
I HEARD, I HEARD ACROSS THE MOONLIT SEA — Beepaw had already made sure that the elders and queens had been tended to first before catching something for herself, her claws hooked onto a decent sized trout that she thought of sharing with Moonbeam. The bicolored moggy placing it to the side carefully to cast a quick glance to the fish scale pool and ponders over inviting the medicine cat to eat near it with her. The thoughts are interrupted when an inky blur snatches up her fish which causes her pelt to prickle, she locks her mismatched gaze on the familiar pelt of Midnightpaw. She had become a thorn on Beepaw's side and was beginning to grow terribly sick of the other, the river princess could care less about the fish being snatched but it's the fact alone that Midnight continues to choose and antagonize her. A part of her tempted to simply ignore the others antics and pick out another fish that she could share with Moonbeam or even one of her littermates since she hadn't spent as much time as she would've liked with them.

"If only something.. could be done about her now."

The words of Shellpaw ring in her head as Midnightpaw sneers and continues to get on her nerves, the fur along her spine prickling like thorns and she stares daggers at the molly. Parentless kit is what she remembers the ink stained she-cat calling her when Smokestar could very likely still be alive out there and trying to find his way back home to her and her littermates. She can recall a time where her actions now would cause her younger self to be quiet with shock and fear, where her father would crane long neck like a swan nuzzling their hatchling, and tell her that she had nothing to fear. "Bug, my darling." Soothing words heavy with an accent telling her younger self that they'd learn to defend themselves from predators or threats, an enemy. Beekit would've tried to make her pick a different fish and say that its okay but now... Now that she's older and has somehow managed to potentially outlive her parents despite the hope of Smokestar still being out there and calling out her name for help.

She'd defend herself from this new enemy of hers and Beepaw would show Midnightpaw what a "parentless" kitten could do, why she would be graduating soonee than her. Why she's an ideal example of a Riverclan apprentice and Asphodelpaw's words ring in her head, she's one of the best. Beepaw could feel her blood beginning to boil, her pupils narrowing as fire burns and deep blue pools ripple in her gaze, and her lips draw back into a silent snarl as Midnightpaw dares to sneer at her once more. She's swift as her jaws part open in an attempt to grab onto the back of the younger apprentice's neck and uses her muscles to propel herself forward, her teeth sink in and she shifts her weight so that she slams the other harshly into the ground in hopes of knocking the breath out of her.

"Oh, my girl! My girl!"

She remembers the awestruck and delighted voice of Cicadastar when she had caught her first fish, Beepaw steps back wondering if he could see her now that she isn't just his little bug anymore. Are you proud of me? The quiet thought pops into her mind and let's out a huff to glance over to the other apprentice and her feathery tail lashes behind her "Get up." She growls not caring if she could have potentially hurt Midnightpaw, she didn't care for someone who decided to be disrespectful to her clan, fathers, and the warrior code itself. "Get up. Now." The silent promise to Shellpaw would be kept and she would ensure that something would be done.

/ please wait for @MIDNIGHTPAW & permission given to powerplay midnight antagonizing beepa


  • bKn8fx1.png
    shorthaired black smoke molly w/low white and mismatched eyes
    oftentimes comes off as untrusting of those around her, closed off, and not the easiest to engage in conversation with, she's not easy to befriend. all her opinions are IC only.
    10 moons old; ages the 10th every month
    sexuality unknown; currently interested in no one
    currently being mentored by smokestar
    firstborn daughter of cicadastar and smokestar
    sister of cicadapaw and cricketpaw
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    peaceful powerplay allowed
  • Love
Reactions: wolfie
જ➶ From the moment that she began to clash with Beepaw she finds a bit of satisfaction in irking them. Especially when she had called her an unlicked kit. To her she doesn't get it. Why is it that no one else can just accept the fact that Smokestar is dead and gone. It took no one any time to relent and tell her that her father had been killed. No one lingered on the hope that there had been potential in his survival. That day her world collapsed, her view of the world had narrowed. The gentle touch of her father never to be felt and her mother, oh her mother. Even now she finds herself shifting and watching. When the other makes a move for a fish she deftly moves in front and takes the one that she wants. A grin pulls at her maw with ease and she carries it to go and eat. Each look she shares the molly sneers. Jagged, annoyed, almost mocking in her gaze. With ease she picks apart the fish, littering her area with bones that she scoops together into a pile.

It is only when they share another heated stare with the other that she suddenly finds herself being grabbed. Her paws scrabble for purchase on the ground, surprise illuminated in her gaze before she is harshly slammed against the ground. For a moment she doesn't even realize what has happened. Her body lays still panting for breath. Her neck hurts and she blinks slowly. Time slows and she sees the camp clearly. Beepaw is there, looking down at her and demanding that she gets up. A snarl leaves her throat and she pushes to her paws. "Fine!" She wants a fight, then she will fight. Win or lose she will not back down. She can't.

With a snap of her tail she charges at the other but on a sudden whim she shifts from right to left before aiming to slam her shoulder into her limb to imbalance the other, a paw lifting to try to harshly hit at Beepaw's face.

I HEARD, I HEARD ACROSS THE MOONLIT SEA — When Midnightpaw becomes dazed from the impact its enough to make the sides of her mouth twitch slightly as if threatening to bare a shit eating grin on her maw but remains stoic and ready for what the other might fling at her. She practically had destroyed the fish and made a mess of it like some messy kitten, Beepaw would have to catch a different fish entirely. She takes a step back watching the other rise back onto her paws after catching her breath and a snarl leaves the apprentice's throat of which Beepaw returns. Her eyes narrow watching as the other charges towards her and manages to move out of the way so the other didn't slam into her limb, what she doesn't dodge is the smack to the face but she recovers quietly as a growl slips from her parted jaws.

Unlike her littermates, she didn't have their lanky or bodies built for more agile movements but the more stocky and muscled form of Smokestar. If it had not been for her murky blue eye and curly fur, she'd be the spitting image of her mentor. Her attacks are more focused with brute force and strength, it amuses her slightly fespite the seething anger that she felt right now that Midnightpaw thought she stood a chance against her. The black smoke bites down again but this time aiming for the molly's shoulder and lifts her snow capped paws up so that they rest on the back of the other. She twists in an attempt to crush the other underneath her weight and attempt to steal the air from her lungs once more.

The curly furred molly not biting down hard enough to draw out beads of blood yet still harsh enough to hurt and potentially bruise the skin of Midnightpaw. She doesn't allow the younger apprentice to recover as she lifts up her own paws to start potentially harshly smacking the other over and over again. If she proves successful then she hops off and away from Willowroot's apprentice so she doesn't end up with her gut getting kicked and lashes her feathery tail behind her. To anyone passing by, it would seem like a spar between both mollies but if they had seen it unfold then they'd notice that it was not.

"Get up," She snaps once more.


  • bKn8fx1.png
    shorthaired black smoke molly w/low white and mismatched eyes
    oftentimes comes off as untrusting of those around her, closed off, and not the easiest to engage in conversation with, she's not easy to befriend. all her opinions are IC only.
    10 moons old; ages the 10th every month
    sexuality unknown; currently interested in no one
    currently being mentored by smokestar
    firstborn daughter of cicadastar and smokestar
    sister of cicadapaw and cricketpaw
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    peaceful powerplay allowed

When cats fought, it was often at the expense of another's fur and blood. Fights were one thing, spars were another- but teeth about a neck was not so kindly. Mismatched golden eyes shifted to observe that of a discarded fish, talon-marks hooked in the wrong spot for a clean kill. Briefly did her ear twitched, vision snapping back to the 'spar'. She inhaled sharply as she watched this round go on- Beepaw knocking Midnightpaw over. Midnightpaw's charge in reliation.

Her ear twitched. She had seen the soft exchange between Shellpaw and Beepaw, the cursory look towards the now-victim when they had spoken. Could it have been related? But honestly, Claythorn couldn't find it in her self to stop them. The same phrase, in Beepaw's situation? Claythorn would have likely outright attacked Midnightpaw then and there. Beepaw was demanding that Midnightpaw stand again, and judging purely off of the situation alone- her words were sharp as she spoke, carrying through the situations.

"Mind your fangs, Beepaw. This is not a murder- but a spar." Guarded eyes stared, piercing, at the darker pelted apprentice. Nearly knowing, nearly in on it- but enough deniability in this situation she could not be scolded her for not taking charge and stopping it. "Midnightpaw. Stop letting Beepaw get on top of you." That should even it out, yes?
  • "speech"
  • CLAYTHORN she/her, warrior of riverclan, eleven moons.
    LH chocolate torbie with mismatched golden eyes, scars across her right cheek and over her left ear. cold exterior and threatening glares, built for stamina/battle and not swimming (tall/muscled)
    mentored by darkbranch (npc) / / mentoring no one
    no current love interest / / only child
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by dallas ↛ dallasofnines on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

જ➶ She is not one to truly care about battle moves. Afterall her skills lie easily in hunting. Being thrusted into a spar is the last thing she could have predicted and even more so when it comes to her opponent. Her eyes narrow dangerously, feeling well about managing to land a hit upon the other's face. It gives her some kind excitement because she is doing better and she can tell Willowroot about it. When the other comes for her she barely manages not to have her shoulder grabbed. But what does that even matter as the other still forces her to the ground with white stained paws. She thrashes instantly to try and get away but Beepaw is bigger than her. A moon older. She huffs and kicks before her face is pummeled. Eyes closing against the harsh barrage she endures it only because she knows the rules of a spar. No spilling blood. It it were different. If she could she would bite that paw and tear through tendons just out of spite. But her thoughts are fleeting as the attack continues only for Bee to bounce off and away from her. The other doesn't have to say anything for Midnight is already getting to her paws. Shaking the ground from her body.

Ears flatten as she hears Claythorn and she finds herself snorting. Sure fine. Her paws move then shifting her body to suddenly try and go for the right. With a hard push she jumps attempting to land on the other's back and aim a hard cuff at the back of Beepaw's head. She didn't know if this was good enough and hell she is sure that her grip is unsteady but she just wanted to hit Bee again doing whatever she could.

-ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ- There was something truly so compelling of Cicadastar's reign that still echoed beyond his days. Habits formed from the image that Otterbite believed was a true, prime RiverClan warrior. They were the strongest of all five, of course, and he refused to be any sort of weak link. And so naturally his claws ached to tear and teeth thirst for the warmth of flesh to appease a master that now served as a ghost.

Smokestar may have slighted him once, tossed away for a brighter prize no other than his daughter, but he had hoped his potential still shined through and would find recognition. But now, with every day that passed and not even a body could be recovered, he doubted that day of ever arriving. Not with the likes of her in charge.

Beepaw and her littermates have already become subjected to their own judgement from their Clanmates. Fatherless, without any older kin to seek wisdom or inspiration. Just like Brookstorm became, just like Iciclefang and her littermates. Of course, Beepaw found her way to settle it on her own in a fashion he much approved of. Midnightpaw couldn't say anything against her if she had no tongue to speak with. Or the dignity.

"This is good." He undermined Claythorn's objection with a lash of his tail. "If Midnightpaw wants to do whatever she likes, she has to prove she can handle what happens after. S'what I learned." Pointed teeth flash toward his denmate, excitement crackled down his spine as he encouraged Beepaw to push it further.

  • OTTERBITE he/him, warrior of riverclan, thirteen moons.
    scruffy blue/black chimera with a white tail-tip and green eyes. noticeable kinked whiskers
    adopted son to pikesplash // former apprentice to coyotecreek
    peaceful and healing powerplay requires permission / / underline and tag when attacking or making an action toward
    see battle info here
    penned by beataegonkpilled on discord, feel free to dm for plots.