back to her mentor, disobey his commands, or ignore him entirely. He'd be lucky to catch her in a good enough moon to actually train with him, instead of just taking his instruction and going off to do it her own way.

Out of every lesson she's been given, hunting was her least favorite. As a general rule of thumb, she hunted mostly for herself, bringing back a morsel of prey on occasion if she was feeling especially generous, or simply had leftovers. It was a rogue-like habit, but something her previous rogue parents taught her, and something she'd likely take to her grave. Until Sootstar catches her in the act and reprimands it, of course; but truthfully, she wasn't sure if the leader would. Juncopaw was confident enough to hunt for herself, and never felt the need to learn to feed extra mouths. Needless to say, she was incredibly reluctant to join Mocking-grin out for a hunting lesson, only allowed a brief argument before she begrudgingly followed him out to Rabbit's Run, dragging her tail the entire way.

Juncopaw was no more pleased to be out in Rabbit's Run than she was to leave camp. I want you to bring me a rabbit. A blatant eyeroll followed her mentor's instructions. "I don't feel like hunting," she complained, ignoring the way he waved his paw to shoo her away, and planting her feet down directly in front of him to stare at him indignantly. There may be days where she gets along with this cat through their shared loyalist ideals, but today might not be one of those days. "I already know how to hunt. And I'm not hungry. Why can't you teach me some battle moves or something?"


praise be the heavens. praise me, i'm the lord.
Juncopaw is a taxing. She doesn't listen to him and skips out on most of their meetings. He's come to accept this and if she doesn't show then he will not chase her. It will be her own undoing. One day she will regret not training with him and meet her end. To be honest the first few times she had purposely skipped out their sessions he wanted to slap her silly and teach her that he is not one to be trifled with. It was only by his own sister's paw that Juncopaw found herself spared. Although, he would be lying to say he hadn't thought about giving his own apprentice a good whack.

It is no surprise that she's challenging him and it's amusing to see her try and show him that she was not one to be messed with. His answer comes coolly. "I don't care if you don't feel like it or because you're not hungry. You hunt for the clan." That much is true. With the new law, all of them had to wait until everyone else was fed first. Regardless of whether or not she was hungry she needed to catch something for someone who was unable to yet and for those who were busy with other tasks. He is not unwise, noting that whenever she does hunt... She brings back pathetic scraps and that doesn't bode well.

Despite the fact that she asks for something he is pleased with teaching, he will not give an inch. Doing so is telling her that she has won this battle between them. It was bad enough that Juncopaw only trained when she saw fit. "Until you bring me back something other than scraps, the rabbit I asked for, then I'll teach you battle moves." If you want something, you have to give something in exchange. No battle training unless you bring me what I asked for. The warrior doesn't think his deal is unfair. If she simply did as he asked then she would get what she wanted. If you wanted to whine and complain about it, then she wouldn't be getting what she wanted.
  • ooc :
  • — mocking-grin / windclan moor runner / masculine pronouns / 24 moons
    — heterosexual / single / looking / open to flirting and crushes
    — high white long haired chocolate smoke with heterochromia
    — may powerplay minor harm / can powerplay healing
    biography / @ on discord for plots
    — penned by velou

-ˋˏ ༻☽༺ ˎˊ- You hunt for the Clan. Right. That's how it works now, right? Juncopaw's parents never hunted for Gin's group when they were rogues. She almost wondered if she'd like that life better. Of course, to no surprise, Mocking-grin denies her request to spar instead. Deciding there's no point in arguing further, Juncopaw trots off with a contempt snort. May as well get this over with.

"One rabbit before sundown. Tch. Does he think I can't hunt one rabbit in an entire day?" It's a mutter that gives her a sense of motivation, a challenge that she interpreted from her mentor's words that would hopefully push her to do this one thing. She just never thought that it'd end up so.. difficult.

Her first rabbit was a bust. She spotted it from afar, began her creeping - her stalking was fine, and she genuinely would have caught it if she hadn't missed one thing: the wind. She was upwind from the rabbit, casting her scent towards it, and it was on high alert before she was even in its line of sight. One step forward, and it darted. This was all it took for the silver molly to stand up, let out an exasperated sigh, and stamp her forepaw on the ground. She'd have given up, if she wasn't keenly aware of Mocking-grin's gaze. She knew that she wouldn't get away from him without the rabbit he requested.

So, onto the second one. She had to walk for quite some time; the late leaf-fall frost seemed to have been driving prey away left and right. But, eventually, she saw it: a dot along the horizon, adopt a small ripple in the moorland hills. She checked the wind this time, licking her nose and turning her head until it was cold, then began her stalking once more.

Before long, she was ontop of the rabbit, delivering its death with a swift nip to its neck, and a yank as she snapped its neck. It was a young rabbit, not a baby, but it could have been bigger: it would feed someone, though. Not me. Mocking-grin made sure of that, she thought bitterly. Would she ever feel satisfied with doing favors for other cats? Speaking of her mentor, was he watching? With the cream-colored rabbit hanging limply from her jaws, she turned her head left and right, looking for the chocolate tom with an impatient tap of her toes against the cold dead grass.

  • juncopaw.png
  • JUNCOPAW she/her, moor-runner apprentice of windclan, seven moons.
    an antagonistic silver tabby she-cat with green eyes.
    mate to no one. daughter to former gin rogues. apprentice of mocking-grin.
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by ixora@.ixora on discord, feel free to dm for plots.