SAME OCEAN - houndthistle

Bluepool cannot help but feel relieved when the winds have finally died down, when she can finally leave the camp and hunt for her clan without worrying about being sent flying into the gorge or sailing across the moors. Finally being able to hunt again would mean a lot of hard work in order to get the clan back to where they needed to be in order to sustain themselves food wise, but she had never been one to shy away from work, especially when it was something as satisfying to her mind as running. Racing across the open fields is something she had enjoyed her whole life. She remembers a time where she wasn't restricted to a territory, when she would wander wherever she pleased. She is glad, at least, that if she had to be tied down to any one piece of land that it is the moors. She is happy here. Content to follow her sister, to spend her days hunting and defending their territory. It gave her a sense of purpose, and today that purpose was completely focused on catching prey.

By days end she is fairly tired. She had, after all, been working her tail off (or what's left of it at least) All she wants to do now is plop down into her soft, wool-lined nest, and fall asleep, though her stomach rumbling tells her her body might have other plans. It is with a heavy sigh that she turns away from the area where the clan sleeps and heads to the fresh-kill pile. Suddenly, though, she feels a body bump into her own, and her paws being as heavy as they are right now the silver she cat looses her footing and topples over into the sand, golden colored eyes flying open as her legs give out from under her. "WHA?!" She cries out in her surprise as her body hits the sand.




Houndthistle's time was spent trying to relearn basic things, the sudden change in his vision making it difficult for him to even move. It frustrated him that each time someone's given him something, he's missed it like some blind mole, and it was only made worse by his fellow warriors fixing him with either looks of pity or doubt, as though since his injuries he'd be considered no better than any other mongrel. What was worse, though, were the cats who tried to pretend. Even now, he gave a displeased glance at a few clanmates who were offering him help, his ears flicking back as he merely snorted in displeasure in response. His irritation left him distracted that as he turned, he didn't see someone coming up on his blind side, shoulder knocking heavily into the body of someone else.

Shock made his head swing and his paws stumble back, worried he'd ran into a kit or a small apprentice, his eyes widening as they came upon a silver shape rolling on the dirt. "Woah there," He said in surprise, standing a second to look at her. He glanced around after, making sure nobody saw, before he stepped forward, "'ere, uh- lemme... lemme help." His voice was low, embarrassment clear in his graveled tones as he lifted a large paw, unsure of where he could touch her to help her up but feeling obligated nonetheless. "You al'ight?" He asked, finally using his large paw to help gently push her back on her paws.


  • text
  • Physical Health
    ⤷ left eye is blinded, deep bite wound and claw marks in chest, stomach, face, and shoulders. Currently offscreen healing thanks to Wolfsong and Vulturemask
    Mental Health

  • Single | Bicurious | Not actively looking | Interested in none currently

    Houndthistle is both an easy one to gain the trust of and impossible to gain the trust of. He'll rarely reveal personal information or be vulnerable-if he's even capable of such things-but he will show trust in his willingness to lay his life down. To gain it, he needs evidence that you're loyal and strong, same as him, otherwise he understands he may one day have to come head to head with you.

    — will start fights / will not flee / will not show mercy
    excels at Fighting, Tracking, Following Orders, Intimidation
    poor at climbing, swimming, stealth, talking, strategy, politics
    — sounds like: deep, gravelled and thick with a sort of country accent / Arthur Morgan
    — smells of iron, leather, and wood
    — speech is #435E75


She doesn't need the help, but she accepts it anyways. What? She could play the part of damsel-in-distress occasionally! Besides, her toppling over had been his fault, it was only right that he help to make things good! At least, that's what she tells herself as she gets to her paws with a grunt, dismayed at the sand that sticks to her pelt. "I'm okay yeah, but it's going to take me ages to groom my pelt back to where it was!" she cannot help but express her disappointment at the dust that had settled over her like a blanket. "It's okay, I wont tell Sootstar if you wont" she says with a small laugh.

She doubted her sister would lose her head over a simple accident like this but stars! This tom looked so nervous, the way most cats looked when interacting with her. They weren't afraid of her, of course, but they were afraid of her incurring her sister's wrath and thus she always felt like everyone in the clan walked on eggshells around her. Which she supposed was fair. Still, it was obvious Houndthistle hadn't meant to bowl her over. So no big deal.



Despite his nervous behavior glances, the truth of the matter was Houndthistle was mostly worried he'd hurt Bluepool or even upset her in some way. He looked over her body critically, making sure she was okay, before his gaze flicked to her face as she whined about her pelt, making him chuckle lowly, before she added on the promise to not tell Sootstar, making him give a slight roll of his eyes, a smile flicking at his lips. "She's jus' gon' tell me I'm useless, ain' nothin' to it," He joked, flicking his ear.

"Though, if ya want since I messed up ya fur, I'll help ya get the sand out?" He offered, nodding his nose to her back at the dusting of dirt on her pelt, "Between the two of us, we'd pro'ly get it out quickly. Not like I got anythin' else t'do." He motioned with his tail to the group of warriors who'd previously offered to help him with something out of pity, a flash of annoyance in his gaze.


  • text
  • Physical Health
    ⤷ left eye is blinded, deep bite wound and claw marks in chest, stomach, face, and shoulders. Currently offscreen healing thanks to Wolfsong and Vulturemask
    Mental Health

  • Single | Bicurious | Not actively looking | Interested in Wolfsong, Scorchstreak, Sootspritespark

    Houndthistle is both an easy one to gain the trust of and impossible to gain the trust of. He'll rarely reveal personal information or be vulnerable-if he's even capable of such things-but he will show trust in his willingness to lay his life down. To gain it, he needs evidence that you're loyal and strong, same as him, otherwise he understands he may one day have to come head to head with you.

    — will start fights / will not flee / will not show mercy
    excels at Fighting, Tracking, Following Orders, Intimidation
    poor at climbing, swimming, stealth, talking, strategy, politics
    — sounds like: deep, gravelled and thick with a sort of country accent / Arthur Morgan
    — smells of iron, leather, and wood
    — speech is #435E75