camp SAKURA KISS — sharing tongues & stories

“We can’t hide from them forever,” he’d told Bobbie after the embarrassing circle who’d gathered to watch her move her nest into his den. It’s lovely, in truth, to have her beside him during the cold nights. He’s never shared his nest with another cat, save for the rare occasions Little Wolf would stay the night in SkyClan’s camp when the kits were small. She’d had duties to attend to back home, though, and most of her dalliances with him had been short-lived. It is not so with Bobbie. In the mornings, they wake together, and they groom the tangles from one another’s fur, the scraps the moss nest leave in their thick pelts. They laugh at stubborn cowlicks; they tease one another for particularly loud snores or for kicking in their sleep. When they exit the den in the morning after their first shared night, it’s together, tails twined as they head toward the fresh-kill pile.

He can get used to this, Blazestar thinks happily, eyes half-lidded as he dozes in the sun with his new mate at his side. He leans over to part the silky fur at her shoulders with a diligent lick. “Tell me about the mountains,” he murmurs. “I only know a little—that they’re very cold.” He trusts her to stay away from the topic of Little Wolf—there will be no sorrow today, only a beautiful reveling in the new life they’re making together.

[ please wait for @bobbie ! yes they are being very PDA rn ]

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it's as though she walks in a sweet dream, an unbelievable new reality that is equal in its beauty and rarity. bobbie wakes in the mornings tucked against a fluffy golden shape, nightmares chased away. her mornings are lighthearted and glowing, lit from within by blazestar's undeniable flame. his presence chases away the chill of mountain air, and only the last traces of it remain in her thick pelt; the familiar and comforting smell of pine and lavender is beginning to overtake it.

as the two of them sprawl in the sun, half-waking and half-sleeping, it's difficult to feel ashamed of how public their affections are. if everyone's reactions held true, half of her clanmates had suspected this long before she herself did. having already endured the trial of embarassingly dragging her nest to join with blazestar's, it's as though that ear-warming walk has cleansed her of any further embarassment; she feels only a sleepy contentment as blazestar works at the fur on her shoulders.

"that they were. i thought i'd never get warm again!" bobbie exclaims with a luminous grin, recalling the nights when even the fiercest among them had been forced to huddle together for warmth. time is beginning to wear away the most difficult parts of the journey, and she has the sense to steer clear of little wolf's name. "they were beautiful, though. i saw so many things i wouldn't have thought of in my wildest dreams...." bobbie trails off, expression growing distant as she recalls each trial, each unfamiliar sight.

"there was a cliff taller than any tree i've seen, except maybe tallpine. it was covered in ice, and we had to guide everyone else in climbing it, even the windclanners." mirth colors her words as she remembers even the proudest cats forced to take direction from so-called kittypets. with a mrrow of amusement, bobbie continues, "when we were at the highest mountains, we could see a lake in the distance. bigger than any i've ever seen, and at night the sun would drown in it before the moon rose."

"oh! you'll like this," she mews with a beaming smile, remembering the great beast that had passed by her and hailstorm. what had been momentarily terrifying is now a marvel, even more so in light of the ancient stories blazestar had passed to her. "i saw a cat bigger than any warrior. even you!" bobbie's teasing is good-natured, and she continues on with wonder tinting her w ords. "it must have been more than five fox-lengths long, with paws the size of my head. it smelled like if every warrior in the forest marked one border, and its pelt was brown and gold."

"it sounds like i made it up, i know." she admits, recalling the skepticism of her journeymates when she'd returned, telling the story of the great beast. "but it reminded me of the lionclan warriors you told me about."


  • 6TR0CBJ.png
    bobbie ; lead warrior of skyclan
    x. she/her ; 42 moons ; tags
    x. small, scarred lilac tabby and white she-cat with green eyes
    x. played by dejavu
    x. mother to lupinepaw, crowpaw, and drowsypaw. mate to blazestar.


Having no concept of personal space, a loose limbed Dolly ambles to the duo, slumping somewhere in the vicinity. Wow. that's a lot of fur. Is one of the few thoughts that passes his mind and doesn't end up passing through his lips, he's either uncaring or oblivious to the closeness of the pair, the latter nearly an impossible achievement. He's happy for them he thinks, it's odd, to see cats that have decided to be so close, his encounters with cats prior to clan life being in passing.

He observes them washing each other with a furrowed expression, it's a practice from his experience has been largely unnecessary, he's scarcely had to wash himself, in the past being subjected to the terrors of being bathed in water by his housefolk. It makes for one of the only non-fond memories of what used to be home. The concept of it is, like areas of clan life, unfamiliar. After a while of observation words finally come to him.

"Mountains? Woah. That sounds cool." he lets Blazestar and Bobbie know slowly, thinking hard about each word. He doesn't capture all of Bobbie's story, hearing most of it, but the majority of it sails clear over his head. From what he can grasp as presented by Bobbie, the tales are numerus. The ventures, the sights and the discoveries are so far removed from his own experiences. "There's so much stuff out there." he continues slowly. "What else did you see?"

Howlfire doesn't mean to stare but stare she does. The young queen is already up and awake, her kits playing in the early morning sun, whilst she watches them from afar. Every day they get bigger and bigger and Howlfire can't help but marvel at how they were drawing closer and closer to the time they would be becoming apprentices. As she's watching her kits, she doesn't see her father and Bobbie leave his den together, but her attention is drawn to them by hushed whispers of nearby clanmates.

Howlfire's head turns and she gawks at them. Well, it isn't really that much of a surprise in truth. Howlfire wasn't blind. She had seen the way the two of them had acted and spoke to each other before the journey. She was happy for them really but also not sure how to feel about the matter. Her parents had not been mates for many, many moons. She had heard chatter Little Wolf had taken a new mate shortly before her death in the mountains. So why shouldn't Blazestar too? Despite the confused feelings she had on the matter, all Howlfire ever wanted was for her father to be happy.

With her kits safe and playing within view, Howlfire pads over breezily. She approaches and hears talk of the mountains. She was admittedly curious to hear more stories about the journey. Howlfire hadn't felt comfortable prying for too much information following the discovery of Little Wolf's passing, it was too sudden and painful.

"Hi," Howlfire mews, standing next to the two. A long, awkward pause follows as she just stares at the two of them. She wants to say something else, ask a further question about this new relationship between them but decides against it for now, falling in beside Dolly. "It sounds like you'll have plenty of stories from your time there," Howlfire remarked. "You should share some of them with the kits some time!"