private RUST-RIDDEN BLADES [☾] Scar Ceremony

>> tw for intentional maiming

The giant rock is illuminated by the moon’s cold light. Six cats scale the stone until their paws are firmly planted before a small blue she-cat, her whiskers catching starlight. Many would consider the sight of her etheral, but she was anything but. A blight she was to this land she’s anchored under her claws, to the good-natured cats who’ve roamed it. Though star’s shine in her eyes she sits on a throne of blood, her claws and teeth stained and hungry to shed more. Tonight her weapons would get their fill, not thanks to enemies but her most loyal.

With their eyes settled upon her she lifts her chin, ”Snakehiss, as WindClan’s new deputy do you vow unyielding loyalty to your leader? To serve her wherever she goes, to follow her every command even if it costs you your life?” She says these words to the scrawny black tom, quite similar to the warrior ceremony he recieved many moons ago. However, instead of focusing on loyalty to the entirity of the clan these vows consisted of promising unyielding service and support to Sootstar. Instead of a name it’d come with a scar to remind him and all who look upon him of the promise he made.
  • >> @SNAKEHISS @SOOTSPOT @cottonpaw @HARBINGERMOON @hollowcreek @Gooseberry (pls let me know if there is any discomfort in rping this out! You’re absolutely free to avoid this thread if so)
  • » SootSootstar
    » WindClan Leader
    » She/her ․ Mate to Weaselclaw
    » Tiny blue smoke she-cat with green eyes.
    » "Speech"thoughtsattack
  • » A high-stamina foe who can be difficult to hit.
    » Excels in quick, short moves.
    » Fights to kill and maim
    » Fatal attack of choice is an underbelly dive.
    » May powerplay minor harm. Can powerplay healing
Always at the ready sat the black and white frame of Habringermoon. Swayed by power and excited to hunt for traitors. Crouched low upon the stone and beside Snakehiss he beams. Fiery eyes glowing in the faded light as he looked on with admiration for the she-cat. Entranced by the fact Sootstar managed to always look so brutal and picturesque.

He had spent many moons at her beck and call. There would be no change to that relationship anytime soon. Quietly, he watched on eager for what was to come despite the nerves rattling in his chest. He was a real power in the clans now and would soon bare the mark of his Queen to prove it.

The new lead warrior had only ever seen the day in dreams but now it was right before him. A tail swipe away from his grasp and an smidge closer to what made leader's Starbound even in the filth of their chaos. An outcome he was hungry to witness.
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From the moment Snakehiss had been asked to gather beneath the Tall Rock, along with the other newly-promoted cats, he knew what was to happen. Badgermoon had told him about the scar that marked his chest—the other high-ranking cats', as well. Sootstar demanded a vow written in blood; tonight he would promise his loyalty to her, even though in his heart he knew that his true devotion was to StarClan and the moors itself. This was all for them.

Snakehiss always had a slick tongue, slippery and deceiving in order to achieve what he wanted. Tonight would be no different; Sootstar and the others had to fully buy into his allegiance to the Moor Queen or else his life would be on the line. There was no room for slip-ups.

Coldly, firmly, he watches Sootstar as she addresses him first and foremost. "I do, Sootstar. Until my dying breath, I pledge to serve your cause." Snakehiss vows before the rest of the council, holding his head high just as he's been taught. His limbs suddenly feel weak, as if they'd melt into the ground — he awaits the feeling of a claw slicing down his chest, forever marring his skin.

  • gJTx1fs.png
    —— he/him; deputy of windclan
    —— bisexual; single; not looking
    —— long-limbed black tom with green eyes, a small white chest patch, and a notable bite mark on his right foreleg
    —— "speech", thoughts, attack
    —— link to full tags; @ on discord for plots.
    —— penned by beatles
Demeanor as indomitable as ever, ascending the rock that would change his destiny, Gooseberry keeps his head held high, ignoring any signs of anxiety that might be chilling his body. He inhales the night’s brittle air, ready for how rough the upcoming moons will be. He might be perceived as lazy, but when it comes to dirty work, he is willing to fully put himself towards a goal. This would not change, especially now that he will have his vow fully marked upon him in the form of a scar. And he will make a mark of his own, now that he is rising from his previously pathetic excuse of an existence.

His gaze is held on Snakehiss, as he will be the first one to receive Sootstar’s gift. A promise made under tainted stars, he swears his loyalty, and soon the deed will be done. Gooseberry’s eyes are a bright light in the darkness, but it is not comforting. No, they are like the sun at the peak of Greenleaf; a blinding yellow amongst a sea of blue, searing pain that you almost cannot look away from. The only thing that rings true is the anticipation building inside, as his body steels itself, ready for pain that will be dealt to it just as it will all others gathered here.​
She feels out of place, but she joins the sea of souls regardless. Cottonpaw had seen the scars that've marred the pelts of higherups before, and she's certain that she's known of their purpose, too. Yet as she listens to Sootstar brief Snakehiss, as he agrees to devotion that the stars would dream of having, Cottonpaw feels a tearing in her chest. She keeps her thoughts to herself, ears remaining tall as she waits her turn, just like the others. She can only hope that her chest fur will grow over the scar.​

It should've been him. That was the only thought that lingered on the chimera's mind as they watched Snakehiss stand before his mother, his blood alight with envy. A pleasant smile was dotted upon his snowy muzzle, eyes settled upon the back of the other's skull, pride in his clanmate masking quite how little he thought of him. 'I hope your wound gets infected.' The idea came easily to him, one he was certain he could make a reality if he slung muddied snow into the soon-to-be scar upon Snakehiss' chest. He hated how he could not even be excited about his promotion, his injury that would mark him as a WindClan council member for life, it was a long time coming but so empty when half the clan was not there to adorn him with praise. 'Liars and traitors, the lot of them.' But that did not stop his attention from shifting to campgrounds below, tail writhing like a worm exposed to the birds, wishing for them to see just how wrong they'd been about him. The apprentices that derided him for being Sootstar's least favourite son, the warriors who pondered why he'd never been promoted - the Lead Warrior wanted them to see him like this before he took their heads.

He shook his head and shoulders, seemingly buffeting the cold away, before his attention settled back upon his mother.