rushing tides ━ troutsnout

warrior of riverclan ⋆ born and raised in riverclan
19 moons old ⋆ created 3.23.2024 ⋆ ages every 23rd
cisfemale ⋆ feminine pronouns ( she / her/hers )
asexual biromantic ⋆ monogamous
toyhouse ⋆ heartchart ⋆ pinterest
penned by yeomna ⋆ updated 6/28/2024
  • strength
    smells like of fresh grass, pine + willow trees, sandy dunes, and earthen scents.
    voice description: a low rough feminine voice, has a stern manner with a authoritative tone ; yinlin from wuthering waves.
    scars: clawmarks across chest, clawmarks across shoulders, and clawmark across bridge of nose.
    accessories: none
    a tall scarred maned longhaired chocolate rosette and white tabby with blue eyes
    ⤷ carrying solid and dilute + 1/2 maine coon

    gladefrost is taller than the average cat standing at 11.5" at the shoulders with a body length of approximately 18''. her frame is well-toned refined with muscles that ripple underneath a long coat from constant working and swimming which built strength in her limbs. minnowfang, her mother, was a former kittypet that was a full-bred maine coon that resulted in the tall and long nature of her daughter. she weighs about 8 pounds as riverclan is always well-fed and nourished. due to her riverclan blood, her coat is glossy fur that is an assists while swimming, thick-furred with a soft texture with faint waves notable in her mane despite the typically straight nature of her coat.

    her coat is primarily a caramel color with exceptions of bright white breaking it on different assortments along her body. the whitening consists of her entire underbelly with her front left foreleg and shoulder as well, the insides of her hind legs leading to part of her hind right leg to be white on the inside and the left hind leg be half white with the exception of the paw. the last bit of her white is her chest, entire neck and it's mane and a blaze up her nose ridge. her spotted coat and tabby markings are a dark earthen chocolate that etch across her body with ears fully embracing the color of her markings. she has tall pointed ears with tufted fur on the insides, a triangular face frame that emphasis her chambray blue eyes.
    [+] active, earnest, cooperative
    [\] complex, unambitious, solemn
    [-] dependent, mannered, rigid
    likes swimming, training, nature, and the moon
    dislikes ⋆ drama, humidity, climbing, and greenleaf
    gladefrost has a cold exterior and typically keeps interactions short compared to her old personality. she will still converse but not hold much of a conversation and her smiles are obviously fake compared to her former smile before she and her siblings were ambushed by rogues. everyone is kept at an arm's length distance emotionally as she feels everyone close to her that she was intent on protecting get hurts. the seemingly heavy guilt in her mind of failing many close to her and her home such as robinheart, her siblings, parents, lichenstar and riverclan keeps her from properly emotionally connecting with others currently until she feels as she's atoned for her sins.

    formerly, a pacifist that found relations easy to bond despite of blood, history and relations is primarily gone. anyone that is deemed a threat to the safety of riverclan or those close to her, will be attacked without hesitation. she has honed her mind for three simple things currently: being a sword to fight, a shield to defend for riverclan and to become penitent for her guilt. the mistakes and guilt of her past lay heavily on her heart and she often ponders how different her life would've been if she did anything different: if she was braver, if she wasn't sick, and so on.

    glade is very dutiful and will always be seen working, she never takes much of a break unless necessay. her work is always done orderly, organized and in a timely manner. she likes taking extra shifts to do things to help keep her mind distracted and maintains a civil relationship with all of her clanmates. she allows others to take the lead and be the main character of the story unless hard decisions have to be made or others are unable to be in lead, naturally fulfilling the role of leadership if needed. her authoritative presence and respect earned from treating other kindly and tending for others allow for her to help her clan the best way possible.

    disorders: psychosis and ptsd
    gladefrost doesn't show disdain towards others regardless of clan, status or history (ex-kittypet, loner, etc). however, trespassing on riverclan territory will result in hostility from her. at gatherings and border interactions, she keeps it civil and doesn't interact much besides inquiring about updates and giving updates on riverclan. her clanmates may find it easy to trust and befriend her but only confides and trusts those close to her due to her personality. if speaking to her or her clan in a disrespectful manner, she will openly ignore you and glare at you with obvious disdain; any hostility will grant instant hostility back.
    ╰ speech is #3f4f89
    NEWTTHROAT XX MINNOWFANG , littermate to none ⋆ eldest sister of magpiepaw, frecklepaw, and xxxpaw ⋆ generation one
    mentoring eveningpaw and twinklepaw ⋆ mentored by goosethroat
    loves her immediate family, robinheart
    friends with robinheart, reedstrike, foxtail
    likes salmonshade, moonbeam, lichenstar
    dislikes midnightpaw
    loathes no one

    physical health: [ 97% ] | mental health [ 70% ]
    will not start fights ⋆ will end fights
    won't flee unless ordered ⋆ may show mercy
    excels at swimming, fishing and defense
    weak at climbing, hunting birds and resting

    all opinions are in character and do not reflect the roleplayer.
    peaceful powerplay (nudges, background cameos, etc) and healing powerplay are allowed unless otherwise noted. if you aren't sure, feel free to ask!
    attack in underline + tag this account in fights.
  • kithood


  • theme weeks
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Haven't properly met yet
Fearful of
Uneasy / Unnerved by
Nervous towards
Suspicious of
Jealous of
Envious of
Distrustful of
Annoyed by
Weirded out by
Confused / Unsure of
Complicated feelings
Wishes to know better
Shy towards
Comfortable with
Cares for
Enjoys being with
Finds entertaining
Friends with
Close friends with
Feels safe around
Like family
Protective of
Platonic love
Puppy crush
Crushing on
Head-over-heels for
Romantic love

( updated 5/4/2024 )

Foxtail is a great guy who cares for everyone and Riverclan. He's been through a lot and still doesn't let his trauma affect his duties as a warrior or a mentor, Smokestar made a great decision putting Pebblepaw under him. I hope he can get over his trauma of the water, he has a great support system around him. He's someone you can relax around and have a civil conversation with, and keeps calm and a steady head.

Magpie is my little bird, and I love them for than words can every explain. I always wish for the best for my little siblings, and Magpie is an joy to be around. They're always up to something (and I don't really like them around Midnight). I love all my siblings equally and I hope they don't ever think otherwise of that, I've gave them everything. If anyone hurts Magpie, Freckle or Kestrel━ I will kill them.

I don't have much of an opinion on Midnightpaw, but I think she has a lot of repressed emotions that are definitely going to get in her in trouble. I see her hanging out with Magpiepaw and I'm not going to control who my siblings hang out with, but I don't want her teaching them bad things that'll get her in trouble with everyone else. I understand what she is thinking but I think she has a selfish way of thinking, and sometimes it's better to keep things to yourself than saying them.

Misty Bird is one interesting elder, and I don't understand what goes on her mind really. She called me pretty...? after she did my coat one time after I came from a hunt, which I've never been told or called. It makes me feel flustered and shy because I don't know how to react to it, but I hope she doesn't think I'm being rude about it.

write your character's opinion on them <3

Pinekit is adorable, and I'm sure she brightens up everyone's day up and the nursery in general. Her and her siblings are always doing the most kit things from playing, and more. I remember when my siblings were their size, and I know they're gonna grow up to be good apprentices and eventually warriors as well.

Robinheart has been my best friend since we were kits and I don't think I could ask for a better friend. I love spending time with her and making sure she's happy because she's a amazing cat, and deserves only the best. She's been there for me since Minnowfang and Newtthroat died, and never pressured me into anything I don't like. She's going to be an amazing mother, and I can't wait to watch her kits grow just like my siblings did. I love her so much- platonically of course. Despite all she's been through, she always pushes on and it takes guts to do that.

write your character's opinion on them <3

Hmm, Slateheart? I enjoy spending time with him and talking with him, I feel like I can relate with him more than most of my peers. He's part of the reason why I'm taking life slow and enjoying the 'little' moments more since the first time I talked to him. He reminds me of the moon in a way: he's surrounded by so many stars or cats, yet stills seem lonely. There's something that makes me feel relaxed and comfortable around him. Sometimes, when I think of him━ he just appears when I'm doing a solo patrol. It's so funny. I wish he was a Riverclanner, then we could be better friends but being a Windclanner is a wonderful trait about him.

write your character's opinion on them <3
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