twolegplace RUN BOY RUN | skyclan patrol

Apr 16, 2023

Silver putting him in the Twolegplace patrol again felt... a little more like a slight than the last time. Momowhisker didn't know if he was overreacting or if the spotted tabby seriously had a problem with him, but walking the all too familiar streets instead of getting to adventure out to the scarier borders threatened to take the wind from his sails had he been a more pessimistic cat. Dawn crept over the land, ensuring the lynx point had been in SkyClan earlier than usual, and the heaviness of his eyes displayed such a jarring change in schedule. Behind him were two animals who... well, he didn't exactly know. Quillstrike, who'd announced his partnership with a now-missing ex-kittypet would probably be alright, but Chrysaliswing was blunt enough to make the gold-collared Warrior hesitate to speak to him. Not only that, if he'd been reading the vibes right, both of them had lost someone very important to them recently, someone who was more than likely lost in the same winding streets that Momowhisker was now taking them down. To say he was nervous about the journey would be an understatement, he could scarcely hear the morning birdsong over the sound of his racing thoughts.

Snaking past the first row of fences, avoiding the view of his own house peeking above the suburbs, the Daylight Warrior flashed a grin of faux confidence. "Onwards!" He declared, near-croaking at his own display of authority. Even after leading half a patrol at the Shelter, such authority did not feel normal. Words jumbled together in his head like a medicine cat's poultice and as much of a miracle as it was to speak clearly, Momo was sure it was just that: a miracle. His tail lashed too and fro, indicating that the edges of the houses should be marked as a reminder of SkyClan's presence deeper on in the forest. Clearing his throat, he looked over his shoulder, wedge-shaped head and large ears equally sprightly, as if the rising sun had given him all the energy he needed for the day. Nervous energy, but energy all the same. "Silversmoke just said it was a Dawn Patrol... I guess to check things out. Did you guys want to um... look for Honeysplash while you're here? Only if you really want to, of course," he let out a forced chuckle, cringing when he remembered the subject matter wasn't funny. "We can just do business as normal too! It's... up to you guys, honestly."



Being assigned to the twolegplace patrol had left Quillstrike in a sour mood, though it was difficult to tell given his usual blank-faced expression. The last time he'd been out this way had been with Fig and Twitch, and they'd not only found Honeysplashes scent leading into the streets beyond the fences, but they'd tracked it right to a twoleg nest, where it settled. He hadn't seen her in the windows despite calling out for her, but the evidence had pointed clear enough to an answer; Honeysplash had chosen the twolegs.

The tall chimera tom was choosing not to think about that, though. Anger was a constant with him now, a low-burning fire in his blood that was quick to ignite when given a reason. He'd barely been in camp lately in favor of working himself to exhaustion, preferring the constant drone of business over having to sit with his own thoughts for more than five minutes.

"Figfeather, Twitchbolt, and I already tracked her scent to one of the twoleg nests." he replied as Momo offered to let them look for her. In truth, he appreciated it more than the daylight warrior probably would have expected, but it didn't change anything. "She doesn't want to come back." he added, hating how bitter the words tasted on his tongue.

She didn't want to come back, and she didn't want to be Quillstrikes mate.

skyclan - male - 16 months (Feb 17th) - bisexual - homoromantic - a very tall, dark chimera tomcat with mismatched eyes and several scars. has bluejay feathers woven like spikes along his spine and neck.