running with the wolves - apprentice training


Nov 6, 2022

Enough of this waste. He tired of seeing the same cats show their incompetence time and time again, teaching their apprentices their weaknesses and molding the next generation into another set of tearful fools who let their emotions run rampant. WindClan was destined for greatness, he had always known so since the day they stood beneath the bloodied battlefield that was now fourtrees and gazed up to the sky; countless lights blazing into life and demanding obedience, strength, division. The wind had blown cold that night they all came together once more, decided the meaning of creeper vines and destiny and he knew then it would be the first voice who spoke he would follow into their new life; the boldest who would make their claim before any other.
Juniperfrost did not regret that decision once, he and his family moved from marsh to moors and thrived under Sootstar's strictly ordained leadership. He did not worship her or devote himself to her as fully as some, but he respected her all the same; his chosen leader and the cat he would support no matter the coming days.
He had watched her belittled and begrudged her right and it was a mercy the clan was given to remain under her rule; had he been in her place there would be more than the occasional eye ripped out to make a statement.
"Warriors, bring your apprentices out to the edge of camp. I think it's about time we got an idea of how training is going."

His ice eyes scanned the camp, looking for Windpaw and scowling when he did not see the offspring of his leader. Troublesome child, eventually he would have the sense put into them proper but for now he was more curious how much of a mess the rest of the clan had made of their own students.

Apprentice tag - @WINDPAW

Gravelpaw is loathe to admit it, but they’ve come to like the strict routine that their mentor has set upon them. It’s a bit intensive and tiring, especially now that the weather has turned cold, yet he feels like he’s actually improving, getting better at tracking and stalking and avoiding the catch of claws on his tail. He doesn’t particularly look forward to it, still. Especially when other apprentices are training underground in the tunnels he so desperately wants to be a part of. It’s getting close to the time of day that their mentor would normally take them out for some light sparring, but the voice of Juniperfrost grabs their attention and Gravelpaw turns to listen to him direct warriors and their apprentices to the edge of camp.

Their mentor is nowhere to be found, but the apprentice picks their way over anyway. Their head is held high, but their shoulders are bunched up like they’re wound too tight. It’s a façade, an attempt to hide the vulnerable underbelly of their anxiety from him their uncle. Juniperfrost is an intimidating man, along with their aunt Applebite and their father, so it must run in the family. It must have skipped a generation, though; Gravelpaw is well aware of their own faults, and they know Slatepaw too well to call him any version of scary. They greet Juniperfrost with a subdued dip of their head, eyes wide and attentive, and hope that he will not berate them too harshly.

Spiderbloom didn't know how to feel about Juniperfrost. This was a wonderful thing, it meant she got to experiment. See what he was like. He looked like fun to bother.

Perhaps she would have some fun today, as a treat.

She strode over to sit by him and peered at the gathering apprentices..

"Ooh, making the children fight, are we? Excellent." She said. "What happens to the loser?"

She was curious to see how kits were raised in this clan. How well were they taught? Though she supposed that depends the mentor. Still, she was eager to see if this clan was worth having kits in.

lynxtooth is close behind his son, punishing gazing flicking lazily about the scene. this day has been a drag so far and hunger has admittedly dulled his drive. still he's not one to pass up a training opportunity, beckoning @slatepaw to heel — should the boy hesitate, lynxtooth will attempt to nudge him forward, perhaps with more force than strictly necessary.

the boy can be frustratingly slow.

"certainly," he responds to his brother's call, mouth twisting into something like a smile. "slatepaw could use the extra workout. gravelpaw can join me as well..." the child's mentor does not seem to be available, and lynxtooth will happily take the chance to be a little more involved with gravelpaw's training. "a family excursion, mm?" a twinkle of amusement in amber eyes.

he barely acknowledges spiderbloom's appearance, dipping his head in place of a hello, but her question does stir a laugh out of him. what happens to the loser? "nothing too extreme," he assures her. "we do intend to make warriors out of them. though perhaps we could put something on the line..."

inquiring gaze flits back toward his brother. a worthy idea? from what lynxtooth has heard, juniperfrost's own charge could use some shaping up.

"a bit of incentive, make things a little more interesting? some kind of — " punishment doesn't sound quite right, though if lynxtooth's sons fail that's what it will be " — consequence?"

. . . tags.
I won't apologize for being who I am
The sound of his father's voice snaps the boy to attention, cream colored ears rotating in the direction of the blue tom as he called forth warriors and apprentices alike. Spiderbloom gleefully asks if the children will be fighting and Coyote just barely manages to conceal a grimace. He was finally healed of his wounds from the skirmish, he didn't want to sustain anymore. Although he so desperately did not wish to cooperate Coyote refused to draw attention to himself and be scorned by his father. Besides, with Sootstar being adamant about him receiving as much training as possible he highly doubted he would've gotten out of this anyway.

Coyotepaw swallows a sigh whilst walking toward the edge of camp to line up with his head high, feigning confidence. While he held some confidence in his abilities he held none in this situation. "Remember everything I taught you..." Thistleback's words echo within the boy's skull as he briefly glances at his paws. He found some semblance of comfort within the piebald skyclanner's words. Would it be blasphemous to use a mixture of sky and windclan moves? There was only one way to find out.
Tryna throw shade on me say a lot 'bout you
Straw didn't have a lot of battle training under their belt, especially out of the tunnel battle training. Their mentor was more so focused on getting them to map the tunnels out fully before proceeding with anything, saying something about how if Straw got lost then it'd be a huge liability or something. Strawpaw didn't think of themselves as that important, Strawpaw would just play with the worms if they got lost... Their mentor would find them, eventually at least.

Straw teeters over in curiosity, eyes trained upon the scary blue man that called for the group training session. He... reminds them of a worm... They didn't want to throw a worm at Icepaw because Icepaw was their friend and it'd suck if they were turned in to one but they find no qualms throwing one at this guy... Out of curiosity... They don't act on impulse this time. Maybe angry blue guy wasn't as bad as a worm, he did defend Rampaw after all. "I join... Skymoon is busy..." Skymoon had been sleeping last time they checked. Strawpaw guesses it was fair, they did train all night, lucky they didn't need as much sleep to keep going.

No matter how much he trains, how much he perfects his skills, Lemonpaw doesn't like fighting. He doesn't like the thought of having to stick his claws into someone, of being the cause of spilled blood.

Unfortunately for him, he lives in WindClan, where it seems like everything depends on how sharp one's claws are at all times. And, as much as he'd rather turn away, hide and pretend he's sick - it seemed like everyone else was, would anyone notice if he were faking it? - Flaxenjump is adamant he takes part in Juniperfrost's ordeal.

Juniperfrost, one of WindClan's biggest advocates. There was no getting out of this one.

So, the cinnamon tabby steps forward, heart beating fast as yellow eyes take in the other apprentices brought into this competition. Lynxtooth's son. The former SkyClan apprentice. Both were bound to be better fighters than him. Stronger, faster. His heart only sinks as the idea of consequences for the loser are introduced.

Stars, let him make it out of here alive.
bumblebreeze was usually non confrontional. he didn't like causing drama for no reason, or any reason really. he didn't want to be near it, around it, by it, next to it, or in it. but thus was different. his little brother was involved. so he stood nearby, a snarl on his scarred face. he didn't usually look this way, but if one of these fuckers decided to put their claws on lemonpaw, they'd find out just how much bumblebreeze did not like windclan. his tail lashed behind him, his gaze not leaving his brother once. he didn't fight, he wasn't a fighter. but for him, he would die. he didn't care about the consequences, because he knew that if anything bad happened to lemonpaw he wouldn't be able to forgive himself. he didn't even have an apprentice. he was just here to keep an eye on his brother.
TAGS Oh, how she desperately wishes she were tunneling right now and conveniently missing this training session. But alas, Icepaw has no choice but to attend. Fighting is not her thing; much of her training's been focused on navigating and hunting underground, and the combat practice she's had always leaves her feeling frustratingly inadequate. Fortunately, her mentor has had the mercy to focus mainly on her strong suits first, perhaps in part because of how down on herself Icepaw tends to get after her attempts at faux-combat. But now she has to do it in front of Juniperfrost and Lynxtooth. Stars above, please don't let me embarrass myself. She does her best not too worried or reluctant as she pads over; Juniperfrost is perceptive, and she doesn't want him picking up and homing in on her weakness again.

Strawpaw's weird, but they're easygoing and familiar, which can be comforting when they aren't going on and on about worms (especially during times like this), so Icepaw drifts to their side with a murmured greeting. Her attention's drawn away from her fellow apprentice, however, when she catches wind of the warriors' discussion. Consequence?! Maybe she shouldn't be too surprised, but it's alarming nonetheless. "Did you hear that?" she whispers into Strawpaw's ear, tail lashing nervously.
Firepaw didn't know what to truly think about the other apprentices, most were younger then her and far to softhearted in her opinion that or they were just plain stupid, she had respect for some however misplaced and whilst she couldn't deny her low opinion on the skills of some of the other apprentices she still wanted to know them better. They'd fight besides each other one day, shoulder to shoulder they'd tear into the other clans and make a name for themselves and for Windclan - they were her clanmates and she tried to get along with them it just felt like an impossible task. She wondered if it'd get easier over time, for now though she settled for the times they had to be together where they couldn't just duck away and avoid her all together rather they disappeared into the tunnels like her brother or off into the expanse of the moor. She wants to say she's excited to go out and train with them to show how strong she was now and the techniques she learned (and changed to her liking!) but her fur bristles with nervous energy as she follows behind her mentor towards the edge of camp where Juniperfrost waited, she wondered why exactly someone like Windpaw got to be his apprentice when there were much stronger cats to train - like her! But it's a complaint she will not make at least out loud, it was Sootstars decision and surely she knew best. At the very least today she could show him her prowess.

She deliberately tries to keep away from Lynxtooth as she arrives besides her mentor ducking away from both of the toms and the apprentices the long furred warrior pushes along to go find some familiar faces to talk to (bother really). Strawpaw was an odd cat but tolerable even if they talked to worms but she supposed most tunnelers had their quirks starclan knew her brothers did. But it's not them who gain the displeasure of her attention; Icepaw was always her favorite for that and she'd been dying to get back at her for what she said to her days ago. She'd show her who could pull some serious weight after she knocked her on her ass. Her gaze flicks to Lynxtooth to make sure he was at the very least distracted by the other mentors and watchers, she didn't really feel like getting batted at again she was sure the tom wouldn't be as "gentle" if he caught her again. ❝Hey Strawpaw, hey Icepaw she meows a smirk on her face
❝excited to train together?❞ her nerves die down a little bit staring at the mollies soft features she practically purrs her next words ❝Excited to lose to me Icepaw?❞ she singles her out.

If the next generation of WindClanner warriors was to be deemed as weak, then Nettlepaw assumed himself to be the shining example of a faulty link in the chain. Even before, he failed to hold his own against his mentor, battered by correcting paws. And then... he shook his head, unwilling to remember that night and the rogue that lurked out in the grasses. Heeding Juniperfrost's orders and participating could only result in disaster for him ― he wanted nothing more than to retreat back into the medicine den, finding one excuse or another to keep the rest of himself intact. He could weave nests or clear out old moss or anything else. The bristly-furred apprentice slunk sheepishly away from the outskirts of the scene, though was evidently spotted. When Juniperfrost commanded it, he'd be foolish to disobey. Not out of respect for the warrior's authority, but the consequences of shunning any training frightened him, especially when he was apparently well enough to be walking about.

Marred featured donned a somber expression, his dull eye studying the other apprentices like he was witnessing a funeral rather than simple sparring. Lynxtooth's words brought his upright ear to flatten. Consequences? He struggled to keep his frown from curving split lips even more. Maybe he would be given exemption. His lack of combat training was particularly notorious, and he hadn't even tried to hunt with his newly impeded vision yet. Nettlepaw doubted he would serve as anything more than a stepping stone for the other apprentices, no matter how much younger they were. Ignoring the idle banter, the grey-and-white apprentice hesitantly turned his halved sight upon Juniperfrost. Surely nothing would go wrong.

6 moons - windclan apprentice - speech

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slatepaw was being pushed to the scene by lynxtooth, much to his own disliking. if it were any other cat than his uncle - starclan forbid he ever have to train one-on-one with juniperfrost - perhaps he wouldn't be so scared of a group training session. for a moment, slatepaw hesitated- staring at the growing crowd with a tired gaze - only to be harshly shoved forward by his father.

slatepaw shuffled over to his brother, gravelpaw, a little more at ease in his presence, but not by much. if the two were pitted against each other, gravelpaw would have him pinned in a matter of seconds. that is, if his brother didn't go easy on him, but he was certain he wouldn't dare with lynxtooth and juniperfrost around. their father'scomment on a family excursion elicited a dry chuckle out of the apprentice, but nothing more was said from slatepaw. as usual.

before they began, he took a moment to inspect the cats around him. so many apprentices- some he didn't know, and some he unfortunately did. he knew icepaw, only by name and their only encounter in the snow- she wasn't entirely unlikable, but he didn't know enough about her to deem her trustworthy. lemonpaw and strawpaw, he also barely knew. firepaw - of course that furball was here. to slatepaw, firepaw was just.. so annoying. he didn't know how many hits an apprentice had to take before they learned to keep their mouth shut. with the young molly's approach, a small frown could be seen tugging at slatepaw's already unhappy maw.

then there was nettlepaw - a cat he had never personally met, but the scars on his face were recognizable. not that he would ever dare to say it. he watched the other apprentice with a slight curiosity, as much as the emotionally stunted tom-cat could muster. nettlepaw seemed like him, like he'd rather be any other place than here. perhaps he suffered at the cruel paws of his own mentor. overall, he looked like he would get destroyed by these more seasoned apprentices, who weren't the slightest bit nervous. an idea popped into his head, and though he wasn't sure how well it would work out, he felt compelled to try. uncharacteristically, slatepaw spoke up, aiming his voice towards lynxtooth and juniperfrost: "can we pick our own opponents?"

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༶•┈┈⛧┈★ just a castaway, an island lost at sea
