sensitive topics sails of charon | vigil


Frogpaw dies like one might slip out of camp in the dead of night — quietly, without warning, without fuss or clamor, almost concerned over disturbing others’ rest. One moment he is alive; then he is feverish; and then he is gone.

One of the few, soon to be more, to meet such a fate in Riverclan, despite Ravensong’s studious mitigation efforts.

Not being family, Snakeblink did not attend to the apprentice in his last moments. Such stressful privilege was better left to the parents and siblings already mourning the young tom. He dared not ask for fear of being refused; he hopes his cowardly restraint alleviated some of Ravensong’s burden, at least. No, for an absentee mentor the vigil will be enough, even if the plague that took the young cat from them also robs them of a body to mourn through the night. He thinks about Flutterpaw — about Lakemoon, now gone on a journey to save them all.

How did she feel, losing her apprentice to the same scourge, sitting vigil for an absence? It seemed to steel her resolve, but Snakeblink doesn’t feel more resolute. Only more tired.

He stares at the bare ground, the circle of flowers and useless weeds that stand in lieu of Frogpaw’s remains, and studiously keeps his mind off the memory of other griefs. (It took nearly a full moon for his mother to waste away from her own illness; yellowcough is as merciful as it is implacable in its quickness.)

”It’s curious — the scattered petals do look somewhat like a cat’s silhouette,” he notes inanely, hating the words as he says them, hating the silence more.

He wishes he had stories about the apprentice to tell instead, but he exhausted his shallow memories before the moon was properly high in the sky. Now all he has left are anxious thoughts about the losses they must still weather, and half a hope that the others sitting vigil will find some kinder anecdotes to usher Frogpaw’s spirit along.

——————————————————————————————————— so god damn lonely
  • with rev's approval: @frogpaw died of yellowcough and this is the night of his vigil 😞
  • Snakeblink • he / him. 45 ☾, riverclan warrior
    — a sleek, skinny tabby with long ears and a scar over his right eye.
    — gay, not actually evil, penned by @Kangoo

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It felt... maybe too personal... It wasn't like Lichentail was the most socially involved cat in her clan... but it felt more wrong to turn a blind eye to the spiritual send off of one so young. Taking a seat rigidly at Snakeblink's side, a paw gingerly rests on one of his own for just a moment, a touch of reassurance. She couldn't imagine the way this might be shaking him... if it had been her own apprentice (er, apprentices now) she might be just as silently distraught, not content with just sitting in the quiet when it felt like they'd been stolen.

Young... and stolen from them all the same.

The tightness in their chest took what words they might have had to share immediately, drawing their paw away as they settled to tuck in and lay beside the illusion of a body. There was nothing to groom.... no one to say goodbye to, even if those ears wouldn't hear them. It was so... hollow...

"It's not your fault Snakeblink," they murmur, not offering him a glance for fear of the grief that might look back. "He isn't gone... just somewhere else really." Maybe that wasn't helpful. But wasn't it better knowing that maybe in some distant future, they'd be reunited again? It wasn't as if Frogpaw would come from StarClan screeching and angry....

They'd all thought it just a cold until it wasn't.... no one could've known.​
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( ) every time the scent of death hits his senses, coyotecreek is brought back to the worst day of his life. every time a body grows cold, he feels the heat draining from wolf's song. every time lavender and rose hits fur, he sees petals decorating stormy fur. today is no different, but the man shakes these thoughts from his head as he approaches the scene. the stormy hued fur of frogpaw is nowhere to be found, in its place, herbs and flowers scatter the ground. a breeze ruffles the fur of those seated nearby, carrying on it the words of snakeblink and lichentail. seating himself on the other side of snakeblink, coyotecreek rests his tail gently on the man's flank in an act of comfort. "it really isn't," he will agree with lichen, dual-hued eyes fixed on the spot the apprentice should be. "it ain't no one's fault but that illness. frogpaw isn't sufferin' no more."

he has always been bad with words, his accent often making his thoughts feel goofy and less than serious. still, as he turns his head to look at the patched earthen tabby, sincerity gleams within his eyes. "he was brave, weren't he? heart o' gold. he fought hard for his clan, i remember him at the sunnin'rocks fight. quick to defend his clan." his mouth is dry, but he talks because no one else is, and this boy deserves memories. "thoughtful, too. 'n he had them curled ears which always looked so endearin', plus them big paws." he stumbles off into silence, trying to think of other things. somehow, he can't, and the silence wraps around the vigil. truthfully, coyotecreek did not know frogpaw well, barely interacted with him outside of patrols. "rest easy, laddie." he finally murmurs.
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It is difficult to say the least to feel strongly about death at this point. Ever since the illness made its way through the forest, death has become more prevalent. He recalled a time when there was no cure nor name for this illness, yet they had lost cats all the same. Now, they had the name of such a terrifying illness and there was also a cure. However, he couldn't say he felt secure with how things were. Despite his worries, there was little he could do to change their situation. He was no leader or did he have the same power as those among the stars, not that he wanted either power. If he wanted any power it would be to make sure that all Riverclanners would be happy. Almost impossible these days it was for them, especially the remaining warriors not to give in to despair.

Snakeblink is one whom he considers a friend. A cat with clumsy words, but a truly kind heart. That much can be seen with the tom grieving Frogpaw. Pikesplash himself was not close to the apprentice, but Frogpaw was gone too soon. Had this illness not plagued the forest then the apprentice would've grown into a warrior and joined their ranks. However, fate had different plans for the apprentice. Despite the lack of connection he has with Frogpaw, he hopes the apprentice is not miffed about his presence. Sorry Frogpaw, I hope you don't mind me being here for a friend. Lichentail, another friend offers words of comfort. What she says is true. The events that transpired was not Snakeblink's fault. There was simply nothing his friend could have done. It was out of his paws.

Coyotecreek has better words of comfort to offer to Snakeblink. That's not to say that Lichentail has done a poor job, it's more like Coyotecreek knows what to say. He has experience. The mention of sunningrocks has him humming not in agreeance, but it could be seen as such. Pikesplash himself didn't participate in the battle for Sunningrocks, so he doesn't know what happened other than the fact that Riverclan lost the battle. It is still something that leaves a bad taste in their mouths, or at least most cats. It was forgotten due to their victory against Windclan.

Despite the fact that he could remain silent, he decides to chip in as well. He would gently place a paw on Snakeblink's shoulder, removing his paw if it seemed like the other tom was disturbed. "Do you remember what I told you?" Green eyes glance at Snakeblink's paws. "Everyone depends on each other. That's what I said. You told me to come to you and not hesitate to ask for support, but Snakeblink... You can depend on me as well. It doesn't even have to be me. After all!" He turns his head towards Lichentail and then to Coyotecreek. "There's others who care about you. You're not alone Snakeblink. Frogpaw isn't alone either. We might not see them, but I know they're okay."

Ah, maybe he's overstepped.