oneshot SADDEST PART OF ME &. flowers

Her eyes were blue.

A cobalt burst of color, one bright in nature like his own gaze.

It's a memory he wasn't aware was stored in his mind, another piece of his mother's appearance that had so quickly become a blur, only brought to the front of his mind by the blue petals of the flower growing in front of his paws.

To be honest, Gillpaw had been too busy as of late, to take in much of the scenery that new-leaf had brought forth. Greener grass, splashes of color. Gillpaw hadn't paid it much attention. Until now - until the flower he'd almost stepped on, until memories of a cat he'd almost forgotten about were placed in front of him.

His mother.

He doesn't really have too many memories of her, does he? She... had fur as dark as his. And, apparently, blue eyes. He's surprised he can remember such a thing, since Gill was left on his own most days with a command to stay there, while his mother was away. Only when the sky was as dark as their fur did she come back, the kit drifting in and out of sleep.

And, that's what life was. Staying along the river's edge, searching for shapes in rocks and collecting pebbles. Day after day.


Until RiverClan arrived. Until the borders closed. Until his mother left him without a trace, a life-changing decision to make on his own at only a few moons old.

How foolish he was, back then, to think his mother would ever come back. Perhaps he should have known. He didn't understand, as a kit, why he was always left on his own. Gillpaw isn't sure he understands now, as he stares at the flower in front of him, either.

Where was she now, his mother? Was she living within a different clan now? Was she among the loners that roamed outside of the clans' territories?

Was she happy, now that she didn't have to deal with him?

The apprentice leans forward to pluck the flower - a plan to keep it among his regrowing rock collection brewing - only to stop himself before he can. Why keep a reminder of her, when she hardly wanted to be around him? Why keep a reminder of a family he never had?

His mother was hardly family. No, RiverClan was his family. Clearsight and Clayfur and Ashpaw and everyone. Choosing to stay with RiverClan was the best thing he's ever done for himself.

White paws step away from the flower as he continues walking. He'll search for different colored flowers to keep with his collection instead.

Yellows and oranges to pride himself in, rather than cobalt blue.