backwritten running running and running — marmotpaw


stranded at the lights
May 28, 2023

Loki has never been so blinded by nothing. Wheat-grass plains stretch endlessly before her, rippling into the sky without so much as a twoleg den nor tree to puncture their path. Lurid green sears into her eyes, as though she'd stared into the sun and closed them, only to be greeted by continued echoes of its color. Her eyes have never feasted on such a view before, one unbounded by window and ledge. A cool breeze rolls past her. The afternoon wind is nothing compared to the tempest of a few days ago, from which Loki had cowered upon the safety of her cat tree.

Her collar tightens as she allows herself a deep lungful of pollen-tainted air, and she feels yet another twinge of guilt making it past her mental blockade. Paradise calls, in the form of endless frolick and warm-bodied creatures on the air, yet she wonders if her twolegs miss her. Not even a sunrise has passed since she was spooked out of her den, but the distant cries of her twolegs gnaw at her still. They'll be okay, she dissmisses. They're twolegs: they do nonsensical things all the time and forget lots of important things in their wake, like forgetting to feed her at exactly the time the sun touches the top of the tree outside her window. Surely they won't miss her for a few sunrises. Loki takes a deep, long stretch; kneading plush prariegrass beneath uncalloused pawpads. This'll be nice for a nap.

ooc: @Marmotbite. this happens like a week ago & after the winds have died down bc liquid time <333
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marmotpaw | 07 months | female | she/her | physically easy | mentally medium | attack in bold #9ab973
Marmotpaws mind is still all ajumble - thoughts often turning to a certain blue furred feline. mismatched eyes are unfocused, distracted, as she huddles at the edge of the tunnel, lost in thought. Her tunneling partner is somewhere deeper within, taking a break within the cool damp dark, but she has no interest in sticking with them outside of their duties. a yawn splits her jaws wide, teeth flashing and pink tongue lolling, when the sound of something moving sets her on edge. Pelt prickles, tail fluffing up, and the tiny girl is alert in seconds.

Heart races as the pawsteps creep closer - bringing a stranger into view. Sleek black fur cropped tight, strangely shaped ears, and a collar wrapped tight to their throat. A kittypet, it must be. A frown spreads across her face as she thinks for a moment Windclan hated kittypets, and while marm really couldn't care less, she sees the opportunity for what it is - a chance to show off, to prove herself.

"Hey - y'gotta leave, this is windclan territory, you ain't supposta' be here," her words are cold, eyes narrowed, as she quiet frankly seems to appear out of nowhere (she's grateful the tunnel is well hidden in the grass, she certainly must look cooler this way. She looks all but ready to fight - small frame all fluffed up and tail lashing angrily.