twolegplace SAFETY IN NUMBERS | storm


May 10, 2023

The air in the Twolegplace had been heavy all morning with petrichor, and combined with the moist gravel beneath, it had been an unpleasant experience for the chimera tom. He was grateful the sun was covered by a gloomy sky, he just wished it hadn't come at the expense of having paws slick with mud and pebbles. His fur was hard enough to clean as it was without Newleaf's cruelty. Hovering near the edge of a quiet road, the tomcat's ear oscillated as he inhaled the scents pressed against the stray green leaves. Perhaps he needed to let everyone know where his territory was before things got too chummy. He never got the chance to think about it further than that. It was a droplet at first, enough to send a shiver up Viserion's spine as he leaped away from the bushes he'd been dragging himself across. Then another came, and realising that it wasn't just leftover droplets of the night's rainfall, his pink eyes shot up towards the sky. There, he was meant with a splosh right in his iris, causing the squinting organ to squeeze shut as he rubbed a paw against it. He didn't have chance to recover before the onslaught began. Raindrop after raindrop fell upon Viserion's pelt and half-blindly, he bolted back into the alleyway.

Cardboard still sodden and wilted, Viserion still saw little other choice than to duck into the first large box he saw. Skidding on lanky paws, he did a ninety-degree turn as he damn near rushed past it, the presence of another already lurking within doing little to deter him. A grin stretched from ear to ear, the chimera found himself grateful for once that, should the other creature protest, he would have no idea. Unless of course, they bopped him in the head... that would be bad, but he had hopes it wouldn't escalate to that. "Oops, excuse me! Ehe." Viserion scooched past them, personal space an afterthought as they tried to maneuver spider-like limbs around the box. After several more painful seconds, they settled in the corner of the box, hunched over and eyes bearing down on their neighbour and what lay behind them. Other boxes were parallel to them, perhaps empty, perhaps already full of cats who were ready for the long haul. "Wow, we're like a clan right now!" He proclaimed with a big old purr, mewl sounding as if they were trying to compete with the thunder.

"Dibs on the name VisClan, after me, of course."