private Samson went back to bed ❧ Kite

Feb 20, 2024

Kite had mentioned that they had no nest to call their own when she took them up on the request for a tour around camp. It had been a night since then and she hoped that they had started the process of making their own by then but there was worry that maybe she and Wolf hadn’t. Nests weren’t something she was an expert in, sure she had watched queens and warriors teach the younger clanmates how to make their first when moving to the apprentice den. She had personally helped gather moss to help Chickbloom remake his own. Florabreeze personally? Never even attempted to weave a nest, didn’t see the need to so she never bothered to sort one out in the warriors den. There may come a day where she needs to but for the time being she saw no need for it. Still, it would be poor not to at least offer help so did as such, ducking out of camp on the search for moss just in case there wasn’t enough.

Returning around midday she lingered by the warriors den, keeping an eye out for what she hoped was her friend. She never really spoke about when a friendship had formed, it was just something she felt and she felt like Kite was a friend. There was little time to muse over things like that when she spotted the black tabby, trotting up to them happily her tail swayed in excitement. “Hey! Are you free right now?” She finds herself asking with a head tilt, taking this time to properly look at the cat she had taken to personally showing around. With a hum she added on “do you still need to make a nest? I uh, found some moss” maybe it was a little forward to go gather things to make a nest without even checking if they needed it. No matter, someone would find use of it even if she didn’t need it.

“I haven’t made a nest before, so I don’t know what help I could bring but if you still need to make one I thought it would be fun for the both of us!” The maine coon didn’t really think that it may be rude to invite herself in on the activity. She had faith that the former rogue would have no issues in telling her no and that they wanted to do that alone if need be.

  • @KITE
  • FLORABREEZE 𖧧 She/her, Daylight Warrior of SkyClan, 34 moons (ages on the 12th)
    A large black tabby maine coon with low white and bright green eyes, always wearing her mushroom print collar if she can.
    Mentored by Sorrelsong /Mentoring Jellypaw
    “Speech”, thoughts, attacking
    Penned by Juice ⏐ouijeejuice on discord {open to being dmed for plots}
Head down, eyes forward. Kite does not seek out company, warily hovering around Eggbounce and taking the concept of shadowing him extremely literal. A shadow with no purpose as of now. They don't even speak with Hawk, only sitting in silence with their sibling. A shadow picks up on things quickly though and Kite has pieced together relationships between their new clanmates, the clans themselves and with these puzzle pieces coming together; Kite can begin to mold themself into a worthy warrior, in time.

Kite had been able to show their prowess as a climber to Eggbounce and their legs burn from the lengths they had pushed themselves to demonstrate their capabilities. They are at a rear of a hunting patrol, though Kite had not caught anything. They wish for nothing more than to lay down and rest their burning muscles, overexerted by the lengths they had gone to demonstrate their capabilities. They bid their farewells to Eggbounce with a nod as they enter camp and trots to the Warriors' den, intending to lay down in the leaf litter they call their nests, a poor excuse for one but they've not been able to settle long enough to make one.

Kite nearly headbutts into Florabreeze's chest, they'd been walking with their eyes directed on their paws. Never have they been so scattered-brained; nor have they been in such an unusual position. They had halted just in time though as their senses were flooded with the scent of Florabreeze-- her welcomer and tour guide. Eyes dilate as Kite looks up to see that friendly expression and travel along the length of Florabreeze's body to notice their wagging tail, a quirk Kite had not noticed before. Had she been raised by a dog? Peculiar... Kite's head tilts and they blink several times. "I'm free, and nestless," Kite confirms, ears flicking nonchalantly.

"You've already got moss?" Kite's brows knit together as they consider the sentiment of somebody taking time to do something without so much as being asked... "Thank... you for doing that. I'd appreciate some help... we could figure it out together?" Kite sways, looking around Florabreeze and scouting out a spot where they'd go. "Could we... go somewhere quiet, though? Not here. Too many... forest cats." They sigh, though the discomfort they feel around so many is not visible on her strangely tranquil expression.

———————---****KEEP IT ALL INSIDE******———————---
  • black tabby with a slim physique and compact muscles, tags
    38, ages every 21st
    they/them or she/her
    wary to trust
    peaceful powerplay allowed

Florabreeze was pretty sure that it wasn’t a joke yet she chuckles at the comment ‘I’m free, and nestless,’ anyways. With a hum she nods again at her question, if there was any shame in being so forward in her actions then she was making an effort of not letting it show here. “Yeah! Just in case there wasn’t any laying around, I thought we could look for other things for your nest later” once again inviting herself to tag along, not thinking anything of it. “I wasn’t sure if you wanted to look for moss yourself or anything-” she cut herself off as the black tabby thanked her.

Blinking in surprise before beaming in delight “Of course, it’s no trouble at all. I’m sure Jellypaw would appreciate me not hounding her to go do something for an hour or so. I’d love to figure it out together” at the mention of her name she flicked her gaze to see if she could spot her apprentice anywhere. It was a quick glance and as such came up with nothing to show for it. At Kite’s request she pauses then nods “sure, we could sit like….” she pressed a paw to her maw in thought. “Maybe just a little outside the entrance? Near some trees? Not too far from camp since we need to carry this back after all. But, that means we can collect more stuff near there too” that sounded like a good idea to her at least. The daylight warrior makes no comment on their tranquil expression, there were stranger cats in SkyClan after all.

“Let me grab some moss and I’ll lead the way?” She offered with an uncharacteristically sheepish grin. Doing just that she finds the moss she set aside with safe keeping and gestures with her tail for Kite to follow her out of camp. Taking up a nice shady spot between a cluster of pine trees, faint insects buzzing and birdsong the only thing heard around here right now. Any patrols would be further out, there was a faint echo of a conversation from camp but a little too far to pick up anything distinct. Florabreeze sets the moss down and sprawls to sit on the ground below, once again gesturing for Kite to follow suit. “It’s a bit different to Twolegplace, huh?” She tilts her head curiously at their friend before starting to mimic the movements she’d seen from glimpses of others weaving their nests. “How are you liking it here? It’s not usually… So tense all the time.”

  • FLORABREEZE 𖧧 She/her, Daylight Warrior of SkyClan, 34 moons (ages on the 12th)
    A large black tabby maine coon with low white and bright green eyes, always wearing her mushroom print collar if she can.
    Mentored by Sorrelsong /Mentoring Jellypaw
    “Speech”, thoughts, attacking
    Penned by Juice ⏐ouijeejuice on discord {open to being dmed for plots}
The mannerisms of Florabreeze is something Kite has quickly noticed to be unique to the maine coon, she's more animated than anyone they had met before. It's a stark contrast from themself, the black tabby hardly shows an inch of what they're feeling beneath the surface. Kite notes that they intend to know her mannerisms better... There's not much else for them to do, when it appears Florabreeze is the only one to even speak to them in actual sentences and not clipped curtesies. Kite eagerly accepts the suggestion to leave camp with a an overexaggerated nod, but, this is not even necessary as Florabreeze turns and retrieves the moss. Then, she signals for Kite to follow. They do, without question, it is almost like Kite's paws operate at the whim of the Florabreeze. Hopefully being in the company of her demonstrates Kite's trustworthiness... "After you," Kite quips from just behind the molly, though she was already ahead and they rush to keep pace.

Kite keeps close to the large feline when they leave camp, so much so it's almost as though they are only Florabreeze's shadow, trotting alongside her large strides. They keep their eyes flickering upon the forest floor, noting bits and pieces of flora which could be suitable in a nest. When gestured, again, by Florabreeze to settle down as she had just done, Kite immediately does so, sitting down on their haunches beside Florabreeze. Usually, Kite would not be the kind to be ordered around but there is no ill will in the way Florabreeze operates... it is a breath of fresh air. Her gestures are an invitation, not a demand.

"Like this?" Kite asks, paws fumbling with some moss they had separated from the clump Florabreeze had set down. They mimic Florabreeze, copying the movement of her paws as they weave the shapeless moss. The movement stops when Florabreeze questions them and Kite stares down upon her, as they are sprawled just beside themself. "It's very different. But you'd know that," Kite murmurs, eyes pointedly directed to Florabreeze's collar. "It's nice. I've always wanted one, a collar. I tried to steal one, once. It was a fight not worth having, so..." Yes, an attempt to steal it straight from an ex-kittypet's neck... harder than one would imagine. Maybe Florabreeze would let Kite try hers on? Maybe she took it off sometimes and left it unattended. They clear their throat and consider the other question Florabreeze had asked, eager to fill the silence that followed the detail they had just shared. "I have no strong opinions so far."

Kite glances away from the collar and attempts to lock eyes with Florabreeze to ask, "Why did you join?" The question asked, Kite tears her gaze away and refocuses on the crumbling bits of moss at her paws. They're no good at this, frankly they're used to laying on the bare ground or in a tree... but they wish to fit in, be like everyone else and sleep in moss. One day, Kite wishes to decorate it as they've seen others do. In fact, there is much Kite wishes to do in this clan. Crossly, they ask,"Is this a requirement if I am to become a warrior? To make nests?"

———————---****KEEP IT ALL INSIDE******———————---
  • black tabby with a slim physique and compact muscles, tags
    38, ages every 21st
    they/them or she/her
    wary to trust
    peaceful powerplay allowed
Last edited:

“Yeah! Just like that” She spoke with the confidence of someone who had actually done this before. In truth she didn’t know if Kite was doing it right, but she thought it didn’t really matter so long a functioning nest would be made. She had seen what others look like and she’s sure that they’ve seen the other warriors' nests too. There’s a quiet noise of acknowledgement as they explain that Twolegplace is very different, she burns under the pointed intensity of their stare but makes no effort to turn her gaze away. Of course she knows, yet she wonders how differently the Twolegplace Kite knows is to camp compared to the Twolegplace Florabreeze knows. The one she knew was kind, full bullied and constantly kept comfortable under the secure walls of her Twolegs nest. What was Twolegplace to Kite? “Do you miss it? Or is the forest enough?” There’s a tenderness to her tone, questions like this would be difficult for her to answer so she assumes the same for anyone else.

Citrine eyes glance down to where her collar lays, or where she presumes it would be since she can’t see it over the fluff of her fur, the pressure is there so that means that it hasn’t slipped off. “We’re usually pretty attached to our collars, not all of us though. If I ever… See a spare one around I could bring it?” Wouldn’t that be a sight? Having to drag a collar to camp, she can’t see it going too well. The maine coon wonders how that fight went, clearly Kite didn’t win so Florabreeze wonders what happened to their opponent. The question brings her pause as she moves to slide across a piece of crushed moss in favour for another. Why did she join? The answer was simple.

“To be honest I didn’t join like most of these cats have, I hadn’t heard of SkyClan before and stumbled across a patrol while looking for a friend” what she first presumed to be hostility from that patrol was just well exercised caution, something she had slowly understood over the moons. “I joined because the idea of a community sounded nice, not the best reason admittedly but my reasonings to stay has changed over time” she was a creature of whim and impulse, that had moulded her life as a kit into adulthood and it continued to mould her life as a daylight warrior. “I hope that you end up liking it here, SkyClan can be… difficult at times, and right now it’s not the brightest it’s been but on good days, it shines brighter than Twolegplace. I think you’ll like it here, at least as I said I hope you do.” That ever present smile remains, dulled to a subdued grin. She sets aside that new piece of moss that she crushed to think, scrunching her muzzle in the process. “I’m not sure if it’s a requirement, probably not! I hear these nests are comfortable to sleep on, I’m thinking of this as more of a social exercise than anything else” the confession bubbles out with a laugh.

  • FLORABREEZE 𖧧 She/her, Daylight Warrior of SkyClan, 34 moons (ages on the 12th)
    A large black tabby maine coon with low white and bright green eyes, always wearing her mushroom print collar if she can.
    Mentored by Sorrelsong /Mentoring Jellypaw
    “Speech”, thoughts, attacking
    Penned by Juice ⏐ouijeejuice on discord {open to being dmed for plots}
It did not occur to Kite that Florabreeze did not know much about weaving. It wouldn't matter much to them if they did know. As far as Kite cares, she had given them a pass out of camp and had collected all they would need for a little bit more comfort within the camp. As moss crumpled beneath paws and realized how kind that it was for such a stranger to provide them with comfort. They are kind, it is a thought that seems more truer each moment as the conversation continues.

Tenderness is something Kite is not very familiar with, not for lack of wanting. It is in Florabreeze's voice, urging Kite to share. And so Kite does, "I miss only the rest of my family, but they are not... like me, they do not lie about being proud of their roots. I do." That is all Kite will divulge on that matter. The black tabby dismisses any further questioning with a subtle shrug of a muscular shoulder. Besides, Florabreeze speaks now of collars. As she speaks an inky paw is extended towards Florabreeze's neck and then makes contact with her downy coat, which Kite parts. They do this to peek at her collar as the she-cat entertains the idea of bringing Kite their very own accessory. Kite jests, squinting for a moment upwards before refocusing on the collar, "One may fall from the sky if I am lucky." Kite lightly places her paw onto the collar, blinking wistfully at the pattern before brushing the dark fur back over and removing the paw. It's a clear sign of Kite's limited contact with outsiders besides their siblings, a hint towards the social boundaries they'll continue to push.

Kite feels a fascination, an unfamiliar feeling, as they listen to Florabreeze share their reasons for joining. They do not interrupt but nods along, watching their nest being assembled by a pair of small paws and large ones. "Community. I joined for that too," Kite murmurs when Florabreeze is finished. "I know how to weather tough times... I hope to see the brighter sides of things soon..." Green eyes lift to see her grin, which Kite mimics; but it washes away as soon as it came. It feels strange on her rather plain face, Kite only hopes the sentiment had been caught.

The nest is not rather nice looking, but it'll do... causing Kite to ask that question of if it was a required skill. They had not thought of how daylight warriors would not have nests and they let out a small chortle when Kite is reminded they leave to sleep outside of the elements. "You should stay one night--" Kite's ear flicks in reserved amusement as they realize the nest is plenty big enough for one more, though it may be a tight squeeze with a maine coon besides them. "--and you can see if it's as comfortable as your nest at home? I'm used to sleeping with all my siblings beside me." A lie, Kite sleeps on their own most nights but in a den full of warriors' whom are cold, it is easy to yearn for closeness. A social exercise? Yes, Kite needed some exercising in such a way.

Eyes shut for several heartbeats and then open, directed upon a white splotched face. "I appreciate... you doing this for me. It is sweet." Kite unexpectedly rises to their paws and stares at the nest before stepping in, settling lightly in the center. "How do I look? Do I look like a forest cat?" Kite cocks their head and awaits an answer and then lays down, sprawling in the spacious nest. "It's large... I like it, though there's no way I will... be able to carry it back to camp. I'll trip all over it... or it'll get filthy..."

———————---****KEEP IT ALL INSIDE******———————---
  • black tabby with a slim physique and compact muscles, tags
    38, ages every 21st
    they/them or she/her
    wary to trust
    peaceful powerplay allowed

“I understand that, I'm lucky enough to be able to see my family at night when I return” speaking with Kite aided her in realising how lucky she was in that regard, to have family both in SkyClan and in Twolegplace. “If you want to talk about them, I'd love to hear it” she decides to leave it there, a gentle prod at more information yes but an invitation if they find themself lonely and missing them. She wonders about what she means by that, to lie about being proud of their roots? A curious head tilt speaks volumes where her maw doesn't, it felt like a sore subject.

She chuckles as Kite parts fur to gaze at her collar “I could move it too y'know” she teases in a murmur, truthfully she didn't mind the contact. She was always one to brush up against others so Florabreeze didn't believe it to be her place to point out any social transgressions. “It takes getting used to, you may end up hating it if one did fall from the sky” it's a thoughtful muse, though that's as far as her thoughts go at this moment. There's a hum, to no particular tune, and she only brightens considerably more at Kite's attempt at a grin. Joining for community, it was nice that they were on the same page with that. She hopes that they find it, that despite the caution surrounding the events prior to Kite's joining that the clan would warm up to her. She was trying, the maine coon could see that, maybe she was too trusting in judgement but they didn't seem any different to any other cat who expressed interest.

“Maybe, I'm afraid you're in line of cats who want me to spend the night. I think Cloverkit would scream the camp down if I stayed anywhere but the nursery” she laughs at the thought, with a soft sigh she adds “I will keep that in mind. Nothing is stopping me from just sitting there right now.” The daylight warrior blinks in surprise as Kite “I’m not sure if it helps but the warriors den looks pretty crowded, maybe if you close your eyes it'll feel the same.” As she did when she rebutted other offers to stay the night, she felt guilty, community was what they were after and she didn't want them to think they couldn’t find that in her.

When Kite opens their eyes that same tenderness is in her expression, community, that's what she would try to provide while the rest of the clan warmed up to them. “Of course, I don't mind doing it.” Curious eyes watch the black tabby in curiosity as she pushes themself up to sit in the nest that the pair had just made. “The most foresty cat I've ever seen, you look good” She pushes herself up and sits to be closer to the nest “would you mind if I tried sitting in it?” There's no effort to move or push them out of the way, she figured it would be best to wait for an answer.

Ah, right. The matter of moving it. “We could both try to move it? Two cats are better than one and all that” there's a pause “or we can always dismantle it and rebuild it actually in the den, it would be easier” either option sounds fine to her personally.

  • FLORABREEZE 𖧧 She/her, Daylight Warrior of SkyClan, 34 moons (ages on the 12th)
    A large black tabby maine coon with low white and bright green eyes, always wearing her mushroom print collar if she can.
    Mentored by Sorrelsong /Mentoring Jellypaw
    “Speech”, thoughts, attacking
    Penned by Juice ⏐ouijeejuice on discord {open to being dmed for plots}
Kite's siblings are a topic that causes them to shrink internally. There is no doubt that they would not truly understand their intentions for joining Skyclan. A dark head is only bobbed politely at the offer to discuss their siblings with Florabreeze; maybe, one day, but Kite feels within themself that this could only happen if they can truly trust the she-cat.

There is no negative reaction to the way Kite had touched her without permission, no judging stare or raised brow as Kite is used to seeing in response to their unabashed gestures or lack of distance during conversations. This lack of judgement was not lost on Kite and they felt some ice thawing within themself, ice they have situated like armor over their vulnerabilities. The Twolegplace does not respond well to the way in which Kite operates themself and for the first time, outside of the siblings they're closer to, Kite feels seen. When they removed their paw they instinctively shied away, knowing the consequences that with anyone else could have been bad. Florabreeze's teasing causes an odd feeling to bloom, a warmness in their face that spreads to their short ears that causes Kite to fumble for words, when words are their first line of defense always. Odd. Another quick bob of their head, acknowledging all they must do is ask. Ask, right. Kite can do that.

"Cloverkit?" Kite's ears prick and the flush of their face disappears. Kite suspected that Florabreeze may have kits, they'd made the connection shortly after the tour that the smell they'd found familiar was that of the nursery. "I see... well, I don't desire having your son as an enemy. Or to have... been the cause of a tantrum." Kite shrugs, it's no matter. No feelings are hurt by their offer being declined.

When Kite is sprawled in their new nest, their first as a clan cat, there's a sense of finality. They are still shadowing but despite this there is a feeling that that perhaps they had made the right decision to come here. Kite stares at Florabreeze, maw betraying the slightest smile waiting for an answer to her question-- a reply that flatters them beyond anything. "I do? Look good... and like a Skyclanner?" Kite's voice is breathy and their tail flicks with glee. "Yes. Please... you can sit, or lay." Kite presses to an edge of the nest and pats a paw beside them.

As Florabreeze comes in the nest Kite reflects upon suggestions on how to take the nest back to camp. "Well, you're taller... you can hold on side, keep it off the ground and I can hold the other side. Or balance it atop my head," Kite suggests this with a humor in their faint voice. When Florabreeze comes into their nest the flush returns and they shake their head, as though trying to shake away the unusual feeling. Kite lifts her head and glances at the cat beside themself, ears flitting back as they digest the last hour or so they've spent with Florabreeze. "You're my friend? Is that okay, Florabreeze?" The syllables of her name float from their mouth delicately. They've never had a friend like this, a friend that isn't born into the family or one that became a friend after some sort of intimidation. Kite leans downwards and tucks closer toward the center of the nest, where the warmth of a friend is. They consider for only a second against doing what they do next (it is not often Kite even does this) and nuzzles a shadowy cheek against the dual-toned cheek of Florabreeze.

Kite does not linger there and pulls away after a heartbeat, pressing upwards and hopping out of the nest. As they shake out their fur, Kite mews, "I think we should... return to camp. Before anyone gets concerned... or, or Cloverkit gets jealous."

———————---****KEEP IT ALL INSIDE******———————---
  • black tabby with a slim physique and compact muscles, tags
    38, ages every 21st
    they/them or she/her
    wary to trust
    peaceful powerplay allowed

Unaware at the turmoil that Kite is going through in this moment Florabreeze nods. Then there is a pause, oh right, Kite just joined and wouldn’t just know about the complicated circumstances surrounding her nursery visits. “Oh! Cloverkit isn’t my son, well- not by blood?” She sighs, it’s the first time she’s let herself be less than chipper since meeting Kite, perhaps the first in a while. She is weathered for a moment, confusion clear on her own expression as she speaks “he’s my mates son, I try to help raise ‘em where I can but I uh. I’m not really sure if I should call him my own? I won’t bore you with the details.” That’s where her concern clearly lies, the idea of being seen as boring. This was meant to be a fun outing, talking about her feelings was far from that.

There’s little time to dwell on it, at least for her. She is quick to divert her own attention to the cat here in this moment with her. They smile and she idly thinks that it is rather pretty. Like when you see a rainbow after a slight shower, something unexpected but nothing less than exciting to see. “Of course, you fit right in” of course they do, she was rather free spirited in that regard. Not seeing why anyone would want to guard what being a skyclanner was. There is a blink at the invitation given to join them in the nest but she is delicate in her movements to join them, trying to shuffle around so they aren’t suffocated by a lack of space. It is unfortunately a tight spot, unable to be anywhere but pressed against the black tabby. A quiet purr rumbles from her as she finds the nest to actually be rather comfortable, she still prefers her resting place with her twolegs but she can find the appeal to this easily enough.

“Of course, I’d love to be your friend Kite” the answer is quick, spoken without a second thought like this was the most natural conclusion. Maybe because to her it was, what else would they be? Kite was lovely and in her opinion it was a crime that they had to ask if it was okay for them to be friends. There is a moment where she is lost for words, when the ex-rogue presses their cheek to hers. Just as quickly as it occurs it leaves, along with Kite themself. All she can do is star as they leave the nest “don’t want to steal away another hour of no work?” She finds herself asking with a smirk. If they wanted to leave though, she wouldn’t keep them. Rising from the nest she tilts her head curiously as she still hadn’t decided on what to do regarding this nest. “We can try holding a side each, unless you really want to balance it on your head. I could….” She moves to stand close beside them, pressing her side against the tabbys again “stand like this, maybe? So I could keep a hold of it so it doesn’t fall?”

  • FLORABREEZE 𖧧 She/her, Daylight Warrior of SkyClan, 34 moons (ages on the 12th)
    A large black tabby maine coon with low white and bright green eyes, always wearing her mushroom print collar if she can.
    Mentored by Sorrelsong /Mentoring Jellypaw
    “Speech”, thoughts, attacking
    Penned by Juice ⏐ouijeejuice on discord {open to being dmed for plots}
Kite reacts to the news that Cloverkit is not Florabreeze's biological son with nothing more than an indifferent shrug; but Florabreeze's answer only causes another to surface, one that will go unasked for now: Mate? Kite is intrigued by this development and intends to ask the molly more about this topic at a later time.

Kite's pleased when Florabreeze takes them up on their invitation to come into the nest. They do not mind their dark fur intermingling with hers and felt wholly comforted by Florabreeze's content purr that Kite wishes they could listen to for much longer, to fill the moments where silence is overwhelming. It felt so easy to declare their friendship. The closeness, physically and now through familiarity, egged Kite on and encouraged them to press their cheek to Florabreeze's, it felt so... right. Dark fur pressed into the ivory spotting of Florabreeze's cheek, so close like the pigment of Kite's face would march across and darken Florabreeze's white markings, a part of Kite worn by Florabreeze forever. It was so quick, that sign of trust from Kite... but enough that Kite could live off that touch for many moons if Florabreeze up and decided to shun Kite.

Brows scrunched together, Kite proposes how they could manage to take the nest to camp without to much trouble... ideas that are slightly far off and amusing. Don't want to steal away another hour of no work? Kite lifts their gaze to Florabreeze's smirk, and as they had done before they try to copy it, maw twisting into a tilted, unusual attempt. I want to stay... but oh Florabreeze, I must return.. make myself known in this clan.

Florabreeze is pressed against Kite, frankly without notice, but the touched is welcomed-- that touch of their cheeks would've been enough for them... "This'll work," Kite murmurs about Florabreeze's plan. With the nest humorously being balanced atop Kite's head keeping it balanced, flanks pressed assuredly close, they begin their short procession to camp. "Mm... well maybe you can introduce me to your mate someday... and to your friends? I really ought to get to know everyone... and not just Slate..."

———————---****KEEP IT ALL INSIDE******———————---
  • black tabby with a slim physique and compact muscles, tags
    38, ages every 21st
    they/them or she/her
    wary to trust
    peaceful powerplay allowed