oneshot running out of time — oneshot

Aug 14, 2023
just because i carry it so well doesn't mean it's not heavy .
/ little bit of blood

Lux couldn’t remember a time when he wasn’t having a nightmare, shrouded in death and so much blood that no matter how many times he shoved his face into the pine needles, the tangy scent of ichor remained as prevalent as ever. He breathed shakily, rocking himself onto three legs, careful to pick his way through the slumbering cats, some already awake and others seemed to be in a similar state as he was.

He hated this feeling. Being useless. It left a bitter taste on his tongue because even if he did everything he could to help, Lux was only one cat. He was still new. Still learning.

His skin prickled, itchy until he racked his claws through fur, scratching at marred flesh until blood welled up, startling himself. He cursed, ripping his paw away as if it burnt him, staring down at ichor-dipped claws. He frowned, feeling a wave of hopelessness encompass him, weighing his head until it pressed into the first just outside camp. Just breath, Lux. He’d be fine and even if he wasn’t, then it well, it wasn't like anyone would notice. He'd gotten good at masking his emotions.

/ skyclan word prompt " nightmare "
thought speech