Sep 15, 2022

And they're off!

Yewberry bolted out of the camp with Galeforce close behind. The night was cold and dark, but the darkness is where Yewberry thrived. He was a tunneler. His night vision was enhanced by this. Small paws were tearing across the snow covered moors and not looking back at the snarling faces and flurries of claws that were eager to rip into his flesh. The blizzard was beginning to subside, and he wanted to take advantage of the decreased vision while it lasted.

Little did they fully realize that the feeling was mutual, and that some day he would be back. Not any time soon, but he would be.

It was uncomfortable running through the snow, but he was managing quite well. After all, he bolted through the tunnels with ease, and those were pretty claustrophobic. Speaking of...

It was time to piss people off.

But first, he needed a vital piece of information.

"Galeforce- where are we headed?" He asked as he leapt and bounded over dunes of snow.



There's almost a level of numbness to it all as the reality began to truly hit. A rogue, he was a fucking rogue now. Galeforce had never known any life beyond WindClan, he had been born in their ranks and had been raised and trained to be their warrior. But now his former clanmates were out to kill him. However he held no regrets, he would never take back his words or abandon the promise now etched into his heart. It was his goal now forever more.

That was why he had to survive.

At least he wasn't alone from the get-go. Galeforce followed Yewberry for the time being and he worked to pace himself the best he can. Unfortunately he had not been blessed with a proper rest since before the raid, nor had his wounds been given attention. Every scrape of snow against his belly ached and left behind stains of pink. "Fourtrees... head for Fourtrees. It should give us safety and shelter." He replied with a sense of certainty as he cobbled together a plan. Even if they got separated it was at least a landmark they both should know well.

"Whatever happens just keep running until you reach those sacred grounds." He spares a glance back over his shoulder before he gives a solid kick out with his hind legs, lashing out at a shadow. He's not certain if someone was actually there or if his mind was playing tricks on him, but he's not willing to take any chances. He'd kill if he had to if it meant escaping the territory.
a snarl across his face, claws digging into the snow, lynxtooth flies across the territory — murderous amber gaze locked onto two traitors, one of whom has promised to kill sootstar, and oh, that just won't do.

they're meant to chase them off, but lynxtooth would happily tear galeforce to pieces if the tom isn't fast enough.

he does not speak, does not howl threats — deadly focused on his task, locked onto galeforce. he thinks he might be gaining —

galeforce lashes out with a kick behind him, and lynxtooth growls as white powder is flung into his face, though the claws don't connect.

"bastard," he hisses between heavy breaths, pelting forward still. "i'll shred you."

. . . tags.
She can hardly feel her paws much less her wounds, it seemed to be getting colder by the minute made worse by the wind that buffets against her fur as she runs after the chase. Her eyes are half squinted, teeth gritted, but she’s glad in a way it’s hard to think of anything else but running and catching up. Not just to the sides of her clanmates but to the heels of the traitors who try desperately to flee before the claws and fangs of those they used to fight besides tore into them. They ran for survival, in a way so did Firepaw she gives chase for her own honor as a declaration of her loyalty so nobody could question it, she wouldn’t be like the other apprentices who’d stand back and watch, biting back words of contempt if not looking away from the harshest parts of clan life. She shows her support to the dogma of Sootstar, shows that her loyalty was unwavering she wouldn’t think so hard about this if she could prevent it. The less she thought the better. It wasn’t her place, it was no cats place to question the decisions of their leader. The sooner they got the fact through their thick heads the better.

She needs to make that clear to them; those mousebrains she trained with needed it beaten into them. She didn’t want to chase them like she chases these rats in windclan fur. She’s quickly gaining with every stride and soon she’s close to Lynxtooth not keeping stride exactly with the intimidating tom but not being outrun either. A growl croons from her, eyes slotted and focused on the tails of Galeforce and Yewberry. It was unlikely they’d get away unscathed, Yewberry was never a talented warrior and Galeforce was injured both physically and mentally. But she isn’t in her best shape either, but she’s too determined to let herself slow now she could push through the pain! She was almost a warrior for starclans sake she wouldn’t stumble wouldn’t give up. That wasn’t the windclan way. She pushes her legs back into the snow pushing off to shoot ahead to gain a burst of extra speed. It wouldn’t last but it’s enough to send her pelting forward closer to the target.

❝Aren’tcha gettin’ tired! ❞ she yowls, her voice sounding ragged torn between harsh breaths and desperation she’s trying as hard as she can. ❝Slow down! I got a partin’ gift to share❞ she doubts she could ever take Galeforce one on one but that didn’t matter here, he was outnumbered and well she wouldn’t call Yewberry any true help. Didn’t ever seem like a good fighter to her but who knew survival brought out unknown strength. She’s already beginning to slow, her muscles burning beneath her pelt the wound on her side stinging but she doesn’t let it overtake her yet.

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Of course, fourtrees was the perfect place. They could take refuge under the four massive oaks that towered above them at gatherings, sacred ground where no blood was to be shed.

Surely these brutes would adhere to it, with how much they allegedly worship Starclan.

"Got it!" He said. "I better see you there!" He added.

There was a tunnel nearby, he knew. He knew where all the burrows were, after all. That was his job. He should be coming up on it in a moment.

He glanced behind him at Firepaw. This one always had a big mouth.

"I'm not tired in the slightest! It's you who looks to be tired!" He called back to her.

Sure, antagonizing his pursuers was a bad idea. But he was done being nice. Something had broke inside, and it wasn't going to be fixed any time soon.

The plan is set in motion, all the while the queen's hounds snap at their heels.

Galeforce continued to steady his nerves, steeling himself for whatever was due to come. Though he's somewhat thankful that there are only appeared to be two hot on their heels at that time. It offers up a chance to escape, that much is for certain. "Me, tired? Hardly." He scoffs back over his shoulder in response to Firepaw's taunts. If need be he could easily turn around and make an example of the apprentice, but he doesn't. Not whilst Lynxtooth was present.

Where Yewberry would seek the tunnels, Galeforce instead sought the high ground. Outlook Rock would be ahead, sat between the camp and the border that led to Fourtrees. If there was one part of the territory that he was most familiar with it would be that damned rock. He simply needed to reach it. After pacing his energy for so long he suddenly kicked off into a full sprint through the snow as he tried to put a distance between him and his pursuers.

Upon finding the iconic landmark through the blindingly white environment he then moved to climb it, scrambling up the slippery surface until he finally reached the top. Only then did he dare to pause to catch his breath as he looked back at the lands he was set to leave behind.

He was not so kind as to give them much of a headstart once they took off from the edge of the camp's border, prepared to pursue but knowing the weather would keep them from claiming a kill unless either fool stumbled proper but with their lives on the line they were surefooted as ever; if only this same dedication to running had been gifted to WindClan's benefit.

Juniperfrost was a WindClan cat, his initial burst of speed was meant for rabbits-not other cats, and he found himself slowing amidst the oncoming storm because as much as he wanted to sink his teeth into the little lilac fool he was not prepared to die for it; its not like the weak cat had much of a chance out here where he couldn't depend on a clan to take care of him. Galeforce would eventually find the task of keeping Yewberry alive too arduous to bother with himself if he had any sense and the blue tom liked to think the other did to a degree. More than most the cats they had chased from their lands.
Firepaw had passed him moments before but his second wind surged upward to push him even quicker alongside the apprentice until he was bounding ahead again; a new burst of speed, probably his last before they slipped away, and he would take it with enthusiasm.
A paw swung out at the other tom's hindlegs to send him tumbling, throwing himself forward down after the tunneler traitor to send them both rolling down into the divet of hills near the rabbit burrows and he swung with a vicious claw at the others face, misjudging his aim due to their significant height difference. Any lower and he would've gotten the throat as he intended.

[Ooc: Powerplay with permission!]
She can't tell if it's embarrassing or not that she can't catch up to him, a Tunneler who wasn't sued to running the moor like she is but at the same time he didn't go fight he hadn't trudged to and from from skyclan's now bloodied territory he wasn't injured nor was he tired it was the only edge he had and he was still losing ground with every stride she took. Her gaze hardens watching as Galeforce leaves his side bursting forward to get to higher ground while Yewberry took a gamble on the tunnels he wouldn't be able to reach in time. She doesn't snap at them preferring to spare as much energy as she can as the muscles in her legs begin to shake with exertion, she doesn't need to stay on them for long not as Juniperfrost approaches then passes her claws striking out to trip the tom left behind. It wouldn't take long for him to get swarmed now, not as Juniperfrost tackles him sending them both in a flailing mess of limbs down a slope in the hills, she has to come to a skidding halt fore claws digging into the snow her hindlegs coming momentarily off the ground her own speed almost bowling her over. She catches herself just in time and it takes a great amount of control and determination to not let fatigue get the better of her even if she wants to slow completely she doesn't. She would slide down the slope running over the rest of the ways to her clanmates and the traitor.

She doesn't throw herself at them, she instead moves to use her body to cut off one route of escape paws blocking one of the burrows - it's a precaution if anything. She'd look around trying to spot the form of Galeforce, but from where she stands she can't find him the underside of outlook rock is all she'd be able to see distantly. It didn't mean he wasn't around though, if he had any honor he'd come running over to save Yewberry but that was a big but, he'd be racing towards his own demise would he not? Though if he didn't would he just stand back and listen to the death cries of a former clanmate while he ran away tail between his legs. Her tail twitches, she knew what she'd do in the same situation; not that she'd ever be in it stupidity wasn't something she had in droves like they did! ❝Hey mouseheart! I know ya can't be far, I can still smell you!❞ she yowls as loud as she can, it's faint but the wind carries his scent she just can't discern exactly where she's not as adept at pinpointing as her older peers. ❝Just gonna sit back and let this piece of foxdung get what's comin?❞ her attention drifts from Juniperfrost and Yewberry to keep an eye out. In case he took the bait.​