pafp run, run, run | playing 'rabbit'


explosion noises

Compacted dirt crunched underfoot, nearly silent in an otherwise clamorous forest. The distant droning of the Thunderclan camp, the buzzing and chirping of insects, and the rustling of trees all drowned out the faint commotion of a prowling cat. Dense, snagging undergrowth wasn't dense enough to catch on thin fur, hardly disturbed by the figure creeping by from within it. An unfamiliar territory often proved difficult to navigate, for a Riverclanner wouldn't quite know how to move within Skyclan territory and vice versa, but one small cat, a stranger to Thunderclan soil, had it nearly figured out.

Moons spent within the tight confines of the moorlands tunnel system had Webpaw well acquainted with getting around like this. He was used to picking his way through narrow corridors and dark turns, unbothered by blackness that would encourage other to retreat to their dens. The tree-covered land was very peculiar but he felt he was faring better than clanmates more used to the open skies. The confines of the trees did not make him feel claustrophobic, just mildly unsure. He did not suffocate under the tight weave of undergrowth, finding more comfort in it than anything. He disliked the openness of the sandy hollow and, using the disorganization of everything to his advantage, Webpaw had agreed to a game and encouraged the players to leave their 'camp'. Webpaw was not one known to play 'childish' games, he thought of himself as too mature for them, but he would use any excuse.

Slinking further, little by little, a pale paw slowly extended to tap the side of another apprentice. " Gotcha. "

[ you are the light ]
The canopies above felt suffocating to the apprentice. It was strange to her that, despite her tunneler apprentice title, she found herself trapped beneath a sky she could not see. Perhaps it was the tunnels she knew would eventually come to end. that made her position to be easier Her whiskers brushing the sides of the dark entrapment, the darkness that swallowed every inch of her being; it was voracious for her to escape the tunnels and find a sky full of stars to look upon. She had begun to debate on her position as a tunneler. It swallowed her, the fright, the darkness - but would a moor runner be freer? She had the thin frame of a tunneler with sharp eyesight but still she held long legs that carried her at great speeds, should the need to run be an immediate course of action. It was as she found herself lost in these thoughts that she had briefly forgotten the game she and her brother were playing. She felt the touch of his paw, followed by his rumbling chuckle, and she let out a huff of frustration. "No fair! I was distracted!" she howled playfully, swinging a paw at the ear of the other apprentice. "Mouse brain."
Webpaw took a quick step backward, his contemplative, mild mood dashed to pieces by the insult. Mouse-brain? He was playing the game exactly as it was supposed to be played. It wasn't his fault that Graypaw couldn't bother to pay attention. He'd come out of the hollow for his own purposes, sure, and he didn't really care about the game, but he wasn't about to let her think that.

Unthinking of the injuries that already littered his skinny form, nicks and slowly warming cuts gifted by the rogues, he'd launch himself from the thicket and at his littermate, aiming to (at least) shove her or knock her over. He was smaller than she was but, if he'd taken her by surprise, he may succeed. If not, he'd have done something. " I got you. "
[ you are the light ]
She watched the shift in his mood change by the way his eyes narrowed. A playful twinkle in her own eyes, she lowered herself to the sandy ground. Her eyes then, for the first time, caught sight of the wounds that battered body in a more detailed imagine. Wounds that would leave marks forever upon his pelt. For a moment, she hesitated, and that moment was enough for him to take over the game.

Thumping against the earth she let out a huff, eyes wide. His body against hers, a snarl of a grin formed on her maw. "Oh, you got me?" she cackled before slithering away from him, walking a few steps backward. With a few paws of distance between them, the larger apprentice took herself to lower to the ground with a wiggling tail. "Well we all know I'm better!" she chuckled, launching herself at her brother, attempting to do the same to him as he had done to her; she aimed to knock him off his paws or at least destabilize him.