private Said and done (Sootstar)

The loss of Tigerfrost weighed heavily on his shoulders: not because it was his fault or because he had been especially close to the chimera, but because he had been a faithful WindClanner, and a ferocious one to boot. The idea of going to war without the powerful white-faced tom sent a ripple of unease down his spine every time he thought of it, and Badgermoon had been unable to shake off his nerves entirely. For this reason, among others, the deputy had decided to seek out a one-on-one audience with Sootstar: relatively rare, all things considered. "Ma'am?" he called out, his voice strong but his brows furrowed with concern. "I was hoping to discuss a few things with you, if you have a minute."



Sootstar grieves in her own way, some may look at her and come to the conclusion that she is hardened to this. She does grieve, nor would she allow herself to. While partially true, Sootstar finds this loss possibly the most difficult she’s had to face yet. A loyal warrior of WindClan, a lead warrior, a soldier, a sparring-buddy, a friend. Sootstar’s heart sinks with the idea of going into battle without Tigerfrost’s strength and blazing devotion to help pave the way to victory.

Ears prick, a voice takes her away from her thoughts. It’s a welcomed break and she turns to the entrance of her den, a black and white head peaking in. ”Badgermoon,” Softly Sootstar greets back, ”Come in. Did the hunting party bring back a substantial catch?”
The broad-shouldered tomcat edged into Sootstar's den, clearly slightly discomfited by the confined space: claustrophobic as Weaselclaw he was not, but he did greatly prefer to be beneath the open sky, and he wondered for perhaps the thousandth time just how the tunnelers could stand it underground. Could it be possible that they actually enjoyed it? His mind started to drift toward a specific tunneler before he dragged it harshly back to the matter at hand: Tigerfrost. Apprentices. His life and work as part of WindClan, in service to Sootstar and to StarClan. Not...anything else. "Yes, the prey is running very well." confirmed the bicolor tom with a sense of satisfaction: that, at least, was not an issue on his mind. He lifted a speckled paw and padded his rounded-but-not-oversized stomach, a small smile gracing his face. "Our bellies are full, thank StarClan. Or at least mine certainly is!"

Badgermoon sat, cautiously, curling his dark tail around himself as if to brace himself against the topic he had to broach. "The rogues are becoming truly troublesome." he mrowed, perhaps unnecessarily; his face darkened. "First smaller things like the attack on Nettlepaw, trespassers...but now, slaying one of our lead warriors?" a deep sigh left him feeling hollow. "I just don't know. I'm concerned. I was thinking that perhaps stepping up patrols of the territory would be a wise choice...perhaps more reinforcements of the camp...but we're so cautious already..." Badgermoon shook his head. "I wanted to mention it, anyway. I also wanted to talk to you about our apprentices." "our" meaning the apprentices of WindClan as a whole, not specifically Snake- and Bluepaw.

"As you know, I generally like treating them with care, just because I think a happy, robust spirit makes a stronger warrior. But their attitudes lately..." the large cat shook his head again. "I don't care for it, I must admit. Too much sharpness, too little humility. And I worry, as the moons pass, that they may become soft, or cowed by fear." between hawks and foxes and the ever-looming threat of war, he worried for the future of WindClan's youth. "I was wondering what you thought of some public training sessions, a little bit of rough-and-tumble, perhaps some lectures about WindClan's values..." he twitched one snow-capped ear thoughtfully. "Not because I don't have faith in their mentors, but simply because this batch seems...mmm...opinionated."


The news of full bellies pleases her, for a moment she thinks about grabbing a piece for herself, but the mention of rogues turns her stomach to stone. Throat growing dry, the idea of food suddenly doesn't sound so appealing. The blue she-cat finds it difficult not to verbalize with all the anger that burned inside of her, StarClan killed Tigerfrost, not rogues. The rain had said it all, StarClan had taken her strong lead warrior to punish her, and she'd never forgive them for it.

"We can double patrols for the next couple sunrises." At last she speaks. Vaguely the leader seems detached from the conversation, reason to believe she was uncertain about the effectiveness of more patrols was present. Her ears do perk at the mention of the apprentices and she lets out an almost disdained snort, "Oh, I've had it up to my ears with some of them." She confesses with a frustrated snarl, her fangs baring for just a moment. Ultimately, she dips her head in approval, training sessions with the deputy wouldn't hurt any of the apprentices. "Any apprentices you see getting out of line, repeated offenders especially, give them an iron paw. There is no room for disrespect and weakness in WindClan. I'll not foster a generation of pansy, snot-nosed warriors." Her head shakes in immense disappointment, it was a shame how many young cats carried such foul attitudes. When Sootstar was their age, Soot Claw would've smacked her across the ear if she acted like that; if not worse.