pafp SAILOR TALK // swearing around kits


Oct 30, 2022


"And that kits is how you fuckin' weave like a pro. So next time one of you blighters ends up making a hole in the den wall you can fucking fix it yourself." Blackmoon let a chuckle of amusement roll forth from him as he batted the woven bramble vines aside, their purpose now served during the small demonstration. He could only hope that the youngsters had been paying attention to the vital life lesson, but kits would be kits. Though even if they failed to learn how to weave they most likely learned a few choice new words, given Blackmoon's lax habit of swearing in front of others.

The black tom moved to settle himself down near the nursery entrance, for a little while, he hoped. It had been a long morning spent amusing the kits whilst their parents rested, now he hoped to bring his duty to an end. Though one kit seemed more interested in playing with his tail. "Hey now, you lil' shit, are you really going to deny me a moment of shut eye?" He huffed with a playful glimmer in his eye as he flicked his tail to and fro, inviting the youth to play despite the light scolding.

//please wait for @HOWLING WIND
The foul words fly through the air like a wild breeze, immediately earning the deputy's attention among other warriors. She spots the tom now lounging, calling a kit a lil' shit, and her eyes narrow. Normally, the molly is quite approachable with her maternal demeanor, but when she's upset she can become an intimidating force. Stalking towards Blackmoon, she swiftly ushers the child off back to the nursery before rounding on him with a huff. "Do you think it's funny to call that child what you just did?" She snaps, tail lashing. She has half a mind to cuff him over the ears right now! If any cat ever used that language towards her own kits, they'd be leaving with a few patches of fur missing! She can't imagine the queens are too pleased, either.

Some of the kits had wandered out to play and that was fine with him, let them burn the energy off before they had to be herded back into the den as it got darker. Unfortunately he had come back to find them all plodding back away from the warrior's den instead and his ears pricked upward in alarm at the voice speaking and the choice words said; Blackmoon. Sunfreckle didn't hate cats, hatred was not something he was capable of to any extent but he did find quite a few of his clanmates to be a little too much on the crude side to be anything but irritating and he would have marched over there himself had he not caught sight of Howling Wind beating him to the punch. With the older brown tabby already on the case he felt his anger slowly dwindle down.

The red tom's tail lashed, but he redirected himself to the nursery where one of the kits was proudly informing the others he was a 'lil shit' and he sucked in a breath through his nose sharply before gently correcting it. Those were words for older cats to say, and they shouldn't say them in front of kits. They might get in trouble if they did, so even if it seemed 'cool' it was not okay. Thankfully the kittens were a lot more well-behaved given the living example of 'being held back' that was his daughter in the den so many of them hesitated to be troublesome.
When he leaned back out the nursery it was with both green eyes narrowed in distaste in the direction the deputy and senior warrior were currently chatting.
There was murder in his gaze and if looks could kill then Blackmoon would have been long since joining their ancestors in the sky.


Blackmoon actually looked disappointed when the kit was sent away. The tom stilled his tail before he looked up at Howling Wind, not yet bothering to stand in order to address the deputy when the scolding started. He didn't seem particularly concerned about the matter in all honesty. "Hrm? I don't see the problem, darlin'. My father used to call me far worse than that when I was a lil' nipper, used to do far fucking worse with his claws too." Reflecting back on his youth he probably deserved it, he really had been a pain in the ass when growing up.

The older male sat up slowly before having a good stretch, his demeanour remaining fairly aloof as he flopped back on his haunches once done. "So.... yeah, I guess I do think it was pretty funny. The kit was having fun up until you marched over to spoil their fun. So word of advice, lighten up before your fur falls out from fussin' all the time."
Had he been anywhere else, Fireflypaw would be thankful he didn't hear the words spoken around kits. He had confronted Blackmoon once before for cursing around his siblings, and now he was telling his grandma what to do? Was he insane? Dawnglare's voice echoes in his brain then. Green is a deadly color. Like a mantra. He was sure it didn't mean much to others, but to him it was a big deal. He sees the green eyes of his grandmother in the distance, and he's reminded of her importance.

"Talk to my gran' like that again and I'll shred your ears myself. Nobody talks to Howling Wind like that." Fireflypaw speaks up from behind his grandmother as he walks over, face scrunched up with childish anger. Disrespecting his family, the matriarch of his family. How dare he? Did Blackmoon have no respect for his Deputy? "And stop saying those bad words around the kits! You've already influenced enough of 'em!" He grumbles, already much annoyed.
Darlin'. The she-cat's gaze hardens and she tilts her chin up, clearly not amused. Did he think it was funny to be referring to the clan's deputy in such a way? He was a grown tom, older than many of ThunderClan's warriors and yet he acted like a child himself, uncaring and thoughtless. "I'm sorry for you, then. No kit deserves to be called those words," She replies evenly. He then tell her the kit was having fun, tells her to lighten up, and she scoffs.

Before she can say anything, her grandson marches up to stand beside her, bristling at the tom. He scolds him for both his disrespect and his foul language around the kits, and Howling Wind can't hide the proud smirk that finds its way onto her face. Now that is how a child is raised - Little Wolf and Blazestar had done well with him. Luckily, he hadn't been influenced by any of Blackmoon's choice words. She blinks at Fireflypaw, brushing her tail gently along his flank before her attention return to Blackmoon. "Stay away from the nursery, Blackmoon. If you can't behave yourself better than a kit, you shouldn't be around them." She catches Sunfreckle's gaze and gives a small nod, seeing his glare. You won't have to deal with him anymore, hopefully.


"Oh, you again. The stickler kid. I see you're still just as rigid as your grandma. The apple really doesn't fall far from the tree, eh?" Blackmoon snorted a soft laugh of amusement, clearly not fussed about Fireflypaw's attempt to verbally discipline him. At this point he had heard it all from a variety of cats and it just filtered in through one ear and out the other. Though Howling Wind's decree that he stay away from the nursery came as a partial shock, but he could live with it. "Alright then, sweetheart, if that's your decision then so be it. So... does that mean that I'm not cleaning out their nests later? Pretty sure that was my assigned job for this evenin'." Hell, if it was one less job for him then that would be a win.​