sensitive topics running through life and cruising toward death

š“Šš“‹¼ CW for injury, blood, and death throughout this thread!!

Each day passes by just like the one before it, repetitive and mind-numbing. If Falconheart were any younger, still an apprentice, heā€™d complain about it. Why do I have to hunt when itā€™s so hot? He wouldnā€™t even dream of uttering a complaint now, after heā€™s watched clanmates haul his father back into camp after a patrol gone terribly wrong. Not after heā€™d watched the influx of new kits drive the prey pile to scarcity, and aided Raccoonstripe in stealing from their neighbors. Heā€™s grown to appreciate somewhat the monotony of his daily life. And today, the monotony has brought him on a solo hunting patrol, all the way out past the snakerocks. Heā€™s cautious not to stray too close for fear of encountering the rock pileā€™s namesake. If heā€™d been assigned an apprentice at the meeting, he would at least have someone to talk to. Someone to teach. Something to occupy his mind so all the nagging voices will just shut up. But after everything, maybe itā€™s just too much to hope that heā€™d be assigned to train one of his own siblings. Itā€™s proof, straight from Howlingstar, that he isnā€™t like Freckleflame or Sparkwingā€”he isnā€™t capable of mentoring one of his siblings. Maybeā€¦ he isnā€™t capable of mentoring anyone at all.

Thatā€™s a heart-wrenching train of thought. Thereā€™s got to be a better way of thinking about it, surely.

Heā€™s alone, so he has no patrol mate to talk to. Nothing to distract him from the faint crunch of dirt below a set of paws. Nothing to keep him from pinpointing the direction the noise had come from, and turning to stareā€¦ directly into the glowing yellow eyes of a cat slinking through the underbrush. Cast in shadow, their fur looks inky black, and their body is covered in scars. "I know youā€™re there," he calls out to the strangerā€”a warning. This is how Flycatcher had died, wasnā€™t it? An ambush. Exceptā€¦ except heā€™s spotted the enemy first, so at least heā€™s got the advantage now. The other cat freezes, seemingly caught off guard by being spotted. But they donā€™t respond, donā€™t apologize for being hereā€¦ they only turn to him and growl. The sound is low, nearly inaudible, but still it shakes Falconheart to his core.

Heā€™s terrified, he acknowledges. Training under Burnstorm granted him some battle training, but he still isnā€™t good by any means. He can defend himself decently, but he isnā€™t like his father or Batwing. Heā€™s not strong or fast or smart. Heā€™s nothing special, just a warrior. But heā€™s still exactly thatā€”a warrior. "This is ThunderClan territory. Leave now, or Iā€™ll be forced to make you leave." The threat falls flat, even to his own ears; the trembling of his voice is a shard of glass lodged in the soft pawpad of his attempt at intimidation. He hears an audible snort of laughter, and itā€™s clear that the intruder doesnā€™t take him seriously. But they havenā€™t struck yet, havenā€™t lashed out in a desperate attack. Could he fend them off if they did?

He doesnā€™t have time to consider it. The other cat breaks from the brush, charging at him with claws outstretched. Cream paws shift, and he hops backwardā€”claws slash into thick fur and get caught for a moment, tugging a few strands free when the other cat draws their paw back. He isnā€™t prepared for the next swing, and a heavy paw slams into the side of his face. He doesnā€™t feel the sting of claws digging into his skin, but there must be because the taste of fresh blood fills his mouth, coats his tongue. It slides down his throat, and he coughs.

"Shit-" he spits out, barely dodging the swipe of claws for his throat and then taking a blow to the ribs instead. The ferocity of it knocks him off balance, forcing him to steady himself for a heartbeat on all four paws. He breathes heavily, flanks heaving, but he hasnā€™t even done much. Blood wells up from freshly-opened wounds, and when he glances down he can see the trailing drip, drop, drips of crimson across the forest floor. He can taste it. Heā€™s losing. And when his eyes lift to meet the other catā€™s advance once more, he knows what he has to do. Itā€™s what heā€™s always done, and it may not be bold or brave or strong but itā€™s survival, isnā€™t it? Itā€™s better to return to his mother a coward than to not return at all. From the beating heā€™s already taken, it will take a miracle to live through this encounter even if he flees. But itā€™s his only shot.

Falconheart runs.

Rushing toward the nearest tree, he hears the rogue give chase. Theyā€™re stronger, but heā€™s the tiniest bit faster, and he leaps the last few feet to the tree. His paws meet bark, and with what strength he can muster he pulls himself up its trunk. He doesnā€™t make it very far, thoughā€”claws score across his back, raking through flesh until finally they slip free at his haunches with a spray of blood. Then theyā€™re back, digging in once again, but this time they mean to drag him down to his enemy.

Falconheart has tried his best to be a good warrior, or a strong warrior, or at least someone worth having in ThunderClan. Heā€™s endured a lot of pain and hurt in his life, from the fire, to the dogs, to the rogues, to the wolves, to the death of his father. Heā€™s lost a lot of good clanmates, role models, cats he admired, to forces outside his control. He should be tough now, shouldnā€™t he? He should turn around and use what skills he has to fend off his attacker before they kill him.

But Falconheart isnā€™t a strong, capable warrior. Heā€™s hardly a warrior at all. Hardly his fatherā€™s son, hardly anyoneā€™s friend, hardly a good role model for his younger siblings. So as his grip falters and his claws are ripped from the tree, he screams.

  • ooc: ā€”
  • 80687246_bUlIUCNEIyetYd8.png
    FALCONHEART āÆāÆ he/him, thunderclan warrior
    ā­ƒ shorter than average cream tabby with white spotting. seems gloomy and has few friends, but is a hard worker and never neglects his duties.
    ā­ƒ son of flamewhisker and flycatcher ; brother to stormfeather, scorchedkit, bugkit, sunkit, squirrelkit, sparrowpaw
    ā­ƒ peaceful and healing powerplay permitted
    ā­ƒ penned by foxlore
怔āœ¦ć€•Everything had happened so fast.

It seemed like just yesterday she and Flycatcher had watched Falconheart and Stormfeather become -paws. But no, yesterday she had watched their youngest make their first step into the clan's hierarchy. As proud as she was to watch them receive their new names and mentors, it had caused a great depth of grief within her that she had refused to show. It was yet another reminder that it had been moons since her mate's death...and another milestone of their kit's lives that he would not get to experience with her.

The return of her freedom felt strange. She had been anxious to return to her duties of course, but for once...she missed sleeping in the nursery. Flycatcher had never slept in the nursery...but his absence in the warriors den was something that had kept her awake all night until she settled for a spot outside the den. Their nest that they had shared was gone. It was like he was never there...erased from existence.

Before she had left the camp, she had asked Scorchedpaw to check the elders for ticks. She knew her daughter would probably use the chore as a reason to listen to stories, but she would allow it for now. The forest was calling her name, her legs begging to be stretched. It had been moons since she had gone for a run or a hunt. Falconheart should be out there somewhere...perhaps we could hunt together. The look of disappointment on her son's face when he hadn't been assigned to mentor one of his siblings had not gone unnoticed by her. When he had informed her that he would be going out alone, she had almost asked if she could come...but she understood the need to be alone for awhile.

The tabby kept her pace above a walk, but still under a full sprint. It felt exhilarating...the grass underpaw, the breeze ruffling her pelt, the smell of the forest extending its arms and welcoming her with open arms. The heat was the biggest downside today...she had missed the beauty of newleaf's weather. Her fur felt heavier the longer the trotted, but she refused to complain. Freedom was freedom, no matter how hot outside it was.

She found her eldest son's scent trail before reaching the Snakerocks. Her shoulder fur prickled uneasily as she cast a glance towards the stones. The threat of adders was enough to keep her well away from this area, but the memories of the wolves calling this their home was still too present in her mind. She knew the canines were gone...but every time she passed by, part of her expected them to leap out. Flamewhisker shook out her pelt, and began following the trial, before stopping dead in her tracks. She heard the scream before smelling the blood.

A scream that belonged to a voice she knew well.

Too well.

"Falconheart!" Panic took control of her paws before she could process what was going on. It doesn't take long for the mother to find the scene, and what she finds is horrific. The coppery aroma is nauseating. Her legs tremble beneath her as she follows the trails of blood to a tree in front of her. She watches as an unknown cat hangs off her son. Claws sink out, digging into the ground below. "GET...AWAY...FROM...HIM" Her words are followed by a savage snarl, all the hair bristling along her spine. She risks a desperate glance at Falconheart, begging him to hang on just a little longer. The rogue ignores her warning, going in for an attack again. She can't stand by. She won't stand by. Rogues had already stolen her mate from her, they will not steal her son too.

Like an explosion, the molly shoots forward. She hears Falconheart's scream, but her rabid gaze does not leave the rogue. Blood sprays her face as she slashes at whatever is in front of her. The rogue lets out a yowl as her claws meet their side. They counter with a frantic swipe of their claws, meeting her shoulder skin. But Flamewhisker doesn't even feel the strike. She doesn't feel anything except for rage. The world around her turns black, and all she can see is the figure in front of her. They took him from me. They will not take my son too. The words repeated themselves over and over again in her mind until...

A body lay limply at her paws. She stood in the blood that pooled from the rogue's large throat gash. A snarl still rested upon the deceased feline's maw, only solidifying his intent. The battle was to the death...two cats would not have walked away. But...would she have let them walk away? The thought hung in the back of her mind. No. Her pelt was hot and sticky with blood, but she wasn't sure what was her's and what was theirs. Her legs trembled with adrenaline as she turned to behind her, where her son lay on the ground. His cream fur mirrored her own now, splashes of crimson giving him the appearance of a red tabby. Her heart still roared in her ears, but he didn't seem to be talking. "Falcon..." Her voice was tight, panicked. A wet, red paw carefully lifted his chin, grief filled eyes searching for any signs of life.

I can't lose him too.

  • ooc.
  • FLAMEWHISKER ā€”ā€” deputy of thunderclan , mentoring none . storm x lily . littermate to nala, smokey, and nemo āœ¦ penned by icey !
    āœ¦ afab / she/her / 34 moons & ages every 20įµ—Ź°
    āœ¦ widowed / heterosexual / closed to romance
    āœ¦ peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / underline & tag account when attacking
    ā€”ā€” difficult in battle

    āœ¦ "speech", 'thoughts', all opinions are in character
    āœ¦ tags ā€” msg on discord for plots ā€” toyhouse
  • 74170852_bklpiIOmSWVpAVE.png

    a longhaired red tabby with low white and green eyes. flamewhisker's fur is a vibrant hue of red, riddled with thick classic tabby markings. her fur is medium in length, and she has a large, feathery tail. her chest, belly, tail tip, and her paws are dipped white. flamewhisker's eyes are a dark, deep shade of green. her shoulder has a large scar on it from a fight with a dog. she also has a shredded ear from a disagreement with a loner during her time alone before joining thunderclan. on particularly cold days, or sometimes before a major weather change, she will walk with a slight limp from her shoulder injury.
  • Wow
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š“Šš“‹¼ He crashes to the ground, and the rogue is upon him before he can twist to fight back. Blood coats his back now, a wide warm patch spreading across his pelt. His paws strike out but donā€™t meet anything solidā€”a harder blow meets his chest instead. It knocks the wind out of him and the cream tabby trips, tumbling backward with a shout. His head falls back, thumps against the ground, and for a moment he feels the icy-cold touch of a claw at his throat. The rogue laughs, a chittering sound. It reminds him of the crawling of crickets, of their chirping at nightfallā€”it reminds him of StarClan, and how heā€™ll be joining them soon. He kicks at the enemy, but lightheaded and weak as he is, he canā€™t muster the strength to throw the other cat off of him. Their claw digs in, drags a line across his skin. A threat at first, and then it sinks in harder. The smell of blood rises fresh again. Thereā€™s pain, and then-

Nothing. Sparks of light flash behind his eyes, consciousness drifting away along with the rest of the blood that flows from his wounds. Heā€™s floating down a river, falling into a gorge, lying limp beneath a rogueā€™s jagged claws. Heā€™sā€¦ heā€™s not ready, though. Heā€™s not ready to see his dad again, or his littermates.

A shout pierces the darkness that Falconheart has found himself in, a familiar voice flooded with rage. Mom. Thereā€™s the sound of battle, the thick scent of blood filling the air, but he canā€™t do anything more than weakly scrape his paws across the forest floor. Useless. Weak. Better off dead. Waitā€¦ no. If the rogue had finished the job, then heā€™d be leaving his still-grieving mother behind without even her apprentice-aged kits to accompany her now. He canā€™t do that. If it means staying with Flamewhisker forever, then Falconheart would try to come back from StarClan itself. "Momā€¦?" He blinks, wincing at the effort that it takes to speak. His mouth still tastes of ironā€”but that doesnā€™t matter when his mother lifts his chin, and he sees the devastation in her eyes.

"Mom!" Hot tears track heavy trails down his face, relief coursing through his veins. Sheā€™s okay. Heā€™sā€¦ heā€™ll live, at least. And the rogue? He canā€™t see a dark-furred figure looming anywhere nearby, so he has to hope that the rogue has run off. "Watchā€¦ theā€”there was a-" he coughs, spitting blood from his mouth and effectively cutting off the words heā€™d been trying to say. The rogue. Watch out.

  • ooc: ā€”
  • 80687246_bUlIUCNEIyetYd8.png
    FALCONHEART āÆāÆ he/him, thunderclan warrior
    ā­ƒ shorter than average cream tabby with white spotting. seems gloomy and has few friends, but is a hard worker and never neglects his duties.
    ā­ƒ son of flamewhisker and flycatcher ; brother to stormfeather, scorchedkit, bugkit, sunkit, squirrelkit, sparrowpaw
    ā­ƒ peaceful and healing powerplay permitted
    ā­ƒ penned by foxlore