sail away ~ thunderclan patrol

The day had been a productive one. Early that morning, she had assigned the patrols, and afterwards she had taken Acornpaw out to hunt. Flycatcher had enjoyed the bird that they had caught, and after he finished, they had taken the feathers to the nursery for the kits to play with. Even though they were still very young, there weren't many kits that didn't enjoy batting feathers around. Watching them play had warmed her heart, and had put her in a good mood for the rest of the day...she hoped that the feeling would last after the last task for the day.

The fire tinted tabby lead the way to the Riverclan border, her white tipped tail bouncing above her, matching the trot set by her paws. Alongside her was Batwing, and one of their newer warriors, Shiningsun. She could hear her apprentice following closely behind her heels as they approached the opening of the undergrowth that lead to the border. The smell of fish was nearly overwhelming now, and Riverclan's scent was strong. A patrol was either already here, or had passed by recently. Her nose twitched, wishing she could smell anything right now that would overpower that horrible smell. Thunderclan's scent had never been her, even before she had joined.

Above them, the sky was starting to darken as the sun was being replaced by the moon. She pulled her lips back as she let out a yawn. "You guys know the drill." she said softly, her tail flicking behind her. Her gaze settled on a decent sized tree, and she padded over to mark it.

@batwing @SHININGSUN @Acornpaw.

The sun setting was always a bit of a blessing to her, to be swathed in shadows again was always a welcoming one. She moves freely through the reeds with her own patrol on her paws, relishing in the night air that cools as the sun settles and the moon begins to peek through the swaying tendrils of willows. Cindershade moves like a nightly phantom, the soft glow of twilight adorning her rosetted patterns upon her muscular frame as she glides over towards the river. The musky scent of oak and leaf litter touch her dusted nostrils, heavy and strong until an all too familiar blazing pelt stands out amongst the shadows. Cindershade immediately recognizes Flamewhisker, and for once, she offers no sneer or hostility towards the lead warrior.
Her tail waves from behind her, body language more loose than before when she's traveled to this border countless times before. The woman halts in her footsteps, glowing eyes settling upon the patrol and it is then she flicks her tail in their direction. "Flamewhisker." She calls out to the other warrior, her tone chilled like Leaf-Bare winds. "I do hope your boar troubles are getting better." It is cordial at the most, but her words were genuine. She had only seen a boar once in her life, and she'd never come to terms with ever trying to fight such a large swine.

//apprentice tag @Sablepaw

Slinking out past Cindershade, the mottled form of Lilybloom appears among the reeds, a singular green eye looking out at the ThunderClan patrol on the other side. Like Cindershade, for once she is not so quick to bristle and get on the defensive, though a wariness remains in her step. Lilybloom glances briefly at Cindershade, who enquires after how things are faring with the boars and then looks back to ThunderClan, curious to hear what they might say.
જ➶ Frankly it has been a little bit since she has went on a patrol with other. It is refreshing to get out of camp and as a fulltime warrior she is pleased to be bringing home prey and to be checking the borders. Her paws move carefully as the slender molly follows along after Cindershade, keeping to the reeds and watching what is up ahead. This border she knows well and she finds herself relaxed in knowing the territory like the back of her paw. Her burning gaze is almost frightening in the dark as the light of the day begins to fade. The scent of Thunderclan is becoming stronger and stronger as they get closer to what used to be theirs and like a moth to flames she spots them. Her muzzle twitches, nose shifting before she merely glances at Cindershade. Her question is an interesting one indeed and she is more than happy that for once there are no threats being thrown around. Still she moves closer to her daughter, just in case. Though she doubts that Thunderclan will try and cross the river with their lack of swimming knowledge.

"It seems you are all fairing well." Though her tone is neutral she is happy to take note of that. The boars have killed a warrior and so hearing good news is what she wants. Maybe the zwines have moved on.
The dusk patrol moves with quiet efficiency. The tortoiseshell pads beside her sister, taking care to stay on her good side so any quick movements she makes will not startle her. Cindershade is the first to notice the undergrowth part across the border, and ThunderClan makes their rounds on Sunningrocks. The young warrior watches them passively. For once, no pelts are bristling, and no claws are unsheathed. Perhaps both Clans are tired of the constant bickering.

For now, there is something of a white flag being flown above the river. Cindershade remarks that she hopes the boars have left ThunderClan’s territory. Iciclefang brushes her flank against Lilybloom’s, doing her best to steer clear of Boneripple. The ShadowClan cat makes a show of standing guardedly in front of Sablepaw, as though Sablepaw is a helpless nursery kit again. She snorts to herself. Iciclefang could not imagine Mudpelt or Icesparkle doing such a thing to her, and she would not have thanked them for it.

Pale, frosted eyes turn back to ThunderClan. “No more injuries, I hope,” she says, her tone cool as the water that laps at their paws.

  • iciclekit . iciclepaw . iciclefang
    — she/her ; warrior of riverclan
    — lesbian ; single
    — short-haired tortoiseshell with white markings and ice-blue eyes
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — penned by Marquette
    — chibi by Pin
Dusk was indeed a favorite of Batwing's as well- though he preferred total midnight. There was something about the way the last rays of sunlight brushed at the ground, gentle like the breeze that shook the tree-tops. As much as he favored navigating the dense brush and thorns of the undergrowth, he really did love flying through tree-branches under the guise of the moon. The Stars guided him during that time.

This was all familiar to him. Batwing trotted after Flamewhisker, keeping his shoulders squared and eyes peeled for any threats. Sure, the boars were reported as gone, but that didn't leave him totally relaxed. What happened to Howlingstar... his ears twitched, then flattened as the cats on the other side of the river spoke and announced themselves. Once he realized their tone- and posture- he relaxed. Not entirely, but enough that he wasn't throwing off aggressive tones himself.

Not long after brushing his pelt on the nearby brush, he spoke to the warriors across the water. "The boars have moved on. Which is a relief. They reeked." Batwing sounded faintly amused with himself. No, this other clan didn't know him, but that didn't change how he handled himself and spoke. Which, by the way, jokes were one of his favorite things. ​

Shiningsun bore a broad smile as he marched along with the rest of the ThunderClan patrol, personally not minding RiverClan's arrival all that much. At least they were being pleasant, none of the spat threats and glares that he had seen on previous patrols. After he finished marking a few of the shrubs he finally decided to say hello to the neighbours. "Yeah, the boars are gone at last." A part of him would honestly miss them, but the deaths that had occurred had certainly soured everything relating to the wild pigs. "Everything well in RiverClan?"

From the RiverClan side, Boneripple and Iciclefang approach, and Lilybloom notes that her sister stays away Boneripple. She assumes something has happened between the two but does not say anything. Eventually, some of the ThunderClan warriors respond back to their questioning, and Lilybloom flicks an ear as she listens. They report that the boars have finally gone. "It's good to hear they've finally left your territory," Lilybloom mews, genuinely meaning what she said. She had heard those beasts had killed a warrior and injured a few cats. Lilybloom couldn't imagine dealing with such a beast herself. She had never seen one herself but the mention of them in ThunderClan territory had gotten a few cats talking back in camp, and from their descriptions, they certainly did not seem like any sort of creature Lilybloom wanted to tangle with. "RiverClan is doing well, thank you for asking," Lilybloom responded cordially. It was rather short but given the recent struggles between the two clans, the tortoiseshell did not think it appropriate nor her place to discuss their recent issues.
An ebony shadow nearly immediately emerges from Riverclan's side, one that she recognizes as a Lead Warrior. Her voice was cool and crisp, but her posture didn't seem to be overly defensive. Flamewhisker would finish marking the tree, and nod her head in greeting once she was finished. "Cindershade." she responded, her own voice not carrying any emotions. Three more Riverclanners gather along the side, each of them adding onto Cindershade's statement. She recognizes one of the mottled she-cats from the Sunningrocks battle, and her pelt twitches uneasily as the memories started to come back. It wasn't until after Batwing and Shiningsun had answered for her that she had remembered that Cindershade had asked her a question.

She shoved the thoughts of the battle out of her mind, and returned to the current world. "They did reek, that's for sure. We are all very relieved that they are gone. They left from the far side of our territory, so you shouldn't be bothered by them." Not that it was likely that those creatures would have crossed the river, but regardless of how much she disliked the other clan, they deserved to know that they were not in any potential danger from those horrible creatures.