private sacrilege in the name of public good ♡ Glowingpaw

Mar 30, 2024
*+:。.。 What had he done?

Wrathpaw retched into the bushes. The branches tickle his cheeks, claws reaching out, scraping for his throat. The forest knows he's certain. heaving harsh, shallow breaths, he pulled back only once his stomach finished lurching. It's almost fate that he's left with an empty stomach. Empty breaths, empty guts, empty...empty...
"What have I done" he whimpers, pitching backward violently enough to fall on his rump, throwing his front paws up in the process to paw at his ears and face. He pulls at his nose and cheeks, willing himself to find the strength to claw at his eyes. The forest knows because his eyes tell the birds and the leaves and the earth itself everything, he's sure of it! Each quick exhale and shaky inhale breathes forth the real truth - he's a murderer. A murderer with empty eyes to match a stomach undeserving of a proper meal. What had he done? What had he done!? Amber eyes were empty of light, a scorching sun reduced to frosted pebbles. He'd done that! He took away someone's everything.

He knew exactly what he'd done, it was what he was going to do next that he couldn't answer.

The thought sends him back to his feet, bile and tears burning in their wake.

    DMAB— He/Him
    9 moons — Ages 1 moon every month real-time
    Brother to Lovelight, Joywing, Laughblossom || Pridepaw, Merrypaw
    Thunderclan — Kit
    Mentored by Wildheart

    Physically mediocre | mentally easy
    Attack in bold #4a59ff
    injuries: None currently
Last edited:

glowingpaw & 07 moons & female & she/her & thunderclan apprentice

With apprenticeship, finally comes friendship - or at least, something of the sort. It is not that Glowingpaw is really any closer to her new denmates - merely that without her siblings to follow around, she has taken to finding new cats to lurk around. Still, she is not sure if they are friends - why would anyone eer want to be friends with her anyways? She is a strange thing, with eyes that don't look or work right - a cursed child, born beneath the dying sun. Still, she takes comfort in the connections she can form, clinging tightly to feigned smiles and neutrality even as her clan seems to fall apart around her, cat after cat dying.

So when Wrathpaw leaves the den, at first she thinks nothing of it. She is a light sleeper, not an early riser by any means but so used to her siblings doing so that her body has learned to notice the little things so as not to be left behind. Blue eyes crack open blearily, shapes and figures swirling before her impaired vision - it is Wrathpaw though, it's hard to mistaken him for another when there are so few apprentices with such a gait.

But the longer he takes, as she lies there half-awake, the more she grows worried. What if he's attacked? Clanmates are dropping like flis these days, and she can't imagine how any apprentice, even the most skilled, could fair better when experienced warriors have already died. Lip worried between sharp teeth at last she hauls herself to her paws, head wobbling as she carefully picks hr way from her nest.

" Wrathpaw? " it's the scent of sick that reaches her first, and paws knead the ground nervously. Had he eaten something bad? Should she go fetch Gentlestorm? Oh... but- are they even back yet? She hadn't been paing attention.

It's only after mind has litted through those thoughts that she can focus enough to see tear-stains on pale cheeks, and it only makes her shy away in uncertainty. " Are you alright? Should I 'et someone? " she asks timidly, voice full of earnest concern.

actions & " speech, " & 'thoughts/quotes'

W E ' L L - A L W A Y S -B E -S O -P E R F E C T L Y- H A P P Y

*+:。.。 Wrathpaw doesn't have the strength to jump when he hears apws approaching. Tears fill his eyes only when he looks up and sees Glowingpaw, her blue eyes stretched wide with concern. Over him. Sickness threatens to engulf him again, so the boy only curls in on himself, coughing against bile and shame, against the taste of dying sunlight and broken moth wings. She's asking him questions, but he refuses to hear. Instead, he just sputters, "S..stay...stay with me, please" When she doesn't rush away, he guiltily wipes his mouth clean, before heavily sitting on the ground. He feels himself swaying where he sits, back and forth like a too-thin tree in a thunderstorm, waiting for a strike of lightning to finally bring him down. "I've...I've done something...something terrible" he admits weakly, choking against a swell of new tears and old sick, "And I...I don't think there's any coming back from it" He opens his mouth to confess, but he can't do it, he's too scared...Looking sideways at Glowingpaw, desperate for forgiveness, for ire, for a way out - good or bad - he meows weakly, "Can...can you stay with me? just for a little while?"

    DMAB— He/Him
    10 moons — Ages 1 moon every month real-time
    Brother to Lovelight, Joywing, Laughblossom || Pridepaw, Merrypaw
    Thunderclan — apprentice
    Mentored by Wildheart

    Physically mediocre | mentally very easy
    Attack in bold #4a59ff
    injuries: None currently , mentally unwell

glowingpaw & 07 moons & female & she/her & thunderclan apprentice

" Of course! Why wouldn't I- " she starts, trying hard to keep her voice light and a smile upon her face despite the anxiety that strangles her, tearing at her head and her heart like claws. She wants to do this - wants to comfort him. Be a good friend. Thinks of all the times she'd been ill, curled up in her nest, all the times she'd wished her parents had even just i]once[/i] cared-

But as he finally settles, as he finally speaks, fragile smile falters - eyes widening. " I uh- I'm sure it's not that bad... um... " she says quietly, tail gently brushing against his - because she doesn't know. " but yeah.... I can stay with you... if that's what you want, " Glowingpaw has always hated being alone - forgotten, unwanted.

Whatever he's done - whatever has im so upset... Wrathpaw needs her right now, doesn't he?

It's an intoxicating feeling.

actions & " speech, " & 'thoughts/quotes'

W E ' L L - A L W A Y S -B E -S O -P E R F E C T L Y- H A P P Y

*+:。.。 Wrathpaw practically sags with relief when she agrees to stay. For now, for this moment, he decides not to think about it - even though all he sees is copper, orange in color, metallic in taste, burning and withering! He chokes back another sob, ignoring her as she promises foolishly that it's not that bad. It was to Pebblestep.
Not thinking straight, the boy stumbles forward, then collapses into Glowingpaw. Wracked with tears, he hugs her close. She's soft, still full of life, still able to run free and fast into the future. Holding her is painful, he pictures himself holding her down - down, down, down, struggling against his paws, pleading without words- and he quickly loosens his grip. He can't - but he did - he wouldn't! Not...not again there shouldn't have been a first!
It had to be done! had to...

Something else, something else, he wants to scream to the heavens - would pebblestep hear? - for anything else to think about!
"T-tell me...tell me about your d-day" a weird request as he doubts the girl isn't dying - hahahaHAHAHA - to know what's wrong with him. But his breaths are too quick, too shallow, too dizzyingly impossible to catch long enough to form into any new words even if he wanted to answer. He hopes she'll sacrifice her curiosity and instead give him her time, instead. He hopes she doesn't mind.

Even though he's not sure there'll ever be anything for him to give her in return.

    DMAB— He/Him
    10 moons — Ages 1 moon every month real-time
    Brother to Lovelight, Joywing, Laughblossom || Pridepaw, Merrypaw
    Thunderclan — apprentice
    Mentored by Wildheart

    Physically mediocre | mentally very easy
    Attack in bold #4a59ff
    injuries: None currently , mentally unwell