RUNNER BEANS // bringing lizard to the kits

Normally a warrior would be beyond such childish habits of playing with one's food, but today felt like an exception.
It had proven to be a warm day and by the time the sun hung at it's highest point the snakerocks was proving to be a risky yet pleasant place to recline. Sunnyday had decided to have a small break during the hunt that day in order to give his joints a chance to ease back up, and despite knowing that the threat of snakes would hang over his head he still settled upon the rocks. All was peaceful at first, that is until he felt something crawling over his body. He feared the worst, but upon snapping his head up he was instead greeted by the sight of a lizard. Not a threat, but something lesser seen and curious in nature.

The catch had been quick and easy, and he had even made an effort to keep the wriggling creature alive as he hurried back to camp. Hurrying through the entrance, he let loose a chorus of excited mrrws and chirps to help summon the ThunderClan youth. After setting the lizard down he then used a paw to pin it by the tail. "Kits, come see something special!"

//Prompt 1: lizard

Like most kits, Shine had never stepped solar-hued paws outside of camp. Also like most kits, he spent pretty much every day imagining the opposite.

The vacant-headed boy had a vague idea of what the outside looked like, of course. It was vaguely similar to camp but a lot messier, and the prey moved around instead of laying graciously in the middle of the floor. There were other cats who lived in other camps in other clans, but they weren’t as good as Thunderclan because….because their name was the coolest! That extensive encyclopedia just about covered all of Shinekit’s knowledge of the outside world. Anything beyond that might as well have been from mars.

As if on cue, in walked Sunnyday with a martin clamped between his jaws.

The second tufts of solar fur picked up the sound of Sunnyday’s call, Shinekit was off like a rocket. The little one’s little mind raced as he did, wondering what cool things the creature could do for them since it was alive and all. Could they make it clean the nests? Maybe it would become a member of the clan? A flame-tinted face scrunched up at the thought. Shinekit didn’t want to share the nursery with something that ugly.

Skidding to a halt, the boy was bouncing with excitement, already babbling questions. “does it have a name? Can it talk? Can it do my chores for me? Does it know how to play moss-ball? Can it-“ The kit was cut off my his own clumsiness, tripping over his own paws and slamming to the ground with an embarrassing thud. Sitting up, a bashful smile plastered itself across solar features as he waited for an answer​

It warmed Sunnyday's heart to see Shinekit looking so excited about his find, though with all the questions being flung his way he was finding it hard to find an opening to speak. Fortunately fate silenced the kit for him, though that didn't stop the senior warrior from wearing an expression of concern for the youngster. "Are you alright?" He queried, though the lack of crying seemed to suggest that all was well. "It can't talk, and it doesn't have a name either. However, it is a speedy critter. Maybe you could have some fun chasing it around for a little while, see if you can catch it like a big warrior."

Sunnyday waited a few moments before he released the lizard's tail from beneath his paw. It shot off across the centre of the camp with a clumsy looking run. "Go on, catch it, quickly!" He urged as he sat himself down so he could watch the fun and games begin.
Now Tawnymask is most certainly not a kitten. She's quite a bit older, in fact– by at least a few years. But much like ThunderClan's youngsters, she's a naturally curious creature. When Sunnyday calls for them to come over, she finds herself following along. She expects perhaps a fresh ball of moss for them to play with, or a particularly intriguing rock (what is it about kittens and intriguing rocks, she wonders?), or maybe even a bite to eat. What she does not expect is something quite alive and wriggling. Though the warrior startles, her paws nearly lifting off the ground with a small jump, it is followed by a chirp of excitement rather than fear.

"What a good catch!" the molly praises warmly, tail hooked high and the tip flicking in excitement. But before she can get too good of a look at it, the warrior is proposing a delightful game. One that she will unfortunately refrain from, if only to allow the youngsters to begin their own lessons early. "Be careful! They can be quite fast, and like to hide. Get it!" Eyes glimmering, Tawnymask sits down beside Sunnyday to watch the fun begin.

  • ooc:

  • ──── tawnymask. warrior of thunderclan. she - her.
    ──── adult, approximate age four to five years old.
    ──── attracted most to other mollies, but bisexual.

    ──── a cream and chocolate molly with odd white markings and deep yellow-green eyes. her short fur shows off a powerful build and the occasional scar, and her pelt is often adorned with flowers or grass, fresh or dry.
  • "speech"

An empty head half-listened to Sunnyday’s explanation, sky-blue eyes focused on the fidgeting of the creature trapped between comparatively titanic jaws. Peaks of solar wind drooped slightly at the revelation of the lizard’s apparent lack of intelligence, but Shinekit still held out hope. After all, the warrior didn’t say anything about chores or mossball!

The kit was about to try and pry the lizard’s obvious capabilities out of Sunnyday when another warrior padded forwards and praised her peer, at which a celestial head cocked in confusion. Were lizards hard to catch or something? Their legs looked so stubby! Maybe adults were just slow, being old and all. It would explain why Tawnymask wasn’t joining in the activity as well.

Shinekit was about ask if the two would be more comfortable in the elder’s den when Sunnyday suddenly released the creature (well, the warrior had warned him, but the boy was too busy thinking about how old they must be). Sky-blue eyes barely kept up with the figure as it darted across the camp, and with a shout of surprise Shinekit was off to the races.

A small flick of the tail indicated that he’d at least half-heeded tawnypelt’s warning, but it wouldn’t do much good. The solar-tinged tom was skidding all over the place, chasing straight after the lizard instead of attempting to outmaneuver it. It didn’t take long until the little bundle of flame was out of breath, and the would-be prey was taunting him safely across camp. “This is impossible!” he wailed in frustration.​

The show had been most amusing to behold, but eventually that amusement turned into pangs of sympathy for the youth as they started to struggle. Maybe it was time to bestow Shinekit with some sage advice, provided that they bothered to listen to him that is. "If it is so impossible then how did I catch it in the first place? Let me tell you how to do it." He began as he wandered his way closer to the kit before he could kneel down beside him in order to be closer to his level. "Lizards are fast, but they aren't smart. You see the bottom of the Highrock? Try chasing the lizard towards it, that way it has to slow down when trapped against the rock. Make a mighty pounce at that point and see if you can land on it." He instructed before shuffling back again.