saddle up | hunting patrol




If he has to be honest with himself the tom is not super confident but he is to spearhead a hunting patrol and guard Coyotepaw as well. He hasn't had this level of responsibility before and he also has an apprentice that he also gleans to take with him on this hunting patrol. The tom sighs softly as he flicks his tail back and forth, taking his time to lead them in. It's just Tallpine. A place they have all been before, well, maybe not Applepaw and so he glances over his shoulder with a bright smile tugging at his muzzle. "Are you excited for your first hunt? I'm sure we can all give you pointers." The tom spoke with assurance and of course he is here to help as well. It's a beautiful day and honestly he doubts that they will run into any issues out here. Weaving his own way through the thickening brush the group comes upon the massive pine tree. It towers over the whole of the other trees around it and it seems to command the area. Flexing his claws he turns to look at the rest of the hunting patrol. "Alright everyone, fan out. Since the weather is quite nicer and is warming up we should be able to bring back a good few pieces of prey today. If anyone needs help don't be afraid to buddy up." With that said he beckons with his tail for the group to begin going out on their search. And then he too starts to slink off into the brush. His paws placed delicately on the ground and he makes a small huff as he takes in the scents of the area.

He is sure he will be able to find something of note. His eyes narrowed in determination as he watches for any signs of movement. As he pauses for a moment he pulls his ears forward, a small sound catching his attention. Then he sees a small wiggling nose. Is that a rabbit? His eyes widen and he thinks of Windclan and he almost snorts at the idea of taking one away from them. So much so that he starts to creep up on it, taking his time to get as close as possible.

- prompt post will be in my next one



Among the cats is, of course, Quillstrike. The towering chimera walks toward the back of the group where he can keep his eye on the cats ahead of him, mismatched gaze shifting between them and the forest beyond, occasionally scanning in for any signs trouble. He didn't necessarily *expect* any, but winter was ending and that meant every other animal in a ten-mile radius was also going to be out and about trying to make use of the weather, and he wasn't interested in being caught off guard by anything.

At Cardinalshines words the tom would nod before turning to pad off, dark form slipping into the shadows of the newly budding undergrowth of the pine forest. Jaws parted to scent the air, tasting a myriad of prey in the area but finding the closest to be squirrel. Twitch liked squirrel- maybe he could give it to them afterward?

That thought was quick to drop from his head once he actually spotted the thing though. It was laid out on a branch high above him basking in the sun, a scrawny thing that looked as if winter had been particularly hard on it. He frowned at it from his unseen spot below, knowing it would hardly feed a single cat. He considered passing it over for something better, but... what if didn't have the good fortune to come across anything else?

A few mouthfuls of meat is better than nothing, he decided at last, and began to climb into the tree opposite the one the squirrel was lounging in.

skyclan - male - 12 months - bisexual - homoromantic - single - very tall tabby tomcat with broad shoulders

Hunting patrol! Her first one! How could she not be excited? And anxious... really anxious. Applepaw tried to keep her worries contained by reassuring herself that she was in good paws, especially with so many good warriors around. They would keep her right and safe! "Yes!" She beamed in response to Cardinalshine before skipping forward in order to stick close to her mentor.

But then her mentor slinks off into the undergrowth and Applepaw found herself alone. What was she meant to do? She didn't know where to even begin! The young apprentice crouched down with a look of deepening uncertainty as she sniffed uneasily at the ground around her. How was she meant to even track down prey?

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