pafp RUNNING UP THAT HILL ✧ sparring


samira, theme week ✦
Apr 29, 2024
Paws plant firmly in the marsh below, a tail lashes behind her and she feels alive like this, facing off against their leader with a smirk. They're in a good spot in the territory, one (somewhat) untouched by frogs. Stars above, shes getting beyond tired of them! Frogs here, frogs there, and now they sit as their audience, watching, staring, croaking their bets.

Two enter... One will win, who will be the victor?

"Alrighty, Chilledstar... You get the first move." she rolls her shoulders back, a good-natured grin formed from the smirk on her lips. She hadn't been named Cry for nothing, after all... She poises, waits like a viper. "Sure you're feelin' up for it though?" she ignores the light drizzle that cascades from the clouds above, she ignores the incessant croaking from the frogs around them. She rolls her neck from side to side, and then adds, "Won't fault ya for backin out... But it'd surely disappoint our audience!" she gestures to the frogs hopping through ferns, through the undergrowth and then turns her attention back to them, enjoying the little banter before it begins.

  • 81270542_DEiOWs3YmdjAa3Z.png
    hawthorn, hawthorncry
    cisgender female ,, she/her ,, 40 moons
    warrior of shadowclan ,, former marsh-grouper
    pretty black/chocolate chimera w/ low white & orange eyes
    "speech, #b54055" ,, thoughts
    bisexual ,, single
    smells like raspberries & cherry trees
    art by LICHPRINCE ,, penned by chuff
  • Like
they shouldn't have been doing this. yeah yeah, they know. but they insist that there is nothing more to their injuries than the small bites upon their neck from fox teeth. they day that starclan has healed the worst of it. were they lying? yes. but no one needed to know that. they just wanted to forget about it. they wanted to feel something other than feeling nothing and what better way to feel than to spar? nothing gets the blood pumping more. besides, maybe if they'd sparred more, then they'd not have died at the paws of a hungry fox anyways. rolling their shoulders forward, hunting their wince of pain as they narrowed their eyes.

"course i'm up for it."

they weren't here to brag and boast about potentionally winning. they know they're not at their best but that still does not stop them. spar now, talk later. focus now. think later. simple. fight like your life depends on it.

"okay. we go until one of us taps out or one of us is at a clear loss. ready? good."

they speak clearly, yet their voice is colder than its been in moons. they can't help it. with a huff of air, they gently take a step back before bunching their muscles and rushing forward to leap at the other cat in an attempt to knock her off balance. if they were able to do that first then maybe they could plan ahead from there.

———————---***ALL OF MY FEELINGS ARE GONE***———————---

  • black feline with a white marking across their face, a white chin, a white right front paw, and blue eyes. chilledstar is covered in scars, the most prominent ones being the one across their face, and the one across their neck.
    45 moons old; ages the 3rd every month
    they / them pronouns
    aromantic / homosexual ; currently not looking / looking
    child of JAGGED and RAVEN
    shadowclan ; loyal to shadowclan ; other info if applicable
    mildly difficult to befriend ; trusts barely anyone; trusts no one outside of shadowclan
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    peaceful powerplay allowed

There's a bigger toad amongst the audience, one with soft fur instead of slime-coated skin, right in the form of Mirepurr. They didn't meant to interrupt; it had been by pure chance that they were on a solitary walk around this side of the territory, close enough to hear the rustle amongst the ferns, wet from the constant rain.

They don't get the appeal of spars. Training apprentices is one thing, especially when one is more of a visual learner. Neither Hawthorncry or Chilledstar are inexperienced who need a reminder on how one's body should move during a high stakes situations... and yet here they are.

They don't get it- but their interest is piqued. A morbid kind of interest, they think, eyebrows already raised in alarm and wonder. "Just play fair," they plead, softly, quietly. There's been enough stress around to go for days. No need to add unnecessary injuries or hurt feelings.

[ ༻❄༺ ] Sparring had been a good way to learn another's skills and to adapt that into their own. Yet their leader had recently been injured and he wondered if it was even a good idea for them to spar, shifting a bit they came to stand by Mirepurr with a calm look in their yellow gaze while they trained onto leader and warrior, figuring he could use this to help him to improve his own skills, adapt something from their leader as well as from Hawthorncry.

His eyes still trained on the two while adjusting himself slightly to watch their movements and see if they could understand why each of them pulled the moves they did. This was another way of training, just a more analytical side of things, and he only wanted to improve and get better to support his clan without them worrying another would end up gone... and it would seem the marsh's cursed was that of going for the clan's weakest, vulnerable, or ones almost old enough to be given their warrior names. Snowpaw did not want to end up another on of Shadowclan's dead.

  • "speak""Thoughts"
  • Snowpaw He/Him, apprentice of Shadowclan, 8 moons.
    Lithe long hair blue lynx sepia with high white, and yellow eyes. Stubby tail, permanent resting bitch face
    Hailfreckle x Mudsplash
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted (ask first) / / underline and tag when attacking
    see battle info here
    penned by Ryn@/Rynnaro on discord, feel free to dm for plots.


Oh!, Hawthorncry was challenging Chilledstar out of all cats for a spar?!. Wow!, he almost felt bad for them!. Who would wanna spar with Chilledstar? who was so old and tired all of the time?. It was even more suprising when the old boring leader actually accepted it!. Dang!, he didn't think his temporarily mentor had the spark left in them!. Basilpaw giggled to himself as he sneaked himself up to join Snowpaw's side as he took a seat beside them and attempted to greet him with a bump to their shoulder. He would flash the other tom a grin before he leaned his head in closer to them. " Hey, pssst, Snowpaw, who do you think is gonna win?" he whisper to them, curious over what his best friend slash brother had to say about this!. He wonderd if their vote was going to be on Chilledstar.

"Suit yourself, boss." she shrugs her shoulders upwards at Chilledstars comment. Clear loss... Yeah, right- not her, not her...

Chilledstar kicks in to action. Hawthorn stands strong as Chilledstar lunges, a vicious smile brought forth by the thrill of the fight. Her plan was simple... Except she doesn't move as fast as her mind thinks because all shes focusing on is winning- Their bodies collide roughly right after Hawthorn takes a step back to prepare for it. Air leaves her lungs at the rough play but she recovers quickly enough to ground herself, not taken fully down despite her legs nearly buckling beneath her. She's quick to kick off to the right, crouching besides Chilledstar and giving them a playful little wink before she kicks off once more to gain a bit of space.

Just play fair, it was spoken so quiet that she almost didn't even hear it; a plead for a fair fight, that wasn't fun! But for Chilledstars sake, Hawthorn would always play fair. "And when do we not?" the witch cackles as she takes a step forwards, low to the ground, snaking forwards. Hawthorn (with a sharp exhale) approaches back around fast, springing much akin to a dear to do the same Chilled had done to her, trying to grapple for control and trying to sweep their legs out from beneath them. She almost brings her muzzle close to snap her jaws at them, but thankfully shes able to stop herself before it happens.

This wasn't a real fight. No matter how in to it shes getting, she cannot forget its just a spar. No claws, no teeth, no hurting. She grits her fangs and surges forth, hopefully adding a bit of pressure to knocking them down. Truly, she doesn't want to hurt them! So maybe if she can just.... knock them down, yeah? Then she'd win?

  • 81270542_DEiOWs3YmdjAa3Z.png
    hawthorn, hawthorncry
    cisgender female ,, she/her ,, 40 moons
    warrior of shadowclan ,, former marsh-grouper
    pretty black/chocolate chimera w/ low white & orange eyes
    "speech, #b54055" ,, thoughts
    bisexual ,, single
    smells like raspberries & cherry trees
    art by LICHPRINCE ,, penned by chuff