sensitive topics Ruthlessness is mercy upon ourselves ☆ Prompt


Slave to self-righteousness
Nov 1, 2023
RiverClan is home in the water but the same does not seem to be true for Asphodelpaw... the normally bitter apprentice takes comfort in the presence of some of the clan's drypaws.

It was such an odd experience, to feel the life drain out of you only to turn around and see it lost in the eyes of another.
Had Asphodelpaw's lids drooped in his near-final moments? Had the light in his eyes also begun to flicker and wane? Had he shared the same terrified expression, only for the agony of fright to be soothed by the tightening grip of unknowable dark claws that had released him but not that rogue? Not in time, anyway.

Asphodelpaw wasn't sure if he felt guilt for the creature that had died in his place. I mean - could he? When the same cat whose soul he watched vanish in real-time into the ether had tried to steal Asphodelpaw's a moment prior? Perhaps not guilt, but sympathy. For he wouldn't wish that experience - that slow fade of one's entire sense of self - on anyone. What he wouldn't give to rid himself of that memory now.

The teenaged apprentice stared at the water that lapped against the ice, not quite strong enough to seal off the entire writhing snake that was the river. Moons. It'd been moons now and he still couldn't bring himself to touch it. Petalnose's snap sits painfully in the back of his mind - her stern gaze growing more and more disappointed in his memory for every second he didn't brave the waters like he used to. Like he ought to.

Swollowing a gulp of fear, he'd tentatively take a step forward. Gingerly, he places it on the sheet of ice, feeling it strain beneath his weight. He hates the way he freezes as he stares at how close the water is to him. Like hovering his paw close to the gaping maw of a hungry fox. This river is his home! Why can't he just...see it like that and not like the vehicle of murder that it had become?
He needs to get over this, it has been far too long! He needs - ne needs - please, he just needs to get in!

Maybe there was someone out there who'd understand his hesitance...

@valepaw ➶ <3 >:3c

    DMAB— He/Him — Unsure
    8 moons — Ages 1 moon every month real-time
    Mentored by Crashingtide
    Riverclan — Apprentice

    Physically easy | mentally medium
    Attack in bold #9fc3fc
    injuries: None currently
⸙͎。˚⋆ ⍋ ѧѦ ѧ⍋ ⸙͎。˚⋆

Tail swept up into a near-constant state of lashing, the very thin powdery veil of snow on the floor finds itself caught in the draft, shifting in wild flurries at the beckoning of a fluffy flag of his frustration. Eyes narrow to focus on his perceived enemy, someone he'd deemed self-absorbed and insincere awhile ago now. He'd done nothing but prove himself to be selfish and a kiss up at that... all to avoid overdue punishment. Justice! Valepaw was not blind...

He would enact justice if no one else would.

The older apprentice hesitates by the water's edge and though a more patient, empathetic part of him recognizes the shaking of fearful paws as they press onto the ice, his hot-bellied fury throws that aside. He did not deserve patience! He had not extended it to any of his den-mates, no matter how much further behind they were in their development and skills. If he could not show compassion for his youngers... he would not be given it in return.

Careful, meticulous, fur-tufted paws slide across the ground with slow movements, careful of the crunching noise the frost might make if he moves too quickly. This won't work if Asphodelpaw hears him coming.. and he'd been praised for his stealth once. It was the one thing he could rely on... right? One step closer... then another... another still. He is so close he can already taste the success of enacted vengeance. This is for Robinpaw! And Wavepaw! He seeks his own approval, vying to himself that this is justified.

I am not cruel, he assures a wildly fluttering heart. And then he springs- paws outstretched to shove into tabby striped fur in an effort to toss his sorry hide into the river he stares at so anxiously. The sound of water splashing is enough to frighten him from further pursuit and the chimera scrambles backwards to put distance between him and his victim, lids creased thinly to glare at the other boy with barely-grown in fangs bared.

"N-not so fun," he stutters and curses himself for it as he tumbles into his tiny monologue, "Being p-picked on! Huh! I h-hope your tail f-freezes off!"
*+:。.。 //feel free to powerplay pulling Asphodelpaw off!
Fair warning, Asp will kick and scratch at anyone who pulls him off!

In another life, perhaps the two could have been close friends.

In a wildly different viewpoint from Valepaw, Asphodelpaw hadn't thought twice about the whole Robinpaw incident. He had thought he'd done his due diligence in the matter. Trying to calm down the tension, checking up on Robinpaw - he believed nothing could be solved by screaming at each other. Besides, it hadn't been confirmed or not if Robinpaw had hoarded the prey, and considering her lineage, could you really blame Asphodelpaw for being doubtful? Kitty-pets were notoriously greedy, and while Robinpaw hadn't shown that trait often, leaf-bare tended to pull the worst traits out of unsuspecting cats.

So all this time Valepaw boiled with rage at what had transpired, Asphodelpaw had moved on, thinking it was a silly incident that surely wouldn't be repeated. He'd hadn't a clue of Valepaw's ire - and although Asphodelpaw wouldn't think it was on him to apologize, perhaps the miscommunication could've been resolved properly had the two had a proper sit down talk about it...

But the time for talk - and friendship - was gone the second Asphodelpaw felt paws shove against his back.

Valepaw was not the dry-paw Asphodelpaw had wished for.

Asphodelpaw blinked, and suddenly he was below the water. The shock of cold, the lingering feeling of paws on him, the sudden roar of rushing water and-

He could hear the screaming again.
He could feel those paws on his shoulders, digging into his flesh.
His body scrambled to roll back up, but he was scared - he'd see those eyes, he'd see them - that hunger for his death, that victory that he'd accomplished it.
He would - no he could see them!
The rogue was winning. The rogue was killing him.
Water filled his mouth - in his lungs, replacing his blood with frigid ice he could feel it -
Oh starclan - oh starclan please -

And though his head broke the surface, he could taste the blood that had mixed with the water boiling in his mouth.
Though his paws found purchase, and he scrambled back ashore, he couldn't find the room through all the water in his gut to breathe.

Those claws were still in his shoulders, they were still dragging him back - Starclan they were still there!

And the rogue was still laughing at him!

Asphodelpaw's wild eyes land on Valepaw, and not a second after he aims to bowl right into him. No words were spoken - none intelligibly anyway - just frenzies screams as the older boy aimed to claw and bite at the smaller, younger cat, "RAAAAHH!" Even as his wits struggled to regain control, and the rogue's image atop Valepaw's began to fade, the rage in Asphodelpaw's chest didn't snuff out. Because Valepaw was no better - Valepaw was laughing at Asphodelpaw's death.

And just like the rogue, Asphodelpaw wouldn't let Valepaw live through it.

    DMAB— He/Him — Unsure
    8 moons — Ages 1 moon every month real-time
    Mentored by Crashingtide
    Riverclan — Apprentice

    Physically easy | mentally medium
    Attack in bold #9fc3fc
    injuries: None currently
The concept of a Drypaw was still nonsensical to Otterpaw- what made it so difficult to swim? How could someone live beside the river and be afraid of it, unable to get their paws a little wet? The tom had chalked it up to the simple answer that Drypaws were just too dumb to figure out the currents of the river, and if they couldn't build a skill so simple as swimming they weren't the kind of RiverClanner he wanted to stay around.

But these two Drypaw's were being annoying and loud and probably fighting over something dumb. Another day set to help his ice fishing spoiled by the actions of his Clanmates, Otterpaw hissed when Asphodelpaw's splashing disturbed the fish nearby. He didn't care that the apprentice emerged raging at their younger denmate- he was just as guilty. His own anger bubbled in his chest while he stomped towards the pair and snapped his teeth and short clicks.

"DO BOTH OF YOU GOT FISH BEHIND YOUR EYES?" Otterpaw snarled and tried to latch his teeth around Asphodelpaw's tail to throw him away from Valepaw. "I should dunk both of your heads under the water till you see StarClan!" For the ruddy chimera Otterpaw swiped a clawed paw over his ears before rounding for Asphodelpaw again, ready to continue the fight himself.

// mentor tag @coyotecreek <3​
⸙͎。˚⋆ ⍋ ѧѦ ѧ⍋ ⸙͎。˚⋆

Valepaw lingers in the silence for a lot longer than he expected.. the water wasn't deep enough to really, truly drown in. He thinks of Silverbreath, wading in and floating carelessly in the gentle current and reassuring the fearful chimera it wouldn't swallow him whole. Asphodelpaw turns back to look at him so slowly after having wallowed in the shallows that he is more confused by the boy's slowness than anything.

Did he hear him? He was trying to make a point- it would be for nothing if the other just ign-

It is a war-cry recognized too late and as he scrambles to his feet to try to run away or dodge it or anything, the full weight of his senior slams into him and shoves him into the dampened dirt. Arms draw back with glinting claws- green-yellow eyes find pupils narrowed to slits- he struggles to lift a paw to defend himself, trying to yank it through the pile of fur that leans its entire weight atop him. He feels the sting first and then the warmth...

Then wet and he knows it isn't from the dripping water. Teeth lunge for him but a yowling of another tom followed by a sharp tug are enough to make his enemy stumble and miss mere hairs lengths from his nose.

The fur on his spine stands on end in a wild puff of fear and shock and before he can bother to thank Otterpaw for sparing him from being beat up further, the thin cartilage of his ears sear where a paw cuts through them too. He... he just hit me!

Mouth hangs open in wild shock, Valepaw stumbles backwards to try to put some distance between himself and the two older boys. They're going to kill me! And that thought, that kitten-brain fear encourages a spitting growl from him. A subconscious effort to sound scary so he might be left alone. But his paws don't move from where they are planted on the ground, where his legs shake to be under any real threat at all.​
Water was never a fan-favorite of Claypaw. Too close had she come to dying one way or another, a run in with a creek, too much water while drinking as a kit.. she could admit she wasn't the smartest when she was younger, but still, she wouldn't favor the water if she didn't have to. Perhaps if she knew what Otterpaw felt, she'd give her own opinion on it- but she wasn't in cat's heads, so the spectacle before her... was totally out of the water, ironically.

Claypaw had been on the way back to camp, on some task for her mentor, when the scrabble began. She watched in what felt like slow motion as Asphodelpaw was shoved in the water, as Valepaw scrambled back. Asphodelpaw pulling himself free, Otterpaw pulling them apart- what was it with the apprentices in this clan? Claypaw rolled her eyes, dropping the bundle of moss as she approached on quick paws.

Her voice was sharp as she spoke, putting herself between Otterpaw and Asphodelpaw, and Valepaw- vision narrowed and teeth bared. "I have half the mind to help Otterpaw! Reckless, foolish cats." She snapped, turning her vision towards Valepaw. Eyes twitched briefly, the fear in Valepaw's eyes tangible- it was wonder she couldn't scent it on the air. Ears shoved forward, all kinds of alert as she asked her questions. Perhaps she shouldn't have trusted her back to Asphodelpaw and Otterpaw, alas...

"Why the fuck would you push your clanmate in the river? You think no-cat would see?" She snapped, her shoulders heaving. "We can't swim. You should know that! That was nearly a death sentence." Claypaw was kin, in the matter, to Valepaw and Asphodelpaw- she was a drypaw, as much as they were. Perhaps one day she would learn, but not in the clutches of leafbare, not when the frozen current could claim any of them just as easily as a warm tide.

Her ears twitched, still aware of where Otterpaw and Asphodelpaw were still presumably locked in mock-battle. Given Otterpaw actions, she could likely trust the darker-pelted to knock some sense into the victim of this action. Seriously, is this clan out to kill each other? Eyes flicked upwards to where blood formed at Otterpaw's attack against the youngest, and she inhaled sharply. "Put your claws away!" She snarled, her imposing figure turning to leap into the fray, forcing the two of them apart.

Given she is successful, Claypaw narrowed her eyes, ears flattening. "So, what, we're all just going to attack each other at the shore of a river until our medicine cats have to put us all together?! Herbs are scarce, warmth just as so." Her gaze snapped back and forth, as if taunting any of the three boys to launch at her.
 ° .  . ° 
  • ooc:

  • a large, lh chocolate torbie towering, nine moons old, she/her. well-build and muscled. a drypaw. former river colony cat.
*+:。.。 How could one moment in his life affect him so much? Affect him for so long?

Blood burns against his half-frozen claws as his aim is true and he slices a knick out of his younger denmate's ear. He'll regret his actions soon enough, but as it stands all he can focus on is ensuring Valepaw remembers this moment with remorse. Before Asphodelpaw could strike further, the shock of teeth digging into his tail diverts his attention. Rounding on Otterpaw as the boy screams at Valepaw - the words muted against the blood pounding in Asphodelpaw's ears, he aims to bat furiously at the apprentice's head, claws thankfully sheathed to get the other tom to - "Back off! This has nothing to do with you" he spits.

This was between him and Valepaw. Pride and fear. Insult and injury.

But then Claypaw - fucking Claypaw - has to make her presence known, butting between Otterpaw and Asphodelpaw like the high and mighty Ripple Rat she is. The burn of dissatisfaction at having his short fight interrupted - and effectively ended - makes his lips peel back in a frustrated snarl. But the respite gives Asphodelpaw a much-needed moment to collect his breath - and his thoughts - allowing the usually (though not as of late) cool-minded apprentice to realize the gravity of the situation.
Fear still gripped him as tightly as the water that clung and froze to his fur, and as the warmth of his rage began to dissipate he found himself shivering pathetically to it. This...this whole thing was a mistake. Valepaw was still a dick, and one Asphodelpaw doubted he'd ever forgive, but watching Claypaw snarl at him he felt no sense of vindication. Not when the apprentice's ear now ran scarlet from Asphodelpaw's actions - not when his eyes shined with so much fright.
Valepaw...Valepaw couldn't have known what had happened to Asphodelpaw in that water. Claypaw and Otterpaw's howls became a distant roar as Asphodelpaw grappled with that fact. Valepaw hadn't been laughing at Asphodelpaw's drowning, he'd been laughing at a prank.

But the stubborn 'paw was still too raw to think of an apology.
Instead, a new icicle shoved its way into his chest when Claypaw spoke, and it became she who earned his ire as he roared, "I am NOT a dry-paw!" A fierce proclamation was equivalent to the mighty chirp of a dying mouse, especially when Asphodelpaw hissed it while trembling from more than just the cold. When eyes turn to him, he tries his best to meet them, but the festering wound of his not-so-distant past makes his eyes glimmer with moisture. Furiously, he jerked his head away, spitting, "I'm not like you two," ears flattening so hard he could feel his skull squeezing, the tom shouted, "I'm a Riverclanner! Unlike either of you, its waters flow through my veins! A desperate mantra, a prayer - but said with a tremble that denotes a faithful grip slipping. "I'd never attack a clanmate like you rogue borns" he punctuates his snarl towards Valepaw by shaking the younger's blood off his paws, "unprompted," he snips at those watching, expecting them to call him on his hypocrisy.

Three against one and more than eager to get himself dry, Asphodelpaw sees no need to remain further. "I'll get Ravensong," The idea of apologizing to Ravensong for sending the medic a patient his way made Asphodelpaw's skin crawl with shame, but anything was better than lingering among these three. As he attempted to shove past Otterpaw and Claypaw, he'd shoot Valepaw one final glare. You ever touch me again, I'll do more than cut your ear.

Although Asphodelpaw regretted much of what happened today, one thing would remain set in stone. Valepaw would never be more than a loner's son in his eyes. He was not Asphodelpaw's clanmate.

//Aiming to leave to retrieve @RAVENSONG !

    DMAB— He/Him — Unsure
    8 moons — Ages 1 moon every month real-time
    Mentored by Crashingtide
    Riverclan — Apprentice

    Physically easy | mentally medium
    Attack in bold #9fc3fc
    injuries: Bitten tail, very minor wound [/COLOR]