camp running in the dark — assigning patrols

Handing out patrols is a slightly surreal experience, and Orangeblossom would be lying if she said she had felt in any way prepared for it. There's a unique level of politics to assignments that she doesn't like; one cat hated being around another, but the first warrior's apprentice learned better from the second. Keeping Blazestar and his kits as far away from the ThunderClan border as she could. Attempting, just in general, to not openly assign herself on patrols with her closest Clanmates. She could. But she wouldn't.

"I'm handing out patrol assignments, gather 'round." The deputy calls, seated at the base of the tree where Highbranch stretches forth - she's not worthy to stand atop that. Beneath its bough would do. She'd also paid minimal attention to the last group of patrols assigned by her predecessor ... this would be starting anew as much as she is with her new duties.

"@DUSKMANE . You'll go with @HUCKLEBERRY, @Fireflypaw, @zelda and @BEARHEART to the Twolegplace border. We've had a few joiners from that way since we last re-marked it." Too many, in her opinion, but she's not stupid enough to voice that thought aloud so she doesn't. They're in the middle of leaf-bare, and there's barely enough to go around (she thinks, briefly, of Snorlax's gargantuan meal, and blinks uncomfortably).

"@Mountainheart, @subarupaw, @Sharpeye, @Finchfang, and @batpaw. The five of you will head for the ThunderClan border." She knows the trio of warriors would keep the two apprentices in check just fine, but Orangeblossom doesn't think they'll need to try too hard to do so.

"@Hailstone, @Amanita and @REDSTORM ! Take @Howlpaw and @parsnip to the RiverClan border for re-marking." Hopefully the group could catch something cornered by the water, but it would be useful to have the river's edge re-marked either way.

"@PIÑATAFLURRY, @Daisyflight and @TWITCHPAW. The four of us will go hunting past the rockpile and try our luck there." And hopefully not nearly get bitten by a snake this time. Brown eyes stray back towards Hailstone's familiar pelt for a heartbeat, and then Thistleback's, before she refocuses- this time on their leader.

"@BLAZESTAR - take @butterflypaw, @COSMOSPAW and @SLATE out to Tallpine. This should be a good time to assess where the trio are with their skills - feel free to decide whether you'd like to check their climbing, hunting or anything else. If they're doing alright now, they'll likely find the warmer weather easy." She'd rotate them onto a different kind of patrol when she sent out the next group. Just like ...

"@ThistleBack, @Quillpaw, @Pumpkinpatch, @VIOLETPAW, @sheepcurl, and @GREENPAW ." That's the last of them, she thinks. "This time around, I'd like the six of you to tackle a training session for fighting, focusing on tree based combat if you can." It's indulging her paranoia, she knows that logically, but Orangeblossom also knows that she'll be able to sleep better knowing that some of their apprentices had a recent training session under their paws. Stars knew they didn't need to be caught unprepared by another fox.​

  • set retro to firefly's mca promo<3

  • orangeblossom, deputy of skyclan
    — no apprentice.
    ✦ 25 moons, she/her
    ✦ fluffy white and ginger cat with brown eyes. torn left ear, scar on right foreleg.
    ✦ bi, single. @ on discord for plots.

His name is called for a patrol, one that Duskmane gets to lead- and Fireflypaw grins wide in excitement. He races over to his mentor, ears flicking as he runs circles around the large tom. "C'mon, Huck! Let's go, let's go! Up we go! Patrol time! We get to talk some kittypets! Isn't that so coooool?~" He chimes, all sing-song in tune. A heavy sniffle to clear snot from his nose, Fireflypaw is prepared in this moment.

Man, this was so cool! Sooo cool!

He rushes over to Zelda, giggling softly to himself. "C'mon, Zel! We've gotta get goin'! We goin'!" If one looked close, it almost looked as if he was tap-dancing in place, paws rising only to fall and send snow everywhere.

Back on the beat already. A mixture of relief and misery swelled within him at that moment, though ultimately he was glad to have a sense of purpose once more. It even prompted the smallest of smiles to reappear on his features. "ThunderClan border, got it. It's been a while since I last saw them." Normally he got on well with their neighbours, but he knew that those blissful days were behind them after recent troubles. The news had drifted to him slow but it had cut deep. Morningpaw's death and the skirmish that should have never happened. Well, there would be no such trouble on his watch! He'd make sure of it.

Howlpaw's ears pricked with excitement at the mention of being on a patrol. She and Redstorm were to go to RiverClan. She hadn't been there since her last patrol with her mother, so it would be fun to go again, this time with a new mentor and a new clan. "RiverClan that's exciting!" Howlpaw enthused, padding over to her mentor. "Have you been before?"
The idea of going out on a patrol had piqued Slate's interest, admittedly. It wasn't like he had never patrolled his own turf before, scouring the streets for scurrying rats and any threats to his alleyway abode. Obviously, patrolling with several other cats ( who were all strangers to him, at that ) was going to be a new experience.

The newcomer pricks his ears, listening for his name to be funneled into a group. Orangeblossom assigned him to a patrol with none other than the leader himself... along with two apprentices. The -paws, were apprentices, right? Ugh. Must Slate be grouped in with the youths just because he was new?

Whatever. He just wanted to get this all over with, so Slate sought out Blazestar from the crowd and grunted, "Ready when you are..."

    —— amab, uses he/him pronouns. twenty-nine moons old. warrior of skyclan; former rogue.
    —— unrefined, rough and tumble rogue who is not accustomed to clan life. only trustful of his littermate, duskmane.
    —— link to tags. @ on discord for plots.

    quite the hulk of a cat, slate stands above the average clanmate with an arrogant gait. he has a dark gray ( bordering on black ) colored pelt with a pale-brown-tinged underbelly and whisps of tan at the tips of his chest hairs. amber-colored eyes contrast against his dark palette. notable features include a jagged scar across his right eye and two small scratches across the bridge of his nose.

Blazestar cannot remember the last time he'd gone on a simple patrol through his territory. In the haze of his sorrow, he's left Cosmospaw and Butterflypaw entirely to whatever warrior is around and doesn't mind a tag-along. He lifts his head at Orangeblossom's assignment, clouded blue eyes almost dull with disbelief. "Tallpine?" He murmurs, as if he's forgotten the landmark.

But the rogue who'd joined recently -- Duskmane's littermate -- he's going, too. Blazestar finds the dark-pelted tom, who proclaims he's ready without much ceremony. The leader stares at him for a few uncomfortable heartbeats before he says, voice soft, "Fine. Let's go."