Oct 8, 2024

The other kits in the nursery intrigue him. Mostly because, up until recently, they had seemed to not be allowed too close to him and his sister. Whenever they played, if he tried to go and join the older kits he would be met by teeth in his scruff, swinging him firmly away. Today was different though. Today, when he looks back at Butterflytuft after staring at the other kits she nods at him.

Tentatively, he takes a step forward. No one stops him so he runs now. Too cold to play outside today he had heard one of the queens mutter to another. It would be warm in here though. "Hi!" he chirps to the first older kit he comes across. "M'Lambkit! Wanna play?" and he holds up his mossball so the other kit can see, a proud smile on his face. He had made it himself, after all!

// please wait for @Fawnkit~ to post optional tag for @RAMKIT and @butterflytuft

  • 4egpTNu.jpeg

  • 92434110_apDVh6EOw7vGZom.png
    A fluffy cream coated tom with mismatched white socked toes, a white marking blazing a trail down his face, and striking blue eyes.
    easy in battle + no formal training
    difficult to befriend
    Peaceful + healing power-play allowed, anything else with permission only

[ ༻ 𓆩✧𓆪 ༺ ] Truth be told, it was odd to watch as Ramkit and Lambkit grew and become older, more able to do things on their own without the worrying guidance of Butterflytuft, who for the most part had kept the two away from the older kits as they played, perhaps for their safety or majority of them getting sick over the past moon due to the coldness that had struck them recently, the early leaf-bare frost... Bi-color eyes landed on Lambkit as he finished preening his fawn coat again, and a slight hum came from his throat.

"I'm Fawnkit, a pleasure to meet you Lambkit" he spoke warmly before his gaze drifted onto the mossball the kit presented him with a slight hum as he was asked to play with the smaller boy. With a shift of his paws and a slight yawn slipping from his maw and a glance towards where Butterflytuft lay, he refocused his attention onto the younger kit with a warm smile on his lips, "Sure! I'll play" he said, agreeing to the other.
  • "speak""Thoughts"
  • Fawnkit 𓆩✧𓆪 He/Him, Kit of Skyclan, 5 moons.
    Fluffy Fawn with low white with bi-colored eyes (Blue and Yellow)
    NPC x NPC
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted (ask first) / / underline and tag when attacking
    see battle info here
    penned by Ryn@/Rynnaro on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

Kittens, including herself, liked to play. She usually walked around or found another way to get her energy out, but this was fun too.

Dashkit had been in the nursery, having kept an eye on her siblings. Thankfully, it didn't seem like they were too chaotic today, and not too much of a headache.

A soft smile graced her as she watched Lambkit walk up to Fawnkit and ask if the latter wanted to play. The blue-silver torbie got up, and shook her fur out as she padded up. She tried not to interject too much, so she sat down, and waited for them both to finish before she spoke. "Hi, can I play too?"

  • ooc: recovering from surgery
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  • Dashkit is a SkyClan Daylight kit, a shorthaired blue-silver torbie acting as a mix of her parents, Johnnyflame and Silversmoke. She is currently 3 moons old, and speaks with a slight Scottish accent. Dashkit is emotionally mature for her age, and tends to mirror older cats to fill the "older sister" role.

From her cozy spot near the back of the nursery, Butterflytuft watches Lambkit's tentative steps toward the older kits with a mix of pride and apprehension. Her dandelion gaze softens as he runs the rest of the way, clearly excited to join in for the first time. The warmth in her chest grows when Fawnkit responds so kindly, agreeing to play with him, and Dashkit soon joins as well.

She remains where she is, her tail curling neatly around her paws, but calls out gently to the group. "That mossball looks sturdy, Lambkit - you must've worked hard on it. I'm sure it'll make for a fun game!" Her voice remains light and encouraging, though there's a notable watchfulness in her eyes as she observes the interaction unfold. Trusting the older kits to be kind and patient with Lambkit, she makes no move to interfere unless needed. Instead, she settles in, her heart full at seeing the beginnings of friendships form.

Lambkit's face visibly brightens as Fawnkit agrees to join him in his game, as another kit comes along and wants to join too! He puffs his chest with pride at his foster mothers praise for his moss ball. He had worked really hard on it! He had wanted to make a good first impression on the older kits, after all, to show them that he was not just some nursery baby, that he was finally good enough to join them in other games. If things went well today maybe he could even play border wars with them! He had watched them play that game all the time, but the way they rough housed was too much for a small thing like him the adults would say. He beams at Butterflytuft before turning to Dashkit "Yes!" he says, his voice higher pitched than usual as he tries to contain his excitement. Not only did he now have just one new playmate but TWO!

"Okay! Me first! Me first!" he says, assuming they know the rules already. Who didn't know moss ball? It was the best game in the world! In bis version of the game, you sent it sailing as far as you could then you ran and chased after it. Whoever hit it the farthest wins! With one golden paw, he strikes at the moss ball. As intended, it does sail across the nursery, but it stays pretty low to the ground, and it doesn't go as far as he had intended with that hit...

He tries to hide his dismay as he brings it back for the next kit to hit at. All he can do now is hope that they do worse than him...

// I rolled to see how far he would hit it but its not necessary, he rolled a 5

  • 4egpTNu.jpeg

  • 92609962_IJHHFYAPLztcqs9.png
    A fluffy cream coated tom with mismatched white socked toes, a white marking blazing a trail down his face, and striking blue eyes.
    easy in battle + no formal training
    difficult to befriend
    Peaceful + healing power-play allowed, anything else with permission only